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CLIST variables set by LISTDSI


Table 1 describes the contents of the CLIST variables set by LISTDSI. For VSAM data sets, only the variables &SYSDSNAME, &SYSEATTR, &SYSEADSCB, &SYSVOLUME, &SYSUNIT, and &SYSDSORG are accurate; all other variables are set to question marks.

Table 1. Variables set by LISTDSI
Variable Contents
&SYSDSNAME Data set name
&SYSVOLUME Volume serial ID
&SYSUNIT Generic device type on which volume resides, for example, "3390".
&SYSDSORG Data set organization:
Physical sequential
Physical sequential unmovable
Direct organization
Direct organization unmovable
Indexed sequential
Indexed sequential unmovable
Partitioned organization
Partitioned organization unmovable
Record format; 1- to 6-character combination of the following:
Records of undefined length
Records of fixed length
Records of variable length
Records written with the track overflow feature of the device (no currently supported device supports the track overflow feature)
Records blocked
Records written as standard or spanned variable-length blocks
Records contain ANSI control characters
Records contain machine code control characters
&SYSLRECL Logical record length
&SYSBLKSIZE Block size
&SYSKEYLEN Key length
&SYSALLOC Allocation, in space units
&SYSUSED Allocation used, in space units. For a partitioned data set extended (PDSE) "N/A" will be returned; see the description of the &SYSUSEDPAGES for used space of a PDSE.
&SYSUSEDPAGES The used space of a partitioned data set extended (PDSE) in 4K pages.
&SYSPRIMARY Primary allocation in space units
&SYSSECONDS Secondary allocation in space units
&SYSUNITS Space units:
Space units in cylinders
Space units in tracks
Space units in blocks
Space units are unknown
&SYSEXTENTS Number of extents allocated

Indicates the number of extents used. For a partitioned data set extended (PDSE), this variable returns 'N/A'; see the descriptions of variables SYSUSEDPAGES and SYSUSEDPERCENT for more information about used space of a PDSE.

&SYSCREATE Creation date in Year/day format, for example: 1985/102.
&SYSREFDATE Last referenced date in Year/day format, for example: 2010/107.
Specifying DIRECTORY or SMSINFO may cause the last referenced date to be updated to the current date under the following circumstances:
  • Specifying DIRECTORY causes the date to be updated only if the data set is a PDS and the user running LISTDSI has RACF® READ authority to the data set. In all other cases, including when the data set is a PDSE, DIRECTORY has no effect on this date.
  • Specifying SMSINFO causes the date to be updated only if the data set is a PDSE and the user running LISTDSI has RACF READ authority to the data set. In all other cases, SMSINFO has no effect on this date.
&SYSEXDATE Expiration date in Year/day format, for example: 1995/365.
&SYSPASSWORD Password indication:
No password protection
Password required to read
Password required to write
&SYSRACFA RACF indication:
No RACF protection
Generic profile covers this data set
Discrete profile covers this data set
&SYSUPDATED Backup change indicator:
Data set has been updated since its last backup by DFSMShsm (or its equivalent).
Data set has not been updated since its last backup.
&SYSTRKSCYL Tracks per cylinder for the unit identified in the &SYSUNIT variable
&SYSBLKSTRK Blocks of &SYSBLKSIZE per track for the unit identified in the &SYSUNIT variable. For a PDSE, the value "N/A" is returned because a block of size &SYSBLKSIZE can 'span' a track in a PDSE. The value contained in &SYSUSEDPAGES is a more meaningful measurement of space usage for a PDSE.
&SYSADIRBLK For a partitioned data set (PDS), the number of directory blocks allocated will be returned. For a partitioned data set extended (PDSE), "NO_LIM" will be returned because there is no static allocation for its directory. A value is returned only if DIRECTORY is specified on the LISTDSI statement.
&SYSUDIRBLK For a partitioned data set (PDS), the number of directory blocks used will be returned. For a partitioned data set extended (PDSE), "N/A" will be returned because it is not a static value. A value is returned only if DIRECTORY is specified on the LISTDSI statement.
&SYSMEMBERS Number of members - returned only for partitioned data sets when DIRECTORY is specified
&LASTCC LISTDSI return code
&SYSMSGLVL1 First-level message if an error occurred
&SYSMSGLVL2 Second-level message if an error occurred
&SYSDSSMS Contains information about the type of a data set, provided by DFSMS/MVS.
If the SMS data set type information could not be retrieved, the SYSDSSMS variable contains:
for a sequential data set
for a partitioned data set
for a partitioned data set extended
If the data set is a PDSE and the and the SMSINFO operand was specified on the LISTDSI call and SMS data set type information could be retrieved, the SYSDSSMS variable contains:
for an empty PDSE
for a partitioned data set extended program library
for a partitioned data set extended data library
Note: This detailed data set type information for a PDSE is not returned if the user issuing the LISTDSI call does not have RACF READ authority to the data set.
&SYSDATACLASS(1) The SMS data class name - returned only if SMSINFO is specified on the LISTDSI statement and the data set is managed by SMS.
&SYSSTORCLASS(1) The SMS storage class name - returned only if SMSINFO is specified on the LISTDSI statement and the data set is managed by SMS.
&SYSMGMTCLASS(1) The SMS management class name - returned only if SMSINFO is specified on the LISTDSI statement and the data set is managed by SMS.

Indicates the type of sequential data set:

BASIC - regular sequential data set

LARGE - large sequential data set

EXTENDED - an extended sequential data set

If the data set is not sequential, this variable returns a null string.


Indicates the current status of the EATTR bits in the DSCB that describe the EAS eligibility status of a data set. A data set can reside in the EAS only when it is EAS-eligible.

Default blank indicates that the EATTR bits are ‘00’b. The defaults for EAS eligibility apply:
  • VSAM data sets are EAS-eligible, and can have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs).
  • Non-VSAM data sets are not EAS-eligible, and cannot have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs).
Indicates that ‘01’b is specified for the EATTR bits. The data set is not EAS-eligible, and cannot have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs).
Indicates that ‘10’b is specified for the EATTR bits. The data set is ESA-eligible, and can have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs).

Indicates whether the data set has extended attributes:

The data set has extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs) and can reside in the EAS.
The data set does not have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs) and can not reside in the EAS.

Indicates number of pages allocated to a PDSE.


Indicates percentage of pages used out of pages allocated for a PDSE. This is a number from 0 to 100, rounded down to the nearest integer value.


Indicates a number from 1 to 59 as tape is not supported but will always return 1 if a volume is specified, instead of trying LOCATE all volumes for the data set.


Indicates up to 412 characters with a list of volumes separated by spaces where the first six characters will always match SYSVOLUME and each volume name takes up six spaces padded with blanks to help simplify parsing. If a volume is specified on the LISTDSI call, just that volume name is returned.


Indicates the time a data set was created in the format hh:mm:ss where hh is hours since midnight, mm is minutes since midnight, and ss is seconds since midnight. This variable is only set for EAV data sets and can be used together with the SYSCREATE variable to determine the date and time when a data set was created.


Indicates the name of the job step that created the data set.


Indicates the name of the job that created the data set.

Note: For data sets not managed by SMS, these variables return a null string.

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