z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference
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Return codes

z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference

Table 1 shows the return codes for the IRXEXEC routine. IRXEXEC returns the return code in register 15. If you specify the return code parameter (parameter 10), IRXEXEC also returns the return code in the parameter.

Table 1. IRXEXEC return codes
Return code Description
0 Processing was successful. The exec has completed processing.

If the exec returns a result, the result may or may not fit into the evaluation block. You must check the length field (EVLEN).

On the call to IRXEXEC, you can set bit 3 in parameter 3 of the parameter list to indicate how IRXEXEC should handle information about syntax errors. If IRXEXEC returns with return code 0 and bit 3 is on, the language processor did not detect a syntax error. In this case, the value IRXEXEC returns in the EVDATA field of the evaluation block is the value the exec returned.

If IRXEXEC returns with return code 0 and bit 3 is off, the language processor may or may not have detected a syntax error. If IRXEXEC returns a value of 20001–20099 in the evaluation block, you cannot determine whether the value represents a syntax error or the value was returned by the exec.

For more information, see How IRXEXEC returns information about syntax errors.

20 Processing was not successful. An error occurred. The exec has not been processed. The system issues an error message that describes the error.
32 Processing was not successful. The parameter list is not valid. The parameter list contains either too few or too many parameters, or the high-order bit of the last address in the parameter list is not set to 1 to indicate the end of the parameter list.
36 Processing was not successful. Either:
  • A CPPL was passed (parm5) with an ECT address of 0, or
  • Both an environment block address and a CPPL were passed to IRXEXEC, but the ECT associated with the passed environment block does not match the ECT whose address was passed in the CPPL.

For information about how an ECT is associated with a REXX environment, see the description of parameter 10 passed to IRXINIT during REXX environment initialization in Table 1.

100 Processing was not successful. A system abend occurred during IRXEXEC processing.

The system issues one or more messages that describe the abend. In addition, register 0 contains the abend code and the abend reason code. The abend code is returned in the two low-order bytes of register 0. The abend reason code is returned in the high-order two bytes of register 0. If the abend reason code is greater than two bytes, only the two low-order bytes of the abend reason code are returned. See z/OS MVS System Codes for information about the abend codes and reason codes.

104 Processing was not successful. A user abend occurred during IRXEXEC processing.

The system issues one or more messages that describe the abend. In addition, register 0 contains the abend code and the abend reason code. The abend code is returned in the two low-order bytes of register 0. The abend reason code is returned in the two high-order bytes of register 0. If the abend reason code is greater than two bytes, only the two low-order bytes of the abend reason code are returned. See z/OS MVS System Codes for information about the abend codes and reason codes.

20001–20099 Processing was successful. The exec completed processing, but the language processor detected a syntax error. The return code that IRXEXEC returns in register 15 is the value 20000 plus the REXX error number. The REXX error numbers are from 1 to 99 and correspond to the REXX message numbers. For example, error 26 corresponds to the REXX message IRX0026I. The REXX error messages are described in z/OS TSO/E Messages.

IRXEXEC returns a return code of 20001–20099 only if bit 3 in parameter 3 is set on when you call IRXEXEC. IRXEXEC also returns the same 200xx value in the EVDATA field of the evaluation block.

For more information about syntax errors, see How IRXEXEC returns information about syntax errors.

The language processor environment is the environment in which the exec runs. If IRXEXEC cannot locate an environment in which to process the exec, an environment is automatically initialized. If an environment was being initialized and an error occurred during the initialization process, IRXEXEC returns with return code 20, but an error message is not issued.

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