z/OS MVS Programming: Resource Recovery
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Working with UR information

z/OS MVS Programming: Resource Recovery

When you request UR information from the main selection panel, you see the scrollable panel shown in Figure 1.

The scrollable panel allows you to create a profile defining one or more URs you would like to see information about. You can view URs
  • in one or more specific states;
  • on specific systems or logging groups in a sysplex;
  • with interests in specific resource managers or work managers; and,
  • based on when they were created, or how long they have been in some state.
Note: You can specify wildcard characters in the specification of system names, logging group names, resource manager names, and work manager names to display: * for zero or more characters, and ? for any single character.
You can exclude URs that
  • are not deferred;
  • require restart processing;
  • have been read from the restart log;
  • cascaded URs in a cascaded UR family;
  • are in local transaction mode;
  • are in global transaction mode (both global transaction mode and hybrid-global transaction mode);
  • are managed by RRS; or,
  • are managed by some other work manager.
You can sort URs in a variety of ways. They can be presented in ascending or descending order, based on these criteria that you can assign sort priority:
  • Work Manager Name;
  • UR Identifier;
  • Creation Time;
  • UR State;
  • Logical Unit of Work ID (LUWID);
  • Enterprise ID (EID);
  • X/Open ID (XID);
  • Logging Group Name;
  • System Name; and,
  • Sysplex UR identifier (SURID).
You can also quickly store or retrieve a specific UR profile. Enter save to store the current profile. Enter get to retrieve a profile. See Working with UR selection profiles for more information about working with UR selection profiles.
Figure 1. Unit of Recovery Selection (ATRFPURS)
                           RRS Unit of Recovery Selection
   Command ===> ________________________________________________________________

   Commands: save-Save Profile  get-Get Profile  ENTER-Query

   Profile Name  . .  ________ Profile Data Set HLQ . . ________

   UR and Work Identifier Criteria====================
   URID pattern . . ________________________________

   SURID pattern

   LUWID pattern (netid.luname,instnum,seqnum)

   TID  . . . . ____________  (from 1 to 4294967295 in decimal)
   Low TID  . . ____________  High TID . . ____________

   GTID Pattern
   00-0F  ____________________________________________________________
   10-1F  ____________________________________________________________
   20-27  ____________________________________________________________

 Format ID    ____________  (from 1 to 4294967295 in decimal)

 GTRID Pattern
 00-0F  ___________________________________
 10-1F  ___________________________________
 20-2F  ___________________________________
 30-3F  ___________________________________
 40-4F  ___________________________________
 50-5F  ___________________________________
 60-6F  ___________________________________
 70-7F  ___________________________________

 BQUAL Pattern
 00-0F  ___________________________________
 10-1F  ___________________________________
 20-2F  ___________________________________
 30-3F  ___________________________________
 40-4F  ___________________________________
 50-5F  ___________________________________
 60-6F  ___________________________________
 70-7F  ___________________________________

   UR Type/State Criteria=============================
   UR type:              UR State:   ('/' - select one or more)
   __  1.  all           _  all                     _  In_Commit
       2.  unprotected   _  In_Flight               _  In_Backout
       3.  protected     _  In_State_Check          _  In_End
                         _  In_Prepare              _  In_Completion
                         _  In_Doubt                _  In_Forget

   System Criteria==========================
   System name . . . . . . . ________
   Logging Group . . . . . . ________

   If left blank, system name and logging group will default to the current
   system's name and group.

   Resource Manager Criteria==========================
   Resource Manager Name . . ________________________________
   Work Manager Name . . . . ________________________________
   Time-related Criteria==============================
   Time Format . . . . .  . . GMT__               (Local|GMT)
   UR created after time  . . ________            (hh:mm:ss)
   UR created after date  . . __________          (yyyy/mm/dd)
   UR created before time . . ________            (hh:mm:ss)
   UR created before date . . __________          (yyyy/mm/dd)
   Min Time in State  . . . . _____________       (hh:mm:ss.ssss)

   Exclusion Criteria=================================
   _  Interests which are not deferred
   _  Restart Required Interests
   _  UR was read from Restart Log
   _  Cascaded URs in a cascaded UR family
   _  UR with Local Transaction Mode
   _  UR with Global/Hybrid Transaction Mode
   _  UR is currently managed by RRS
   _  UR is currently managed by some other work manager

   Sort Criteria======================================
   Order:1-9   Option: a-ascending d-descending
   Order   Opt Key
     _      _  Work Manager Name
     _      _  UR Identifier
     _      _  Creation Time
     _      _  UR State
     _      _  Logical Unit Work ID (LUWID)
     _      _  Enterprise ID (EID)
     _      _  X/Open ID (XID)
     _      _  Logging Group Name
     _      _  System Name
     _      _  Sysplex UR Identifier
Note: The "Time Format" defaults to the value entered on the "RRS Global Panel Options" panel. See Figure 1.

Because there might be a large number of URs, use this panel to define the URs you want to see. If you have specific information about the UR, such as its identifier, you can specify it here. Otherwise, leave the UR identifier blank but use UR type and/or UR state choices to define a subset of the possible URs. Checking for URs that are In_Doubt, for example, might be an early step in troubleshooting an application that you think might be hung because of a resource recovery problem.

When you have defined your selection, press Enter. The information you requested appears in the format shown in Figure 2.
Note: If some of your requests fail, you may receive error message ATR510I. If so, press PF5 (LISTERR) to view the error information on the panel shown in Figure 2.
                               RRS ATRQUERY RC Table
   Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> ____

   Commands: s-View Error Message

   Press EXIT to return to the previous panel.

   S   System   Logging Group QueryRC  QueryRSN   SrvID    SrvRC    SrvRSN
   _   ________ ________      ________ ________ ________ ________ ________


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