213-rc,mod,jjj,sss, ddname[-#],dev,volser,dsname(member)


An error occurred during the processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This is probably a user error.

In the message text:
Associates this message with system completion code 213 and with the return code.
The name of the module in which the error was detected.
The job name.
The step name.
The data definition (DD) name, followed by a concatenation number (#) if the DD statement is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.
The device number.
The volume serial number.
The data set name. Member name if specified. If the value of dsname in the message is …PATH=.SPECIFIED…, the problem was with a z/OS® UNIX file.
Explanations of the hexadecimal return codes follow.
Return Code
One of the following:
  • An I/O error occurred in reading the format-1 data set control block (DSCB). Refer to the information in the accompanying message IOS000I to determine the cause of the I/O error.
  • The format-1 DSCB for the data set could not be found on the first volume (the volume indexed by the volume sequence number) specified by the DD statement or the catalog. For this case, make sure that the DSNAME and VOLUME parameters in the DD statement or in the catalog are correct.
  • The data set name in the JFCB passed to OPEN has been incorrectly modified.
  • The volume serial number of the data set name supplied in the JFCB passed to OPEN was not available to the job because it was being used by some other job. (It's possible that the volume serial number in the JFCB of either this job or the other job which is already using the volume, has been incorrectly modified.) Either the data set was being opened for INPUT and some other job had exclusive control of the data set (either referenced the data set in a DD control statement with DISP of OLD or MOD, or issued an OPEN TYPE=J macro instruction with processing option INOUT, OUTIN, OUTPUT, OUTINX, EXTEND, or UPDATE), or the data set was being opened for an option other than INPUT (INOUT, OUTIN, OUTPUT, or UPDATE: requiring exclusive control of the data set) and some other job was using the data set (either referenced the data set in a DD control statement, or issued an OPEN TYPE=J macro instruction).
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a password-protected data set, but the system was unable to locate the PASSWORD data set. Make sure that the PASSWORD data set exists on the system residence volume. If this data set does not exist, build it and run the job step again.
An I/O error occurred in reading a format-1 DSCB for a direct-sequential or indexed-sequential data set, or the format-1 DSCB could not be found on the volume specified by the DD statement for a direct-sequential or indexed-sequential data set. Ensure that the DSNAME and VOLUME parameters in the DD statement are correct.
OPEN failed because the data set type was large format sequential, but the access method was not QSAM, BSAM or EXCP or the DCB did not specify DSORG=PS.
OPEN failed because the data set type was large format sequential, but the application program could not access the whole data set on the volume. Both of the following are true:
  • The access method is either EXCP being opened for UPDAT or output processing or the access method is BSAM with the NOTE or POINT function requested and is being opened for output processing.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE is not specified on the DCBE.
OPEN failed because the data set type was large format sequential but the application program could not access the whole data set on the volume. All of the following are true:
  • The access method is EXCP, BSAM or QSAM being opened for UPDAT or output processing.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE is not specified on the DCBE.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE(REQUIRE) is specified in PARMLIB member IGDSMSxx.
OPEN failed because the data set type was large format sequential, but the application program could not access the whole data set on the volume. All of the following are true:
  • The access method is either EXCP or it is BSAM with the NOTE or POINT function requested
  • The DCB is being opened for input processing.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE is not specified on the DCBE.
  • The data set has more than 65535 tracks allocated on the volume.
OPEN failed because the data set type was large format sequential, but the application program could not access the whole data set on the volume. All of the following are true:
  • The access method is EXCP, BSAM or QSAM being opened for input processing.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE is not specified on the DCBE.
  • The data set has more than 65535 tracks allocated on the volume.
  • BLOCKTOKENSIZE(REQUIRE) is specified in PARMLIB member IGDSMSxx.
An I/O error occurred in writing back a format-1 DSCB.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for an ISAM data set, and failed because ISAM is no longer supported. For OPEN to succeed, the data set must be converted to VSAM.
During an open, a volume contained more than 16 extents of the indicated data set.
During an open, a volume of the indicated data set had a type of split cylinder allocation that is not supported under the operating system.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a demountable direct-access data set, UNIT=SYSDA, but the unit already contained 127 users, the maximum number. This should never occur for any currently supported direct-access devices.
The DFSMShsm format-1 DSCB-not-found module encountered an error.
An attempt was made to open a partitioned data set (PDS) for OUTPUT,DISP=SHR. The PDS is already open in this condition, and a DCB is already open for output to the data set. The data set might be on the same system or on another system that is sharing the volume. Access was not serialized before the attempt to open the data set.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a compressed-format data set created with tailored compression on a system that does not support accessing such a data set.
An OPEN macro instruction was for a partitioned data set extended (PDSE) and one of the following conditions was not satisfied:
  • A DCB key length of zero is required if output operations are to be performed on a PDSE or extended-format data set.
  • A key length of zero or eight is required if input operations are to be performed on the directory of a PDSE.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with a RECFM value that specified a format different from that specified by the format-1 DSCB, and the data set was a PDSE or compressed data set.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a PDSE with a DCB specification indicating MACRF=(E). MACRF=(E), EXCP, is not supported for PDSEs.
The program issued an OPEN macro to extend a UNIX file, but the DCB record format is FB and the file length is not a multiple of the record length (LRECL). Either the OPEN option was EXTEND or OUTINX, or DISP=MOD was coded with an OPEN option of OUTPUT or OUTIN.
OPEN detected a bad return from the extended cache attribute facility.
OPEN was issued for output against a PDSE and the DCB indicated a DSORG of PS, but no member was specified.
OPEN detected an error return code from an SMS service while processing a PDSE.
An attempt was made to change the DSORG value in the Format1 DSCB for an SMS-managed data set either from PS to PSU or from PO to POU. Unmovable data sets are not supported on SMS-managed volumes.
OPEN detected an error return code from the resident convert routine while processing a PDSE.
An incorrect OPEN option was specified for a PDSE.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a PDSE with RECFM = FB(S) and LRECL = 0.
An OPEN macro instruction issued for a PDSE requested a QSAM update, but locate mode was not specified in MACRF.
OPEN detected a cross-system share conflict for the PDSE.
OPEN detected a member share option conflict for the PDSE.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued against a PDSE; however, the primary space amount was zero.
An OPEN macro instruction for output was issued against a PDSE, but a DFSMSdss dump (or equivalent function) was in progress.
OPEN detected a bad return code from the SETLOCK macro instruction while attempting to get or release the local lock around a branch entry GETMAIN. The data set is a PDSE or extended-format data set.
An OPEN macro instruction was attempted for a path, using a DCB, but the system does not support the combination of access method and OPEN macro option. With BSAM and QSAM, OPEN supports any options except RDBACK and UPDAT. With BPAM, the system supports only the INPUT option of OPEN.
An OPEN macro instruction was attempted for an HFS data set, using a DCB. You cannot use BSAM or QSAM OPEN to open a data set with DSNTYPE=HFS.
An OPEN was attempted for a PDSE data set while a restore operation was in progress.
An OPEN macro instruction was attempted against an extended-format data set, but the DSORG value is not PS.
An OPEN was issued for an extended-format data set that consists of more than one stripe, but the volumes specified were not in the correct ascending sequence.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with a DCB that pointed to a data control block extension (DCBE) that had a nonzero DCB pointer. The DCB address in the DCBE must be zero before OPEN is issued.
OPEN detected a bad return code from TRKCALC while processing an extended-format data set.
OPEN detected a bad return code from a system service used in calculating the high-allocated relative byte number (RBN) of an extended-format data set.
OPEN detected that the stripes of an extended-format data set were not consistent.
OPEN detected that the last volume indicator in the volume label of one of the stripes of an extended-format data set was set incorrectly.
OPEN detected that the last volume indicator was not set in the last stripe of an extended-format data set.
OPEN detected that the volume sequence number in the volume label of one of the stripes of an extended-format data set was incorrect.
An OPEN was attempted against an extended-format data set with a DCB that specified EXCP. EXCP is not supported for extended-format data sets.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued; however, the DCB specified BDAM and OPTCD=A, which is invalid.
An OPEN macro instruction was attempted against an extended-format data set; however, one or more of the stripes did not satisfy the hardware requirements of an extended-format data set.
An OPEN was issued for an extended-format data set, which is not supported on this level of the system.
An attempt was made to open a compressed data set for update. The update option is not supported for compressed data sets.
The compressed indicator is on in the DSCB, but the extended format-indicator is off.
OPEN encountered an error attempting to access the catalog while processing a data set in the compressed format.
OPEN was unable to calculate a physical block size for a data set in the compressed format.
OPEN detected that no physical block size was found in the catalog for a compressed-format data set.
Error return code from compression services OPEN.
A null dictionary token was found in a catalog for a compressed-format data set open for input, and the data set is not empty.
During open processing, an error was encountered in reading a tailored dictionary from a compressed-format data set.
During open processing, an invalid dictionary token for a tailored compressed-format data set was encountered.
OPEN encountered an I/O error while attempting to read in the last block of a compressed-format data set.
During open processing, an invalid tailored dictionary was found within a compressed-format data set.
During open processing, an error was encountered from compression services in validating a tailored dictionary for a compressed-format data set.
During open processing, an error was returned from the routine responsible for processing the tailored dictionary of a compressed-format data set (the IGG019VT routine).
During open processing, a physical sequential data set was found within a partitioned concatenation.
During open processing for an extended format data set with tailored compression, a volume sequence number other than 1 was found on the format-1 DSCB on the first volume. The DSCB might be incorrectly modified, or a volume is missing or out of sequence causing the data set to be defective.
An error occurred in reading the format-1 DSCB on one of the volumes of an extended-format data set during the calculation of the size of the data set because GETSIZE=YES was coded in the DCBE macro.
An error occurred in reading a DSCB on one of the volumes of a compressed-format data set during the calculation of the size of the data set because GETSIZE=YES was coded in the DCBE macro.
The OPEN function for BSAM or QSAM access to a UNIX file found that the file type is not supported. For example, BSAM and QSAM do not support an external link.
The OPEN function for BSAM or QSAM access to a UNIX file found that the file does not exist.
An attempt was made to open a physical sequential data set for output with DISP=SHR when the data set was already opened for output processing and enhanced data integrity MODE(ENFORCE) was active.
Start of changeFEEnd of change
Start of changeDuring open processing for an extended format sequential data set with zEDC compression, an unexpected error was received from the zEDC rendezvous service.End of change
Start of changeFFEnd of change
Start of changeDuring open processing for an extended format sequential data set with zEDC compression, an unexpected error was received from module (IGG019VS) responsible for initializing task level control blocks to be used for zEDC compression processing. End of change

System action

The system ends the task, unless the DCB ABEND exit routine specifies that the error is to be ignored. For return code 30, DFSMSdfp also issues message IEC813I.

Operator response

Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Enter the following reply to message AHL100A:
In the DD statement for the data set in error, specify these values:

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job.

Programmer response

Correct any user error that caused the abnormal end of the task, as indicated by the return code in the message text. Rerun the job.

Return code 04 indicates a probable user error. If an OPEN TYPE=J macro instruction is issued to a data set not referenced in a DD JCL statement, the normal procedures for data set protection are not performed with the JOB is initiated, but must be performed at open time when no recovery is possible. The issuer of such an OPEN TYPE=J must ensure that no other JOB is processing the data set in a manner which is in conflict with the processing requested by the OPEN macro instruction. This can best be accomplished by not using the OPEN TYPE=J macro instruction to open to a data set which is not already referenced in a DD control statement, and not opening with a processing option of INOUT, OUTIN, OUTPUT, OUTINX, EXTEND or UPDAT unless the DD control statement indicates DISP=OLD OR DISP=MOD. Ensure that the JFCB has not been incorrectly modified.

For return code 10, (a) update the DSORG to be PS or (b) update the access method to be either EXCP, BSAM or QSAM.

For return code 14, (a) update the DCB to point to a DCBE macro with BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE and if necessary modify the program to handle large format data sets as described in z/OS Using Data Sets, or (b) if the data set contains 65535 or fewer tracks, ensure the OPEN option is INPUT (with BSAM or EXCP) or UPDAT (with BSAM).

For return code 15, (a) update the DCB to point to a DCBE macro with BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE or (b) if the data set contains 65535 or more tracks, ensure the OPEN option is OUTPUT, OUTIN, OUTINX, INOUT or EXTEND (with any access method) or UPDAT (with BSAM or QSAM).

For return code 16, (a) update the DCB to point to a DCBE macro with BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE or (b) if the data set contains 65535 or more tracks, ensure the OPEN option is INPUT (with BSAM or EXCP) or UPDAT (with BSAM).

For return code 17, (a) update the DCB to point to a DCBE macro with BLOCKTOKENSIZE=LARGE or (b) if the data set contains 65535 or more tracks, ensure the OPEN option is INPUT (with any access method) or UPDAT (with BSAM or QSAM).

For return code 2C, contact the IBM Support Center.

For return code 30, see message IEC813I to determine who owns the PDS resource that is preventing this open from being successful.

For return code 38, set the key length to zero if output operations are to be performed, or set the key length to zero or eight if input of the directory is to be attempted. Rerun the job. Optionally, you can rerun the job with no changes if allocation of the PDSE is changed to the allocation of a PDS.

For return code 3C, you can change the record format so that the blocked attribute can be removed or added. A fixed data set, however, cannot be accessed as variable, and a variable data set cannot be accessed as fixed. Rerun the job after changing the DCB to utilize the record format consistent with the DSCB.

For return code 44, change the file name, the file length, or the record format.

For return codes 48, 50, and 60, contact the system programmer.

For return code 4C, output to a PDSE directory is not allowed. If you attempt to write to the PDSE, either specify a member name or specify DSORG = PO. If you attempt to access the directory, open it for input.

For return code 64, verify that the DCB does not specify an option that is not allowed for a new library, such as RDBACK.

For return code 68, verify that the DCB specifies a correct LRECL if RECFM = FB is specified.

For return code 6C, QSAM update can be used only with locate mode. Modify the DCB to specify locate mode in MACRF.

For return code 70, ensure that share restrictions are not violated for a PDSE accessed by multiple computer processor complexes (CPCs).

For return code 74, ensure that the PDSE member is not being opened for update-in-place (UPDAT).

Contact the system programmer for the following return codes: D0, D4, D8, DC, E0, and E4.

For return code E9, DSORG=PO is specified in the DCB, but one or more of the concatenated data sets are not PDSs or PDSEs. BPAM concatenation requires that all the concatenated data sets be PDSs or PDSEs. Correct the error and rerun the job. In this case, the message displays the concatenation number and the data set name for the first data set in the concatenation, and, therefore, does not identify the data set in error.

For return code F8, choose a different file.

For return code FC, change the file name or create the file.

For return code FD, opening a PS data set for output while it is already open for output is not allowed by the enhanced data integrity function. Correct the application, have the system programmer add this data set name to the exclude list in the PARMLIB member IFGPSEDI, or bypass enhanced data integrity processing by setting the DCBEEXPS bit on in the DCBE or by specifying the "bypass data set integrity" option in the program properties table or the dynamic allocations options. For information about specifying the "bypass data set integrity" option, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

For return code EA, run the IEHLIST utility with LISTVTOC FORMAT for the data set on each of the data set volumes. The volume sequence number, which is returned in the 'SEQNO' column, must be 1 for the first data set on the first volume. Subsequent volume sequence numbers must be greater by one and in ascending sequence. If the volume sequence numbers are correct check the catalog to verify that the volumes are cataloged in the correct order.

Problem determination

Not applicable





Routing code


Descriptor code