ARC return codes and reason codes

The tables below contain error return codes and reason codes from DFSMShsm.

Table 1. Return Codes for RECALL/RECOVER Functions for ARC11nnI Error Messages
Retcode Meaning
1 Error reading a control data set record.
2 The data set is not backed up or migrated.
3 The MVT or MCV record is not found for the migration volume.
4 No primary volume is available for RECALL.
5 Volume setup list does not include the volume requested.
6 Error in allocating the output data set.
7 Error renaming the primary copy of the data set.
8 Error in cataloging or recataloging the recovered data set.
9 Error in updating the MCB or MCD records.
10 Delete failed due to a JES3 setup expiration data or a data set expiration date.
11 Premature end-of-file.
12 I/O error in reading the input data set.
13 I/O writing primary copy data set.
14 Catalog locate error.
15 Delete failed due to specification of cluster or component name, migration copy name.
16 Data set in use.
17 Error in reading the JFCB.
19 Error in updating the data set VTOC entry.
20 Unsupported device type.
21 The requested volume is unavailable.
22 A failed password check.
23 Alter NEWNAME request failed.
24 Not enough space on the target volume.
25 Bad values returned from the RECALL installation-wide exit.
26 Undirected recall after prior recall installation-wide exit failed.
28 BACKUP/DUMP copy does not exist.
29 NEWNAME data set exists on target volume.
31 Operator cancelled the mount for input volume.
33 The old copy exists but REPLACE was not specified.
34 Error in scratching the old copy of the data set.
35 Error in opening the input data set.
36 Error in opening the output data set.
37 Invalid unit type specified.
38 I/O error reading from a backup version or migration copy data set.
39 Authorization failed.
40 RECOVERY function is disabled.
41 Error during cleanup of VSAM during recall.
42 "A" entries for the VSAM sphere were not cataloged.
43 Error retrieving catalog information during RECOVER.
45 The data set is migrated or the target volume is a migrated volume.
46 OBTAIN failed for data set VTOC entry.
47 Partitioned data set has more than 1 NOTE list.
49 Device type and data set are incompatible.
50 There are no units available for mount.
51 Another DFSMShsm process is using this data set.
52 There is a GETMAIN or FREEMAIN error.
53 MSS is inactive.
54 Error in installation-wide exit.
55 Error during IDCAMS IMPORT of VSAM data set.
56 Catalog locate error.
57 Cannot recover with the new name.
58 Recovery failed due to data integrity problem.
59 Delete of the existing VSAM failed.
60 Error in establishing the ESTAE environment.
62 DFSMSdss not at sufficient level.
63 Volume deallocation error.
64 Volume allocation error.
66 Data set RESTORE from dump volume failed.
67 Data set referenced after start of RECOVER command processing with the APPLYINCREMENTAL parameter.
68 Error in positioning to input data set.
69 An error occurred in DSS. See DSS messages and message ARC1169I.
70 Error while processing an SMS-managed data set.
71 User not authorized to recover an OS CVOL.
72 SMS-related error while selecting a target volume.
73 VSAM component specified for recovery.
74 The request function was held.
75 RECALL of a data set was changed to NOWAIT.
80 The tape migration volume is in use by recycle.
81 Error in allocating the tape data set.
82 The tape volume is in use by migration.
86 A shutdown was encountered during OPEN.
88 RESTORE of a data set failed.
90 Cluster can be recalled but not deleted.
91 Error uncataloging data set.
92 DFSMShsm is shutting down.
95 Tape unavailable or unable to be mounted.
97 There was an internal error during allocation.
99 VBS data set RECOVER/RECALL attempted to incompatible device.
Table 2. Return Codes for MIGRATION Functions for ARC12nnI Error Messages
Retcode Meaning
2 Catalog locate error during migration.
3 Obtain error in reading data set VTOC entry.
5 No migration volume available.
6 The data set is already migrated, or duplicate data set name in MCDS.
7 OBTAIN error on data set extension VTOC entry.
8 Error in allocating the output data set.
9 Unique migration name is not created. I/O cannot migrate VSAM data set with outstanding migration control record.
10 Cannot migrate VSAM data sets with outstanding migration control record.
11 Error in creating or updating the MCDS record.
13 Error in cataloging the data set from the source volume to migrate.
14 Error in scratching the data set from the source volume during migration.
15 More than one note list in PDS, target volume is DASD.
16 An I/O error in reading of a data set.
17 An I/O error in reading input of a directory of a PDS.
18 An I/O error in writing the output data.
19 Data set is in use by another job or user, migration rejected.
20 Data set not eligible for migration.
21 Missing or unsupported device type for space management.
22 Error processing password-protected data set.
23 The input volume is not mounted.
24 Data set not available for migration.
25 Error in reading the CDS record during migration.
26 CDS control interval is in use.
27 Data set has no extents.
30 Data set not cataloged.
32 Volume not eligible for command space management.
33 Data set not on Level 1 or Level 2.
34 Level 2 not defined for migration.
35 Error in opening the input data set.
36 Error in opening the output data set.
37 No space on the migration volume.
38 Password protected data set is not allowed on a non-password protected tape.
39 A RACF® check failed to obtain ERASE status.
42 Error reading JFCB.
44 VTOC error during data set allocation on target volume.
45 The data set is not eligible for migration.
46 Offline control data set not found.
47 Tape label error.
48 Data set exceeds 254 tape limitation.
49 Failure attempting to remove RACF protection from tape migration volume.
50 No units are available to mount a migration volume.
51 The data set is in use by another DFSMShsm function, migration rejected.
52 GETMAIN or FREEMAIN error, migration terminated.
54 Abnormal end in the tape data set installation-wide exit.
55 Error in EXPORT during VSAM data set migration.
56 Invalid data set name when reading VTOC.
57 An I/O error in updating DSCB.
58 Migration failed for data set.
59 DBA/DBU failed ...error deleting data set.
60 Failure to establish an ESTAE environment during migration.
61 Error during internal ADDVOL of tape migration volume.
62 CDS record is in use by another processing unit.
64 Failure in closing the input data set.
65 Error closing output data set.
66 Specified I/O volume not available for Space Management.
67 Error obtaining block ID.
69 SYNCDEV error.
70 Error while processing an SMS-managed data set.
72 SMS-related error allocating a target volume.
74 Migration requested, but HOLD MIGRATION was in effect.
80 Data set is in need of BACKUP.
81 Error allocating tape volume.
82 Migration of data from a tape volume is not supported.
83 Cannot move VTOC COPY data set.
84 CONVERT option in a Direct-to-Tape environment is not allowed.
85 VSAM data set is migrated to tape; not TTOC entry exists.
86 DFSMShsm shutdown occurred while waiting for a tape mount.
92 Termination of DFSMShsm MIGRATION WAIT request.
94 Unable to open VTOC.
95 Tape volume could not be mounted.
96 Error in reading JFCB to update VTOC.
97 An internal DFSMShsm error during allocation of a source data set.
99 Unsupported data set organization.
Table 3. Return Codes for BACKUP Functions for ARC13nnI Error Messages
Retcode Meaning
2 A catalog locate error.
3 OBTAIN error reading data set VTOC entry.
4 Required migration volume not available.
5 No volume available for backup.
6 An error occurred reading JFCB for the VTOC copy data set.
7 OBTAIN error in reading data set extension VTOC entry.
8 Error in allocating target backup version of DASD backup volumes.
9 Failed to generate a unique backup version name.
11 Error in creating or updating the backup control data set record.
12 Failure to create BCDS MCM record.
15 A partitioned data set cannot be backed up with more than one note list in the member.
16 I/O error in reading or opening the source data set.
17 I/O error in reading the PDS directory.
18 I/O error writing the backup copy.
19 Error in allocating a backup version on source volume because the backup version is in use.
20 Data set not eligible for backup.
21 Missing or unsupported device type requested.
22 Error processing password-protected data set.
23 Error in allocating a backup version on source volume because the volume cannot be mounted.
24 Error in reading or updating a record in the MCDS.
25 Error in reading the MCB record backup.
28 No alias name in the master catalog for the data set high level qualifier, and the data set is not cataloged in the master catalog.
30 Data set not cataloged, and the volume was not specified.
32 Request for an uncataloged data set failed. Only a cataloged data set was found on the specified volume.
33 Cannot backup an ML2 data set.
34 Backup version not created.
35 Error in opening the input data set.
36 Error in opening the output data set.
37 Out of space on target DASD daily backup volume.
38 Attempt to place a backup version of a password-protected data set on a non-password-protected tape backup volume in a tape security environment that is not expiration-include RACF-INCLUDE.
39 Attempt to create backup profile for a RACF-indicated data set failed, or RACF check failed to obtain an erase status of a backup version.
40 Backup or dump function is disabled.
41 Wrong DSCB found when module attempted to turn off the data-set-update bit and reset the date last referenced.
42 Error in reading the job file control block.
43 Error in updating data set VTOC entry.
44 Tape volume cannot be added for BACKUP; volume already contains valid DFSMShsm data.
45 Error deleting a DFSMShsm CDS record.
46 No offline CDS found.
47 Tape end-of-volume error.
48 Backup version of data set exceeds maximum number of allowable tape volumes.
49 Failure while attempting to remove RACF protection from a backup tape volume.
50 Error in allocating a backup version on a source volume because no units are available to mount the volume.
51 Data set is in use by another DFSMShsm function.
53 ENQ failed on VSAM open resource.
54 Error in moving a backup version to a tape backup volume due to an abnormal end in the tape data set exit.
55 An export I/O error.
56 VSAM backup failed.
57 Failed to obtain a catalog password.
60 Error in establishing an ESTAE environment.
61 Internal ADDVOL failed.
63 Volume deallocation error.
64 Error closing input data set.
65 Error in closing the out data set during backup.
66 Data set has a retired version.
67 Error obtaining block ID.
69 SYNCDEV error.
70 Error while processing an SMS-managed data set.
71 User not authorized to backup OS CVOL.
72 SMS-related error obtaining an MVT entry.
74 Data set, volume backup, or volume dump was requested, but HOLD BACKUP was in effect.
80 The backup control data set record is not found.
84 Failure during BACKVOL DUMP processing (ARCDRDSS).
92 DFSMShsm is shutting down.
96 Failure during BACKVOL DUMP processing (ARCDVOL).
97 An internal DFSMShsm allocation error.
99 Unsupported data set organization.
Table 4. Return Codes for ARC0570I Error Messages
Retcode Meaning
1 SMS is not installed.
2 SMS lock token not retrieved.
3 VTOC/catalog entry load module (IGDCSP00) was not loaded into DFSMShsm address space.
4 SMS is not active in the configuration that DFSMShsm is running in.
5 Error reading the volume VTOC entry of the volumes.
6 Error retrieving SMS volume definition list.
7 Error retrieving a storage group definition.
8 Error retrieving all the storage group definition.
9 Volume is in initial status.
10 There is a conflict in the SMS status recorded in the MVT and the data set extension VTOC entry.
11 SMS volume definition and volume VTOC entry indicate conflicting SMS status.
12 Error retrieving a list of all SMS-managed volumes.
13 Device type of volume retrieved from SMS storage group is not supported by DFSMShsm.
14 Error retrieving data set list from VTOC catalog entry services.
15 Error reading/writing MCV record for an SMS-managed volume.
16 No eligible SMS-managed volumes could be processed by an internal ADDVOL.
17 No eligible storage groups to process.
18 No eligible SMS volumes to process.
19 Volume not mounted.
25 Space management request on an SMS-managed volume with DBA or DBU specified, or a nonzero value of days on MIGRATE(days), or DAYS(days) was specified on a MIGRATE command.
26 Space management request on an SMS-managed volume with neither days specified on MIGRATE(days) nor DAYS(days) specified on the MIGRATE command.
27 Space management request on an SMS-managed volume which does not have low and high thresholds defined and MIGRATE VOLUME (volid) command was issued.
30 The version of DFSMSdss is not at a sufficient level to support SMS-managed volumes.
31 The volume to be restored is an SMS-managed volume, but the dump copy was made when the volume was a non-SMS-managed volume.
32 The volume to be restored is a non-SMS-managed volume, but the copy was made when the volume was an SMS-managed volume.
52 GETMAIN error.
Table 5. Return Codes for ABARS Functions for ARC6nnn Error Messages
Retcode Meaning
1 MVS/DFP not at proper level to allow ABARS processing to continue.
2 MVS/XA not at proper level to allow ABARS processing to continue.
3 DFSMSdss not at proper level to allow ABARS processing to continue.
Table 6. Error Codes from Control Data Set Reads, Writes or Deletes
Code Meaning
0 An error occurred and was reported previously. Commands related to space usage cannot be performed.

4 (read)

The record was not found.
The record is a duplicate record.

8 (read)

The record is in use.
The record is too large.

10 (delete)

The read of the record to be deleted failed.

11 Failure to update the offline control data set T record for the output volume.

12 (read)

The work area is too small.
The control data set is full.

16 A physical I/O error occurred.
19 An internal parameter error occurred while accessing a CDS record for a retained backup version.
20 A logical I/O error occurred.
21 An internal error occurred while accessing a CDS record for a retained backup version.
22 The offline control data set is not defined.
24 Backup control data set or journal is not being used by DFSMShsm.
25 Inconsistency reading MCDS MCD record. The data set is cataloged as MIGRAT indicating the data set is migrated. An error occurred in reading the MCD record, or the MCD record indicated that no migration copy exists. In the latter case, the reason code is zero. In other cases, the reason code is the return code from ARCZREAD. For details, see message ARC1325I.
26 Access to the control data sets has been lost due to an SMSVSAM server error. This error is only issued if the CDSs are accessed using RLS.
28 The catalog locate failed while reading a catalog record for the indicated data set.
Table 7. Return Codes for Message ARC0734I When the Action is EXBACKV
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
0 The backup version was successfully scratched or scheduled to be scratched. DFSMShsm processing continues. None.
4 An I/O error occurred reading a BCDS C record. The backup version remains. DFSMShsm processing continues. See the previous ARC0184I message in the backup activity log.
8 An I/O error occurred reading an OCDS T record. The backup version remains. The EXPIREBV command continues. See the previous ARC0184I message in the backup activity log.
12 An I/O error occurred trying to update the BCDS B record. The backup version remains. The EXPIREBV command continues. See the previous ARC0184I message in the backup activity log.
16 An I/O error occurred trying to delete the BCDS B record. The backup version remains. The EXPIREBV command continues. See the previous ARC0188I message in the backup activity log.
20 DFSMShsm was not able to determine whether the backed up data set was cataloged. The backup version remains. The EXPIREBV command continues. See the previous ARC0950I message in the command activity log.
24 For an SMS-managed data set, DFSMShsm was unable to access the management class definition. The backup version remains. The EXPIREBV command continues. See the previous ARC0686I message in the backup activity log.
28 The date in the version entry in a BCDS B record is binary zeroes, making date comparisons impossible. No backup versions are expired for the data set. The EXPIREBV command continues. In this case, the dsname in this message does not identify a version, but the data set that was backed up. You need to decide if you still need a backup copy of the data set.
Table 8. Return Codes for Message ARC0734I When the Action is RECYCLE
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
0 The data set was successfully moved. DFSMShsm processing continues. None.
2 DFSMShsm was in emergency mode. Recycle processing ends. None.
11 An I/O error occurred in writing the BCDS C record or MCDS D record for the data set. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
12 An abnormal end occurred closing the input or output data set. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. Respond to preceding messages describing the close error.
16 An I/O error occurred on the input tape volume. See the system action for the specific reason code in Table 9. Recycle of the current data set ends. Respond to the preceding access method or hardware error message. If necessary, create another backup version to replace this one.
18 An I/O error occurred on the output tape volume. Movement of this data set is retried on a different volume. Respond to the preceding access method or hardware error message.
20 Failure to update the offline control data set T record for the output volume. Recycle of this data set fails. Processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I or ARC0378I message in the recycle command log.
21 Failure to update the MVC or MCT record after successfully opening the output data set. Recycle of this data set fails. Processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
25 An I/O error occurred in reading a BCDS C record or MCDS D record for the data set. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
31 Failure to mount an input volume. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle continues with the next eligible connected set. See the tape librarian.
32 Failure to mount an output volume. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the tape librarian.
33 DFSMShsm was shut down. Recycle processing ends. None.
35 The OPEN macro was issued by DFSMShsm to open the data set for input. OPEN processing was not successful. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle continues with the next eligible connected set. See the preceding IEC message and take the action indicated.
36 The OPEN macro was issued by DFSMShsm to open the data set for output. OPEN processing was not successful. See the system action for the specific reason code in Table 10. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the response for the specific reason code. in Table 10.
41 NEOV occurred on the original tape while duplexing ERRORALTERNATE(MARKFULL) mode. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. None.
46 An error occurred in closing the output data set. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the preceding IEC message and take the corrective action given.
48 The number of tape volumes required for this data set exceeded the maximum allowable. Recycle processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. None.
50 There was a failure to attach a subtask. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle processing ends for this task. See message ARC0090I earlier in this information.
52 There was a GETMAIN error. Recycle processing ends for this task. Attempt to recycle this volume again.
54 Tape data set installation-wide exit abnormal end. Recycle processing ends. Turn off the exit if possible or release recycle and rerun. If the exit is in error, correct it and turn the exit back on.
55 The input tape has been released to RECOVER. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible volume in the connected set or continues with the next eligible connected set. None.
60 Failure to establish ESTAE protection. Recycle processing ends for this task. Examine the return code from the previous ARC0304I message, and take the appropriate action based on that return code explanation.
61 During an attempt to add a new volume to DFSMShsm control, an I/O error occurred in reading or writing a control data set record, or the OCDS was not defined. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the preceding ARC0184I or ARC0133I message in the recycle command log.
67 An error in obtaining the volume block ID occurred. The recycle fails for the current connected set. Recycle processing continues. See message ARC01267I in this information.
68 An error in positioning to data occurred. The recycle fails for the current data set. Recycle processing continues. See message ARC01168I in this information.
69 An error on SYNCDEV occurred. The recycle fails for the current connected set. Recycle processing continues. See message ARC01269I in this information.
70 The CAPACITYMODE for the input or output tape could not be maintained at EOV. The recycle task ends. Investigate associated messages to determine why the requested CAPACITYMODE could not be maintained.
71 MCD record was not found. The data set was deleted on recycle. Recycle of this data set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next valid data set. See message ARC0184I in the recycle command log.
Table 9. Reason Codes for Message ARC0734I when the Action is RECYCLE and Return Code is 16
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
0 Read error on input volume. Recycle of the data set fails. If you are processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails. The next time the connect set is recycled, single-buffer data movement will be used. If RC16 occurs when processing with single-buffer, processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. In all cases, the volume being recycled is marked as FAILED RECYCLE and can only be recycled by specific volume command.
  • Issue a RECYCLE VOLUME command to recycle valid data sets following the RC16 failure. The volume has been marked FAILED RECYCLE and will now be processed in single buffer mode.
  • Recall or recover data sets that recycle was not able to move from the volume. You can create a list by issuing:
    LIST TTOC(volser) ODS(dsn)
  • Use RECYCLE with FORCE option to remove all references to any data that is still inaccessible and to delete the tape volume.
4 Extra CDD record before end of file. Recycle of the data set fails. If you are processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails. The next time the connect set is recycled, single-buffer data movement will be used. If RC16 occurs when processing with single-buffer, processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. In all cases, the volume being recycled is marked as FAILED RECYCLE and can only be recycled by specific volume command.
  • Issue a RECYCLE VOLUME command to recycle valid data sets following the RC16 failure. The volume has been marked FAILED RECYCLE and will now be processed in single buffer mode.
  • Recall or recover data sets that recycle was not able to move from the volume. You can create a list by issuing:
    LIST TTOC(volser) ODS(dsn)
  • Use RECYCLE with FORCE option to remove all references to any data that is still inaccessible and to delete the tape volume.
5 End of file reached and more data blocks need to be copied. Recycle of the data set fails. If you are processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails. The next time the connect set is recycled, single-buffer data movement will be used. If RC16 occurs when processing with single-buffer, processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. In all cases, the volume being recycled is marked as FAILED RECYCLE and can only be recycled by specific volume command.
  • Issue a RECYCLE VOLUME command to recycle valid data sets following the RC16 failure. The volume has been marked FAILED RECYCLE and will now be processed in single buffer mode.
  • Recall or recover data sets that recycle was not able to move from the volume. You can create a list by issuing:
    LIST TTOC(volser) ODS(dsn)
  • Use RECYCLE with FORCE option to remove all references to any data that is still inaccessible and to delete the tape volume.
6 Correct number of blocks moved and end of file not detected. Recycle of the data set fails. If you are processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails. The next time the connect set is recycled, single-buffer data movement will be used. If RC16 occurs when processing with single-buffer, processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. In all cases, the volume being recycled is marked as FAILED RECYCLE and can only be recycled by specific volume command.
  • Issue a RECYCLE VOLUME command to recycle valid data sets following the RC16 failure. The volume has been marked FAILED RECYCLE and will now be processed in single buffer mode.
  • Recall or recover data sets that recycle was not able to move from the volume. You can create a list by issuing:
    LIST TTOC(volser) ODS(dsn)
  • Use RECYCLE with FORCE option to remove all references to any data that is still inaccessible and to delete the tape volume.
12 ABEND237-0C or ABEND 237-04 occurred during EOV or FEOV processing. Recycle of the data set fails. If you are processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails. The next time the connect set is recycled, single-buffer data movement will be used. If RC16 occurs when processing with single-buffer, processing continues with the next valid data set on the volume. In all cases, the volume being recycled is marked as FAILED RECYCLE and can only be recycled by specific volume command.
  • Issue a RECYCLE VOLUME command to recycle valid data sets following the RC16 failure. The volume has been marked FAILED RECYCLE and will now be processed in single buffer mode.
  • Recall or recover data sets that recycle was not able to move from the volume. You can create a list by issuing:
    LIST TTOC(volser) ODS(dsn)
  • Use RECYCLE with FORCE option to remove all references to any data that is still inaccessible and to delete the tape volume.
Table 10. Reason Codes for Message ARC0734I when the Action is RECYCLE and Return Code is 36
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
0 Open processing completed, but the DCB indicated that the data set was not open. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. None.
1 Worm tape is not supported for this function. Recycle processing fails for this task and Recycle is held. Do not mount WORM tapes for Recycle output processing. You may need to change the tape pooling setup or to modify ACS logic and Data Class values. After ensuring a non-WORM tape mount, release Recycle.
4 An I/O error occurred in reading or writing the backup control data set R record. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
8 An I/O error occurred in reading or writing some other backup control data set record. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
12 There was a failure to deallocate or allocate a volume. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the previous ARC0200I or ARC0208I message in the command activity log.
16 A GETMAIN or FREEMAIN failure occurred. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. Try again to recycle the volume this data set is on.
20 The backup control data set R record was in use by another processing unit. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the ARC0371I message that precedes this message in the recycle command log.
24 No backup volume was available. Recycle of the current data set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the previous ARC0500I message on allocation failures or see the tape librarian.
28 DFSMShsm shutdown or DFSMShsm is in emergency mode. Recycle processing ends. None.
Table 11. Return Codes for Message ARC0528I during Scratch Processing
Retcode Meaning
0 Successful data set deletion.
4 No volumes containing any part of the data set were mounted, nor did register 0 contain the address of a unit that was available for mounting a volume of the data set.
8 An unusual condition was encountered on one or more volumes.
12 One of the following conditions occurred:
  • The DADSM SCRATCH parameter list is invalid.
  • The volume list is invalid.
  • At entry to SCRATCH, register 0 was not zero and did not point to a valid UCB.
Table 12. Status Codes for Messages ARC0528I and ARC0734I during Scratch Processing
Status Code Meaning
0 The DSCB for the data set was deleted from the VTOC on the volume pointed to.
1 The VTOC of this volume does not contain the DSCB to be deleted.
2 One of the following conditions occurred:
  • The data set could not be scratched because the console operator or TSO terminal operator did not specify the correct password in the two attempts allowed.
  • The user tried to scratch a VSAM data space or an ICF VSAM data set.
  • The user tried to scratch the VTOC index data set.
  • An SMS validation failure occurred.
  • The verify of the last referenced data failed.
3 The DSCB was not deleted because either the OVRD option was not specified or the retention cycle had not expired.
4 One of the following conditions occurred:
  • An invalid FIDSCB was encountered when processing this volume.
  • An unexpected CVAF error return code was encountered.
  • An installation-wide exit rejected the request.
  • An I/O error occurred while the DASD tracks occupied by the data set were being erased. Either the ERASE option was specified in the scratch parameter list or the ERASE attribute was specified for a RACF-defined data set.
5 It could not be verified that this volume was mounted nor was there a unit available for mounting the volume. If one or more of the volumes was an MSS virtual volume, see the explanation of message IEC666I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE).
6 The operator was unable to mount this volume. If the volume is an MSS virtual volume and is running in a JES3 environment, JES3 would not allow the volume to be mounted.
7 The DSCB was not deleted because the data set was open.
8 The DSCB indicates that the data set is defined to RACF, but the user is not authorized to the data set or to the volume, or the data set is a VSAM data space, or the data set is not defined to RACF.
10 An error occurred while deleting an SMS-managed data set.
Note: For any code not in this list, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets .
Table 13. Return Codes for Message ARC0734I When the Action is SCRATCH
Retcode Meaning
0 Scratch is successful.
4 Scratch is successful, but the volume deallocation failed.
8 MVT entry can not be found/built, so the scratch is not performed.
10 Migration cleanup attempted to scratch an old migrated copy from an SDSP data set, but the scratch attempt failed. See the associated ARC0546I message for the appropriate action.
12 Volume allocation failed, so scratch is not performed.
14 Migration cleanup was trying to scratch an old migration copy from an SDSP data set but the ML1 volume was not mounted, so the scratch was not issued. If you want the copy deleted, have the migration volume mounted the next time migration cleanup is run.
16 Scratch failed. See the previous ARC0528I message for more information.
20 Scratch failed and volume deallocation also failed.
24 Uncataloging failed.
28 Migration DASD volume is not mounted, so scratch is not performed. If the migrated data set needs to be scratched from the volume, the volume has to be mounted before migration cleanup starts at the next time. If the migrated data set was scratched from the volume, but the MCD record is still marked as needs-scratch (MCDFNSCR flag is on), issue a FIXCDS PATCH command to turn off the needs-scratch flag.
40 A DFSMShsm CDS read error was encountered.
44 A DFSMShsm CDS update error was encountered.
70 An error occurred deleting an SMS-managed data set.
Table 14. Return Codes for Messages ARC0833I, ARC0834I and ARC0845I and Reason Codes for Message ARC0835I
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
0 All valid data sets were successfully moved from the volume, and the volume was removed from DFSMShsm control. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible volume in the connected set or continues with the next eligible connected set. None.
1 All valid data sets were successfully moved, but the attempt to remove the volume from DFSMShsm control failed. Recycle of the volume fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible volume in the connected set or continues with the next eligible connected set. See the ARC0260I message that precedes this message in the recycle command log. An error during the DELVOL process might cause the BVR, MCT, and/or TTOC entries to become out of sync with one another. For example, all entries might not show the same unassigned status. Correct the respective volume entries as appropriate.
2 DFSMShsm is in emergency mode. Recycle of the volume fails. Recycle processing ends for all tasks. None.
3 A failure occurred during volume allocation. The volume to be used is in use by another function. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. For a description of the volumes eligible for recycle, see z/OS DFSMShsm Storage Administration.
4 Movement of a data set failed when the output volume was a scratch tape (no volume is available for selection). Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the previous ARC0184I, ARC0371I, or ARC0500I message, if any, or notify the system programmer.
5 A failure occurred during deallocation of the output tape volumes. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See message ARC0200I or ARC0208I for the reason for the deallocation failure.
6 A failure occurred during allocation of the input tape volumes. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. 1. See message ARC0500I for the reason for the allocation failure. 2. Contact the operator to determine why the reply given was no. 3. See the previous ARC0184I message.
7 A failure occurred during deallocation of the input tape volumes. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See message ARC0200I or ARC0208I for the reason for the deallocation failure.
8 The connected set is no longer needed. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0833I message in the Recycle command log.
9 The OCDS T record for the volume being recycled was in use by another processing unit. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the ARC0371I message that precedes this message in the recycle command log.
10 Security of the tape label cannot be determined or DFSMShsm never successfully wrote to the tape volume (the tape volume is empty.) Examine the tape label and contents. If the tape has no useful data, do the following:
  • Use the PURGE parameter with the DELVOL command.
  • Reinitialize the volume.
  • Add the volume with the ADDVOL command.
Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set.
11 An I/O error occurred in writing a control data set record. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the ARC0184I message that precedes this message in the recycle command log.
12 The RECYCLE command was held. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for all tasks. None.
13 Movement of the data set failed and was retried unsuccessfully 3 times. Processing for the volume ends. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log.
14 An attempt was made to recycle an unassigned volume that is invalid. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. For a description of the volumes eligible for recycle, see z/OS DFSMShsm Storage Administration.
15 The input volumes are not all in the same library. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. Notify the tape librarian.
16 A read error occurred in reading input data. Recycle of the volume fails. If processing with multibuffer data movement, recycle of the connected set fails and processing continues with the next eligible connected set. If processing with single-buffer, recycle processing continues with the next eligible volume or connected set. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log. If an ARC0434E error message with 'MCBR UPDATE FAILED' is issued in addition to an ARC0734I message, reissue the RECYCLE FORCE command on a z/OS® V1R11 or later system.
17 Percent valid for the volume was 0 but valid data was found. The valid block field is updated and recycle of the volume fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. Use the recycle by volume command to recycle the volumes. Or, wait until the next recycle for your installation and this volume is recycled if it is eligible.
19 An abend occurred during close of the input tape data set. Recycle processing ends for this task. Other recycle tasks continue. Identify the problem from the dump, any related messages, and the PDA trace leading up to the abend.
20 Failure to update the offline control data set T record for the output volume. Recycle of this data set fails. Processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
21 Failure to update the MVC or MCT record after successfully opening the output data set. Recycle of this data set fails. Processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the previous ARC0184I message in the recycle command log.
25 An I/O error occurred in reading a control data set record or the requested record was not found in the control data set. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. If an I/O error occurred, there is a preceding ARC0184I message. See that message for the required action.

There is no ARC0184I message if the record was not found. The recycle command was in error.

30 RECYCLE EXECUTE TAPELIST was specified for ML2 (or ALL) volumes. After the pull list was created, the operator replied to message ARC0825D that ML2 volumes should not continue to recycle. Recycle processing of ML2 volumes ends. Determine why the operator replied that the ML2 volumes should not continue to recycle, and then decide whether to use the pull list to issue another RECYCLE command.
31 One or more input volumes could not be mounted. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. Notify the tape librarian.
32 Mount of output volume failed. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. Notify the tape librarian.
33 DFSMShsm was being shut down. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for all tasks. None.
34 Recall or ABACKUP needed a source volume. Recycle of the connected set ends. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. None.
35 The OPEN macro was issued by DFSMShsm to open a data set for input. OPEN processing was not successful. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log.
36 The OPEN macro was issued by DFSMShsm to open a data set for output. OPEN processing was not successful. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See the associated ARC0734I message in the recycle command log.
40 RECYCLE EXECUTE TAPELIST was specified for backup (or ALL) volumes. After the pull list was created, the operator replied to message ARC0825D that backup volumes should not continue to recycle. Recycle processing of backup volumes ends. Determine why the operator replied that the backup volumes should not continue to recycle, and then decide whether to use the pull list to issue another RECYCLE command.
42 An error occurred in processing an RDJFCB macro. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. None.
43 For DFSMShsm V1R5 and above: the input tape is in CAPACITYMODE(EXTENDED), but the input unit is not CAPACITYMODE switchable. For DFSMShsm V1R4: input tape is in CAPACITYMODE(EXTENDED) which this release does not support. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. For DFSMShsm V1R5 and above: ensure that the unit that is shown in the input volume's CDS records is CAPACITYMODE switchable. For DFSMShsm V1R4: use DFSMShsm V1R5 or higher to Recycle the tape.
48 A data set required more than 40 output tapes and 40 tapes is the limit within HSM. Recycle fails for the current data set. Recycle processing continues. To RECYCLE the data set a higher capacity target tape will be required.
50 There was a failure to attach a subtask. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing ends for this task. See message ARC0090I in this publication.
52 There was a GETMAIN error. Recycle processing ends for this task. Attempt to recycle this volume again.
54 Tape data set installation-wide exit abnormal end. Recycle processing ends for this task. Turn off the exit if possible or release recycle and rerun. If the exit is in error, correct it and turn the exit back on.
61 During an attempt to add a new volume to DFSMShsm control, an I/O error occurred in reading or writing a control data set record, or the OCDS was not defined. Recycle of the current connected set ends. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the preceding ARC0184I or ARC0133I message in the recycle command log.
68 There was an error in positioning to data during recycle. Recycle fails for the current data set. Recycle processing continues. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log. If an ARC0434E error message with 'MCBR UPDATE FAILED' is issued in addition to an ARC0734I message, reissue the RECYCLE FORCE command on a z/OS V1R11 or later system.
69 An error on SYNCDEV occurred. Recycle fails for the current connected set. Recycle processing continues. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log.
70 A mismatch occurred in the number of read/write buffers. This recycle task ends. Other recycle tasks continue. Specify SETSYS RECYCLEOUTPUT and/or specify the same tape utilization for the esoteric and associaated generic unit name.
98 The file sequence number or the volume sequence number exceeds the limit. Recycle of the connected set fails. Processing continues with the next eligible connected set. None.
99 reason-code is the TCB completion code if the task abnormally ended or is a termination ECB. The termination ECB is the return code from the data mover subtask. The reason code is in hexadecimal. Recycle of the connected set fails. Recycle processing continues with the next eligible connected set. See the appropriate ARC0734I messages associated with this message in the recycle command log.
4xx Internal parameter list error. This recycle task ends. Other recycle tasks continue. See message ARC9998I in this information.
Table 15. Return Codes for Message ARC0835I
Code Meaning System Action Programmer Response
1 DFSMShsm failed to open the recycle command log. Recycle processing ends. DFSMShsm processing continues. See message ARC0141I. This message was written to the operator’s console and to the DFSMShsm log.
2 DFSMShsm is in emergency mode. Recycle processing ends. DFSMShsm processing continues. None.
3 An I/O error occurred in scanning the OCDS T records or a positioning error occurred reading the OCDS. All connected sets already identified are allowed to recycle. No new connected sets are identified to be recycled. DFSMShsm processing continues. Either message ARC0187I or message ARC0133I precedes this message in the recycle command log. Perform the problem determination indicated in this message.
5 Recycle command parse error. Recycle processing ends. Correct the syntax and reissue the command.
9 The attach of the recycle multitasker failed. Recycle processing ends. See message ARC0090I in this information.
12 The RECYCLE command was held or DFSMShsm was being shut down. Recycle processing ends. DFSMShsm processing continues. None.
30 The RECYCLE EXECUTE TAPELIST was specified for ML2 (or ALL) volumes. After the pull list was created, the operator replied to message ARC0825D that ML2 volumes should not continue to recycle. Recycle processing of ML2 volumes ends. Determine why the operator replied that ML2 volumes should not continue to recycle, and then decide whether to use the pull list to issue another RECYCLE command.
33 DFSMShsm is being shut down. Recycle processing ends. DFSMShsm processing ends. None.
40 The RECYCLE EXECUTE TAPELIST was specified for backup (or ALL) volumes. After the pull list was created, the operator replied to message ARC0825D that backup volumes should not continue to recycle. Recycle processing of backup volumes ends. Determine why the operator replied that backup volumes should not continue to recycle, and then decide whether to use the pull list to issue another RECYCLE command.
52 A GETMAIN error occurred in the recycle multitasker. Recycle processing ends. See the preceding ARC0305I message in this information.
90 Failure trying to attach the first recycle task. Recycle processing ends. See message ARC0090I in this information.
99 A non-recycle task caused the control program to abend. Recycle processing ends. Reissue the command.
4xx Recycle parameter list error. Recycle processing ends. See message ARC9998I in this information.
Table 16. Reason Codes for Messages ARC1139I, ARC1239I, and ARC1339I
Reason code Meaning
8 One of the following conditions occurred:
  • There is no RACF profile for a data set.
  • The user is not authorized to perform the requested function against the data set because the user does not have a sufficient level of resource access authority.
  • RACF protect-all support is enabled and the data set is not protected by either a discrete or generic profile. In this instance, the user should create a profile for the data set and then retry the request.
12 An error occurred when DFSMShsm added, deleted, or changed a volume in a RACF discrete data set profile.
15 An attempt to write to a RACF protected User or Master Catalog is made during RECOVER processing. The user ID (UID) issuing the command does not have sufficient RACF authority to perform the UPDATE/ALTER.
20 An error occurred in adding or deleting the tape volume to or from the DFSMShsm RACF tape volume set.
24 An attempt was made to add an already protected tape volume to the DFSMShsm RACF tape volume set.
28 Failure to set up ESTAE environment.
36 A LOCATE failure occurred in getting catalog information for the RACF ERASE status check of the original data set.
40 A failure occurred in reading the migration control data set (MCDS) record to get information for the RACF ERASE status check of a migrated data set.
44 A field that contains the volser is null or blank when a valid value is required.
99 DFSMShsm is in test mode, a RACHECK was requested, and the data set RACF-INDICATOR was on.