Displaying cross system coupling facility (XCF) information

Use the DISPLAY XCF command to display cross system coupling information in the sysplex. The syntax of the DISPLAY XCF command is:
D XCF[,{PATHIN|PI}                                                       ]
                      [,LINKING][,QUIESCING]) ]                          
     [,{PATHOUT|PO}                                                      ]
     [,{LOCALMSG|LM}[,CLASS={(classname[,classname]...)|ALL}]            ]
     [,{GROUP|GRP},groupname[,membername|ALL]                            ]
     [,{SYSPLEX|S}[,systemname|ALL]                                      ]
     [,{COUPLE|CPL}[,TYPE={(name[,name...])|ALL}]                        ]
     [,{CLASSDEF|CD}                                                     ]
           Start of change[,ALTER={DISABLED|ENABLED}]End of change                                  ]
                          Start of change[,DUPMISMATCH][,LOSSCONN]
                          [,RBPROC][,RBPEND]End of change
     [,{CF}[,{CFNAME|CFNM}={(cfname[,cfname]...)|ALL}]                   ]
     [,{POLICY|POL}[,TYPE={(name[,name]...)|ALL}]                        ]
     [,{PRSMPOLICY|PRSMPOL}                                              ]
     [,{ARMSTATUS|ARMS}                                                  ]
     [,{CONNECT|CON}                                                     ]
Start of change     [,{REALLOCATE|REALLOC},{REPORT|TEST}                                ]End of change
     [,{SERVER|SRV}                                                      ]
Start of change     [,{NOTEPAD|NP}                                                      ]
           [,SCOPE={SUMMARY|SUM}|{DETAIL|DET}End of change
     [,L={a|name|name-a}                                                 ]
Displays a summary of the current sysplex.
Displays in message IXC355I the device number of one or more inbound signalling paths that XCF can use and information about inbound XCF signalling paths to this system. The display provides information for only those devices and structures that are defined to the system where this command is executed. The path summary response identifies each inbound path and, if known, the system name and device address of its associated outbound path. If specified without further qualification, summary information about all inbound XCF signalling paths displays. Use of the DEVICE or STRNAME keyword requests that more detailed information be displayed.

If there are no inbound paths to this system, the system displays message IXC355I.

Use, but do not repeat, the following keywords in any combination or order:

DEVICE= or DEV={([/]indevnum[,[/]indevnum]…) or ALL}
Displays in message IXC356I detailed information about the devices requested. If you specify DEVICE=ALL, the system provides information on all inbound signalling paths currently defined to XCF. If you specify only one device number, you do not need to enter the parentheses. A device number consists of 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/).

If no paths match, the system displays message IXC355I. If there are no inbound paths to this system, the system displays message IXC355I.

STRNAME= or STRNM=(strname[,strname…]) or ALL
Requests that the system display (message IXC356I) detailed signalling path information for one or more named coupling facility structures. You may specify ALL to request information for all coupling facility structures. Wildcard (*) suffixes are allowed.

strname specifies the structure name of a coupling facility structure that is being used as a XCF signalling path for which information is to be displayed. The structure name can be up to 16 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the four special characters: $, @, #, _. It must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character.

XCF signalling structures must begin with the letters IXC.

SYSNAME= or SYSNM=sysname(s)
Requests that signalling path information be displayed only for paths connected to one or more named systems.

sysname specifies the name of a system that is connected by a XCF signalling path for which information is to be displayed. The system name can be up to 8 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the three special characters: $, @, #. It must begin with a numeric or uppercase alphabetic character.

STATUS= or STAT=state(s)
Requests that the system display signalling path information for paths or coupling facility structures having at least one of the specified states. state specifies the path status of a signalling path or coupling facility structure for which information is requested. You may use any of the following or the indicated abbreviation:
Validating and initializing hardware.
Making ready (again) for use.
Establishing communication.
Capable of being used.
Quiescing the use of.
Use was quiesced.
In the process of being rebuilt.
Stopping use, in the process of being removed from service.
Stop failed, intervention required.
Defined, but removed from service.
Displays in message IXC356I the device number of one or more outbound signalling paths that XCF can use and information about outbound XCF signalling paths to this system. The display provides information for only those devices and structures that are defined to the system where this command is executed. The path summary response identifies each outbound path and, if known, the system name and device address of its associated inbound path. If specified without further qualification, summary information about all outbound XCF signalling paths displays. Use of the DEVICE, STRNAME or CLASS keyword requests that detail information be displayed.

If there are no outbound paths to this system, the system displays message IXC356I.

DEVICE= or DEV={([/]outdevnum[,[/]outdevnum]…) or ALL}
Displays in message IXC356I detailed information about the devices requested. If you specify DEVICE=ALL, the system provides information on all outbound signalling paths currently defined to XCF. If you specify only one device number, you do not need to enter the parentheses. A device number consists of 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/).

If no paths match, the system displays message IXC356I. If there are no outbound paths to this system, the system displays message IXC356I.

CLASS={(classname[, classname]…) or ALL}
Displays (message IXC356I) detailed information about all devices assigned to the requested transport class. If you specify CLASS=ALL, the system provides information on outbound signalling paths for all transport classes. When you specify a classname ending with an *, then all classes beginning with the specified name are displayed. Do not specify an asterisk for the first character of the classname. If you specify only one class, you do not need to enter the parentheses.

If no classes match, or if there are no outbound paths to this system, the system displays message IXC356I.

STRNAME= or STRNM=strname(s)
Requests that the system display (message IXC356I) detailed signalling path information for one or more named coupling facility structures. You may specify ALL to request information for all coupling facility structures. Wildcard (*) suffixes are allowed.

strname specifies the structure name of a coupling facility structure that is being used as a XCF signalling path for which information is to be displayed. The structure name can be up to 16 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the four special characters: $, @, #, _. It must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character.

XCF signalling structures must begin with the letters IXC.

SYSNAME= or SYSNM=sysname(s)
Requests that signalling path information be displayed only for paths connected to one or more named systems.

sysname specifies the name of a system that is connected by a XCF signalling path for which information is to be displayed. The system name can be up to 8 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the three special characters: $, @, #. It must begin with a numeric or uppercase alphabetic character.

STATUS= or STAT=state(s)
Requests that the system display signalling path information for paths or coupling facility structures having at least one of the specified states. state specifies the path status of a signalling path or coupling facility structure for which information is requested. You may use any of the following or the indicated abbreviation:
Validating and initializing hardware.
Making ready (again) for use.
Establishing communication.
Capable of being used.
Quiescing the use of.
Use was quiesced.
In the process of being rebuilt.
Stopping use, in the process of being removed from service.
Stop failed, intervention required.
Defined, but removed from service.
Displays (message IXC341I) information about the signalling resources that service local message traffic.

If classes are missing, the system displays message IXC345I.

CLASS={(classname[, classname]…) or ALL}
Displays (message IXC341I) information for a specific transport class. If you do not specify this option, the system displays information for all transport classes. When you specify a classname ending with an *, then all classes beginning with the specified name are displayed. Do not specify an asterisk for the first character of the classname. If you specify only one class, you do not need to enter the parentheses.
Displays information about multisystem groups. If you do not provide a qualifying operand, message IXC331I provides a list of all currently defined XCF groups.

If no groups are defined to the sysplex, the system displays message IXC339I.

Displays (message IXC332I) the members of the specified group.

If no groups match, the system displays message IXC340I.

membername or ALL
Displays (message IXC333I) detailed information -- the system name, MVS™ job name, or current status -- about the members of a particular group or all groups. When you specify a membername ending with an *, then all members beginning with the specified name are displayed. Do not specify an asterisk for the first character of the membername.

If no members of a group match, the system displays message IXC326I.

When ALL is specified, detailed information displays for all the members of the specified group.

Displays (message IXC336I) system status and the last recorded system status monitor time stamp for a system. If ALL is specified for the system name, detailed information for all systems in the sysplex displays.
systemname or ALL
Start of changeDisplays (message IXC337I) system status and the last recorded system status monitor time stamp for a system. If ALL is specified for the system name, detailed information for all systems in the sysplex displays.

If the system is not defined to the sysplex, the system displays message IXC330I.

End of change
Displays (message IXC357I) information about the couple data set in use by the sysplex. If specified without further qualification, information will be displayed about all couple data sets.

If there is no primary data set defined, the system displays message IXC357I.

TYPE={(name[,name…]) or ALL}
Indicates that information about the couple data sets associated with the named (or ALL) data types is to be displayed.
name specifies the name of the service using the couple data set for which information is to be displayed. The name may be up to eight characters long. It may contain characters A-Z and 0-9 and the characters $, @, and #. The name must start with a letter. The supported service names are:
  • SYSPLEX for sysplex (XCF) types
  • ARM for automatic restart management
  • CFRM for coupling facility resource management
  • SFM for sysplex failure management
  • LOGR for the system logger
  • WLM for workload management
Displays (message IXC343I) the transport classes that are currently defined to XCF on the system upon which the DISPLAY command is executed. If you do not specify either CLASS or GROUP, an alphabetical summary of all transport classes is provided. The CLASS and GROUP operands are mutually exclusive: specify one or the other.
CLASS={(classname{, classname}…) or ALL}
Displays (message IXC344I) detailed information about the requested transport classes. When you specify a classname ending with an *, then all classes beginning with the specified name are displayed. Do not specify an asterisk for the first character of the classname. Specify CLASS=ALL to request detailed information for all transport classes defined to XCF. If you specify only one class, you do not need to enter the parentheses.

If specified transport classes are not defined to XCF, the system displays message IXC345I.

GROUP= or G=groupname
Displays (message IXC344I) detailed information about the transport classes to which the specific group is assigned. You can obtain information for any valid group name, even a group that is not active in the sysplex. Use UNDESIG to list information for those transport classes to which the undesignated groups have been assigned.

If the specified group is not assigned to any transport class, the system displays message IXC346I.

Requests information about the coupling facility structures in the policy. If specified without further qualification, summary information (message IXC359I) will be displayed about all coupling facility structures that are in the policy. Using the STRNAME keyword requests the system to display detail information.

Use, but do not repeat, the following keywords in any combination or order:

STRNAME= or STRNM=strname(s)
Requests that the system display (message IXC360I) detailed information for one or more named coupling facility structures. You may specify ALL to request information for all coupling facility structures. Wildcard (*) suffixes are allowed.

strname specifies the structure name of a coupling facility structure for which information is to be displayed. The structure name can be up to 16 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the four special characters: $, @, #, _. It must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character. Names provided by IBM® begin with SYS, an IBM component prefix, or letters A-I.

CONNAME= or CONNM=conname(s)
Requests that the system display detailed information about one or more connectors to a structure. You may specify ALL to request information for all connectors to the structure.
Start of changeALTER=settingEnd of change
Start of changeRequests that the system display only structure information for coupling facility structures with the specified ALLOWALTER setting. The following values are valid for setting:
Display only CF structures for which CF structure alter processing is disabled. Requests to start CF structure alter processing for such structures are not permitted.
Display only CF structures for which CF structure alter processing is enabled.
End of change
STATUS= or STAT=state (s)
Requests that the system display only structure information for coupling facility structures having at least one of the specified states. state specifies the status of a coupling facility structure for which information is requested and may be any of the following states:
A coupling facility structure is allocated in a coupling facility.
A coupling facility structure is in the process of being altered.
A coupling facility structure is pending deallocation because of a loss of connectivity to the coupling facility where the structure is allocated or because of a structure dump table being associated with the structure.
Start of changeDUPALLOWEnd of change
Start of changeStart of changeAn allocated coupling facility structure with a CFRM policy specification of DUPLEX(ALLOWED).End of changeEnd of change
A coupling facility structure with a CFRM policy specification of DUPLEX(ENABLED). Requesting only structures with this status can be helpful in determining if the system has been able to duplex all DUPLEX(ENABLED) structures.
Start of changeDUPMISMATCHEnd of change
Start of changeA coupling facility structure with a duplexed state (duplex or simplex) that does not match the CFRM policy specification: simplex structures with a policy specification of DUPLEX(ENABLED); duplexed structures with a policy specification of DUPLEX(DISABLED); and duplexed structures when a CFRM policy stop is pending. This can also include duplexed structures with a pending policy change to remove a coupling facility from the structure preference list. A structure in this state can remain in this state until there are no structures with a state of LOSSCONN, RBPROC, and RBPEND (see descriptions below).End of change
Start of changeA coupling facility structure is in a duplexing rebuild process.End of change
A coupling facility structure has at least one failed-persistent connector. The system displays all connectors to the structure, including those that are not failed-persistent.
A coupling facility structure has connections that cannot be represented in the coupling facility resource management couple data set.
Start of changeLOSSCONNEnd of change
Start of changeUse of a coupling facility structure by an active connection is inhibited due to a loss of connectivity between a system and a coupling facility. The LOSSCONN RECOVERY IN PROGRESS text in messages IXC359I and IXC360I appears only when there is a structure in this state. A structure in this state can cause CFRM to defer the following actions: policy-initiated start duplexing; policy-initiated stop duplexing; continue REALLOCATE process; and continue POPULATECF process.End of change
A coupling facility structure has no connectors.
Coupling facility structure is not allocated in any coupling facility.
The activation of a coupling facility resource management policy has caused pending policy changes to some coupling facility structures. The changes are pending the deallocation of the structure in a coupling facility Start of changeor a REALLOCATE process.End of change
Start of changeRBPENDEnd of change
Start of changeThere is a pending structure rebuild for a rebuild to populate a coupling facility (POPULATECF), or a REALLOCATE evaluation is pending for the structure. A structure in this state can cause CFRM to defer the following actions: policy-initiated start duplexing; policy-initiated stop duplexing. A structure in this state can remain in this state until there are no structures with a state of LOSSCONN (see description above).End of change
Start of changeRBPROCEnd of change
Start of changeA coupling facility structure is in a rebuild (or a duplexing rebuild) phase other than duplex established. A structure in this state can cause CFRM to defer the following actions: policy-initiated start duplexing; policy-initiated stop duplexing.End of change
A coupling facility structure is in the process of being rebuilt or there is a pending structure rebuild for a rebuild to populate a coupling facility (POPULATECF).
A structure dump table is associated with a coupling facility structure.
Requests information about the coupling facility in the policy. If specified without further qualification, the system displays (message IXC362I) summary information about all coupling facilities that are in the policy.
CFNAME= or CFNM= {(cfname[,cfname…]) or ALL}
Requests that detailed usage information (message IXC362I) for the named coupling facility be displayed. ALL may be specified to request information for all coupling facilities. Generic, or “wildcard”, (*) suffixes are allowed.

cfname specifies the name of a coupling facility for which detailed information is to be displayed.

The coupling facility name can be up to 8 characters long. It may contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters and the special characters $, @, # and underscore (_). It must begin with an uppercase alphabetic character.

Requests information about the policies in use. If specified without further qualification, the system displays (message IXC364I) summary information about all policies that are active.
TYPE={(name[, name…]) or ALL}
Requests information (message IXC364I) about the policy associated with the named (or ALL) services is to be displayed. The named service is one that uses a couple data set to maintain policy data and supports usage of the SETXCF command to control the policy.
name specifies the name of a service for which policy information is to be displayed. The name may be up to eight characters long. The valid characters are A-Z and 0-9 and the characters $, @, and #. The name must start with a letter. The supported service names are:
  • ARM for automatic restart management
  • CFRM for coupling facility resource management
  • SFM for sysplex failure management
Displays (message IXC349I) the name of the parmlib member that contains the current active XCF PR/SM™ policy.

If there is no XCF PR/SM parmlib member in use, the system displays message IXC348I.

Displays information (through message IXC392I) about active batch jobs and started tasks that are registered as elements of automatic restart management. The element information is grouped by the restart group in which they are defined (based on the current policy). If you specify ARMSTATUS without further qualification, summary information about all the active elements will be displayed. You may filter the information by specifying RESTARTGRP, ELEMENT, JOBNAME, INITSYS, CURRSYS, or STATE. You may specify DETAIL to request more information about the elements. The JOBNAME and ELEMENT parameters are mutually exclusive.
RESTARTGRP= or RG=rgname
Information displays only for elements in the specified restart group. The rgname may contain a wildcard character (*) at the end, to request information for a set of restart groups. If you specify RG=* as the only filter for the display command, only summary information is shown for the restart groups.
ELEMENT= or EL=elname
Information displays only for the element specified. The elname may contain a generic character (*) at the end, to request information for a set of elements.

ELEMENT may not be specified with JOBNAME.

JOBNAME= or JOB=jobname
Information displays only for elements with the specified job name or started task name.

JOBNAME may not be specified with ELEMENT.

INITSYS= initsys
Information displays only for elements initially running on the system specified. The initsys may contain a generic character (*) at the end, to request information for a set of systems.
CURRSYS= currsys
Information displays only for elements currently running on the system specified. The currsys may contain a generic character (*) at the end, to request information for a set of systems.
STATE= state
Information displays only for elements in the states specified.
The element has initially registered,(has issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=REGISTER parameter) but has not yet indicated it is ready to accept work (has not issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=READY parameter).
The element has indicated it is ready to accept work (has issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=READY parameter) or the element exceeded the ready timeout threshold before it issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=READY parameter.
The element has ended and a restart has not been initiated by MVS, yet. This condition should apply only for a short amount of time if automatic restart management restarts have been enabled. (This state is not related to the failed state for an XCF member.)
MVS has initiated a restart of this element, but it has not re-registered with automatic restart management (has not issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=REGISTER parameter), yet.
The element has been restarted and has re-registered with automatic restart management (has issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=REGISTER parameter), but has not indicated that it is ready to accept work (has not issued the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=READY parameter), yet.
Detailed information displays. The scope of this information depends on the other parameters specified.
Displays information about active connections to coupling facility (CF) structures through message IXC374I. Requesting this information can be useful in determining the processing that is being performed for CF lossconn recovery.
Displays information about the REALLOCATE process.
Requests information (through message IXC347I) about the most recent REALLOCATE process.
Requests information (through message IXC347I) about what can be expected from subsequent REALLOCATE processing. Analysis is performed for a simulated REALLOCATE process.
Displays information about servers in the sysplex. If you do not provide a qualifying operand, message IXC395I provides a list of all defined servers. If there are no active servers that match the filter criteria, the system displays message IXC399I.
SYSNAME or SYSNM=sysname(s)
Requests that server information be displayed only for servers residing on the named systems.

sysname can be up to 8 characters long. It can contain numeric characters, uppercase alphabetic characters, or the three special characters: $, @, #. It must begin with a numeric or uppercase alphabetic character.

Start of changeSERVERNAME or SRVNAME or SRVNM=servernameEnd of change
Requests that server information be displayed only for servers whose server names match the specified servername criteria.

servername is a server name or name template that consists of four 8-byte name sections separated by periods. For name sections that are not specified, blanks are assumed. servername can contain one or more wildcard character (*) and when placed in quotation marks (') is case-sensitive. For example, *.* matches any server name that contains any characters in the first two sections and all blanks in the last two sections. The system displays information for all servers if you do not specify servername.

Consider the following when specifying servername:
  • Each section in a servername can contain any alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), national (@,#,$), or underscore character.
  • Any section but the first can be entirely blank.
  • If the name contains embedded, that is, non-trailing blanks or lower-case letters, the name must be enclosed within apostrophes. Lower-case letters not enclosed within apostrophes are folded to upper case.
  • Server names are case sensitive. For example, 'comp1.subcomp1.*.*job1' matches any server name with comp1 in the first section, subcomp1 in the second section, any text in the third section, and any text ending with job1 in the fourth section, all case sensitive.
Each 8-byte name section can contain a wildcard (*), which matches zero or more characters in the section. Here are some general matching rules for a server name with four sections:
  • * matches server names with anything in the first section and blanks in the other three sections.
  • *.*.*.* matches any server name.
  • *.* matches server names with anything in the first and the second sections and all blanks in the third and the fourth sections.
  • *..* matches server names with anything in the first and the third sections and all blanks in the second and the fourth sections.
  • COMP* matches any server names with the first section beginning with COMP and all blanks in the other sections.
  • COMP1 .SUBCOMP.*.JOB1 matches any server name that has COMP1 in the first 8-byte section, a second 8-byte section consisting of SUBCOMP, any text in the third 8-byte section, and JOB1 (padded with blanks) in the fourth section.
Start of changeSCOPE=scopeEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the scope of server information to be displayed, where scope can be one of the following values:
Requests that summary server information be displayed.
Requests that detailed server information be displayed.
End of change
Specifies the type of server information be displayed where type can be one of the following:
Requests that information associated with servers that have one or more of the specific server names be displayed; that is, information is for the named server as a whole.
Requests that information associated with server instances be displayed, that is, information is for the state of each instance of the server.
Start of changeSTATUS=stateEnd of change
Start of changeRequests that server information be displayed for only those servers that are in one of the following specified states:
The server is considered stalled.
The server instance is currently working on a request. You can specify this status only for TYPE=INSTANCE.
End of change
INSTNUM or INST#=inst#
Requests that server information be displayed only for server instances that have the specified instance number. You can only specify this option for TYPE=INSTANCE.

Issue the DISPLAY XCF,SERVER,SERVERNAME=servername,TYPE=INSTANCE command to see the server instance numbers for all server instances of the servers whose server names match the specified servername criteria. The information is returned through message IXC397I.

Start of changeNOTEPAD or NPEnd of change
Start of changeDisplay information about XCF note pads that are defined in the sysplex. If specified without further qualification, message IXC442I provides summary information about all XCF note pads that are defined in the sysplex. If there are no XCF note pads that match the filter criteria, the system displays message IXC444I.
NOTEPADNAME= or NPNAME= or NPNM={notepadname or ALL}
Requests that note pad information display for only those XCF note pads with names that match the specified notepadname criteria. If you specify NOTEPADNAME=ALL, the system provides information about all XCF note pads that are defined in the sysplex.
Note the following considerations when specifying notepadname:
  • A note pad name consists of two to four sections separated by periods.
  • If a section is not specified, it is defaulted to all blanks.
  • The first two sections cannot be blank. The third and the fourth sections can be blank.
  • Each section must be left-justified with no trailing blanks.
  • Each section in a notepadname can contain up to 8 alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), national (@,#,$), or underscore (_) characters. The system automatically folds lowercase alphabetic characters to upper case.
  • Each section can contain a wildcard character (*) that matches zero or more characters in the section. For example:
    • *.*.*.* matches any note pad name.
    • *.* matches note pad names with anything in the first two sections and blanks in the last two sections.
    • *.*..* matches note pad names with anything in the first, the second, and the fourth sections and all blanks in the third section.
    • OWNER*.* matches note pad names with the first section beginning with OWNER, anything in the second section, and all blanks in the third and the fourth sections.
    • OWNER1.APP1.*.QUA1 matches note pad names with OWNER1 in the first section, APP1 in the second section, anything in the third section, and QUA1 in the fourth section.
STRNAME= or STRNM={hostname or ALL}
Requests that note pad information displays for only those XCF note pads that are allocated in the named structure. If you specify STRNAME=ALL, the note pad information is not filtered by host structure names. A wildcard (*) suffix is allowed.
Specifies the scope of the displayed note pad information, where scope is one of the following values:
Requests that summary note pad information (message IXC442I) displays.
Requests that detailed note pad information (message IXC443I) displays.
End of change
L=a, name, or name-a
Specifies the display area (a), console name (name), or both (name-a) where the display is to appear.

If you omit this operand, the display is presented in the first available display area or the message area of the console through which you enter the command.