Parameters for SMFPRMxx

This section describes the statements and parameters of SMFPRMxx.

Specifies the length of time (in minutes) from the end of an SMF global recording interval to the end of the next interval. For example, if you specify INTVAL(15), the SMF global recording interval ends every 15 minutes. INTVAL is a global interval value that other requestors, such as RMF™, can use to schedule interval functions to execute in conjunction with the SMF interval function.

Choose a two-digit global interval value, mm, that divides evenly into 60 (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60). Otherwise, the system can synchronize only the first interval.

Note: Only SMF records are controlled by the INTVAL and SYNCVAL parameters. The INTVAL and SYNCVAL parameters can influence other record types, such as when activated by the RMF Monitor I "SYNC(SMF)" option to write record types 70 through 79.
Specifies the two-digit global synchronization value (in minutes) for the SMF global recording interval, synchronizing the recording interval with the end of the hour on the TOD clock. For example, if you specify SYNCVAL(15), the global recording interval is synchronized to 15 minutes past the hour. If you also specify INTVAL(30), SMF global recording intervals end at 15 minutes and 45 minutes past the hour.

When you specify the SYNCVAL parameter for interval synchronization, specify the global interval value with the INTVAL parameter (unless you accept the default for INTVAL).

Note: Only SMF records can be controlled by the INTVAL and SYNCVAL parameters. The INTVAL and SYNCVAL parameters can influence other record types, such as when activated by the RMF Monitor I "SYNC(SMF)" option to write record types 70 through 79.
Start of change
Specifies whether SMF recording is to be active.

Default: ACTIVE

End of change
Specifies whether you want to write SMF records to MANx data sets or log streams. You can specify both SMF data sets and log streams in one SMFPRMxx member and then set either RECORDING(DATASET) or RECORDING(LOGSTREAM) on the SETSMF command to switch between data set and log stream recording.


LSNAME(logstreamname,TYPE({aa,bb}|{aa,bb:zz} | {aa,bb:zz,...}),[ NOBUFS({HALT|MSG})],[BUFUSEWARN(nn)],[DSPSIZMAX(nnnnM | nG)]Start of change[,COMPRESS[(PERMFIX(nnnnM))]]End of change )
This optional parameter allows you to specify a log stream in which you want to record particular SMF record types on the TYPE subparameter. The log stream name must be composed as follows:

You can use system symbols and the &SID symbol in SMF log stream names. The resolved substitution text for the &SID system symbol is the system identifier specified on the SID parameter in SMFPRMxx. &SID can be used only to name resources in SMFPRMxx; you cannot specify &SID in other parmlib members.

Table 1 shows examples of log stream names that use the &SYSNAME system symbol and the &SID symbol. The table shows the substitution texts for &SYSNAME and &SID, the data set names that specify the symbols, and the resolved texts for the log stream names.
Table 1. Examples of log stream names that use system symbols
Substitution Text Log stream name Resolved log stream name

If you specify an incorrect log stream name, the system issues message IFA700I.

If you specify the same record type on two or more different LSNAME parameters, the system writes the record to all specified log streams. For example, you might have an SMFPRMxx parmlib member with the following contents:

This allows you to collect job-related SMF data in the JOB log stream, and performance-related SMF data in the PERF log stream. Record type 30 fits into both categories, so you can specify that it is written to both log streams. Note that this arrangement can result in duplicate records being recorded.

TYPE({aa,bb}|{aa,bb:zz} | {aa,bb:zz,...})
TYPE specifies the SMF record types that SMF is to collect to the specified log stream on the LSNAME parameter. aa, bb, and zz are the decimal notations for each SMF record type. You cannot specify subtypes on the TYPE subparameter for LSNAME. A colon indicates the range of SMF record types (bb through zz) to be recorded.

Default: None.

Value Range: 0-255 (SMF record types)

Note: When any globally specified record types are rendered without an LSNAME home, the configuration is rejected with message IFA702I stating that no log streams were specified for record type nnn nnn. When all record types have a home, but an LSNAME was specified without the TYPE parameter, the LSNAME parameter is accepted but ignored. No record types are written to an LSNAME without the TYPE parameter.
NOBUFFS specifies the system action when the logstream specified on this LSNAME parameter buffer area is full. This option can also be specified as a global option setting. This option overrides the globally specified NOBUFFS option for the logstream specified on this LSNAME parameter only. For a detailed description of this parameter, see the parameter option description for the global specification of NOBUFFS.

Default: The option specified on the global NOBUFFS parameter

BUFUSEWARN specifies the overall buffer warning level percentage (nn) when SMF starts to issue warning message IFA785E for the logstream specified on this LSNAME parameter. This option can also be specified as a global option setting that applies to all logstreams defined by the LSNAME and DEFAULTLSNAME keywords. This option overrides the globally specified BUFUSEWARN option for the logstream specified on this LSNAME parameter only. For a detailed description of this parameter, see the parameter option description for the global specification of BUFUSEWARN.

Default: The option specified on the global BUFUSEWARN parameter

Start of changeThe DSPSIZMAX suboption specifies the amount of storage this logstream is to use for buffers.

Start of changeDefault: 2GEnd of change

End of change
Start of changeCOMPRESS(PERMFIX(nnnnM))End of change
Start of changeCOMPRESS is an optional parameter. When specified with a zEDC Express® feature available, SMF compresses SMF records before writing to the log stream.


If all zEDC Express features fail or none are available for use, message IFA730I is issued and SMF continues writing non-compressed records to the log stream.

To restart a failed zEDC session, issue a SETSMF RECORDING=LOGSTREAM to retry compression or alter other SMF parameters via the SET or the SETSMF command. Message IFA731I is issued when compression is successfully enabled.

PERMFIX is an optional parameter when COMPRESS is specified. PERMFIX specifies the default amount of storage that SMF can keep permanently fixed for purposes of communicating with the zEDC Express feature. Storage used by the zEDC Express feature has to be page fixed; however, fixed pages are a constrained resource. Increasing this number can improve performance of SMF, but decreases the fixed storage available to the other applications. Decreasing this number can increase the fixed storage available to other applications, but may degrade SMF performance. PERMFIX can range from a minimum of 1M to a maximum of 2GB. Due to processing needs, even if this value is NOPERMFIX, SMF may use up to 2MB of fixed storage for zEDC usage.

If specified, this value overrides the global PERMFIX value.

End of change
DEFAULTLSNAME(logstreamname,[ NOBUFS({HALT|MSG})],[BUFUSEWARN(nn)],[DSPSIZMAX(nnnnM | nG)]Start of change[,COMPRESS[(PERMFIX(nnnnM))]]End of change )
This optional parameter specifies the default log stream name you want to use when you write SMF records to a log stream, except for the record types specified on LSNAME parameters. When you specify DEFAULTLSNAME (and do not override it with the LSNAME parameter), records are queued and written to the specified default log stream name. For example, the SMFPRMxx parmlib member contained the following contents:
This results in record types 30 and 89 going to log stream IFASMF.PERF, while all other record types go to the default log stream IFASMF.DEFAULT.

You must follow the log stream naming restrictions specified in the LSNAME parameter.

NOBUFFS specifies the system action when the logstream specified on this DEFAULTLSNAME parameter buffer area is full. This option can also be specified as a global option setting. This option overrides the globally specified NOBUFFS option for the logstream specified on this DEFAULTLSNAME parameter only. See the parameter option description for the global specification of NOBUFFS for a detailed description of this parameter.

Default: The option specified on the global NOBUFFS parameter

BUFUSEWARN specifies the overall buffer warning level percentage (nn) when SMF starts to issue warning message IFA785E for the logstream specified on this DEFAULTLSNAME parameter. This option can also be specified as a global option setting that applies to all logstreams defined by the LSNAME and DEFAULTLSNAME keywords. This option overrides the globally specified BUFUSEWARN option for the logstream specified on this DEFAULTLSNAME parameter only. For a detailed description of this parameter, see the parameter option description for the global specification of BUFUSEWARN.

Default: The option specified on the global BUFUSEWARN parameter

Start of changeThe DSPSIZMAX suboption specifies the amount of storage this logstream is to use for buffers.End of change

Start of changeDefault: 2GEnd of change

Start of changeCOMPRESS(PERMFIX(nnnnM))End of change
Start of changeCOMPRESS is an optional parameter. When specified with a zEDC Express feature available, SMF compresses SMF records before writing to the log stream. This option allows for greater throughput of SMF records.

If a zEDC Express feature fails or none are available for use, message IFA730I is issued and SMF continues writing non-compressed records to the log stream.

To restart a failed zEDC session, issue a SETSMF RECORDING=LOGSTREAM to retry compression or alter other SMF parameters via the SET or the SETSMF command. Message IFA731I is issued when compression is successfully enabled.

PERMFIX is an optional parameter when COMPRESS is specified. PERMFIX specifies the default amount of storage that SMF can keep permanently fixed for purposes of communicating with the zEDC Express feature. Storage used by the zEDC Express feature has to be page fixed; however, fixed pages are a constrained resource. Increasing this number can improve performance of SMF, but decreases the fixed storage available to the other applications. Decreasing this number can increase the fixed storage available to other applications, but may degrade SMF performance. PERMFIX can range from a minimum of 1M to a maximum of 2GB. Due to processing needs, even if this value is NOPERMFIX, SMF may use up to 2MB of fixed storage for zEDC usage.

If specified, this value overrides the global PERMFIX value.

End of change
  1. You can only specify DEFAULTLSNAME once in the SMFPRMxx member. If you specify DEFAULTLSNAME more than once, the system issues error message IFA701I and rejects the duplicate default log stream name.
  2. If you do not specify a DEFAULTLSNAME in SMFPRMxx and the SYS and SUBSYS parameters specify record types (on the TYPE and NOTYPE subparameters) that are not defined on the LSNAME parameters, the system issues error message IFA702I and rejects the log stream related parameters in the parmlib member.
DSNAME {(dataset)}
Specifies a list of data sets to be used for SMF data set recording. If DSNAME is specified with RECORDING(LOGSTREAM), the data sets specified will be opened and prepared for use, so that they will be ready for immediate use if a SETSMF RECORDING(DATASET) is entered.

The maximum length of the data set name is 44 characters, and must follow standard MVS™ data set naming conventions.

You can use system symbols and the &SID symbol in SMF data set names. The resolved substitution text for the &SID system symbol is the system identifier specified on the SID parameter in SMFPRMxx. &SID can be used only to name resources in SMFPRMxx; you cannot specify &SID in other parmlib members.

Table 2 shows examples of data set names that use the &SYSNAME system symbol and the &SID symbol. The table shows the substitution texts for &SYSNAME and &SID, the data set names that specify the symbols, and the resolved texts for the data set names.
Table 2. Examples of data set Names that Use System Symbols
Substitution text Data set name Resolved data set name
  • When RECORDING(DATASET) is specified, the default is SYS1.MANX and SYS1.MANY.
  • When RECORDING(LOGSTREAM) is specified, no defaut.
Note: The SID parameter can be modified before initialization completes, if the PROMPT(LIST) or PROMPT(ALL) parameter in SMFPRMxx is specified. If the value of SID changes, any data set names that specify the &SID symbol will also change (because the value on the SID parameter is also the substitution text for the &SID symbol).
Start of changeSpecifies the maximum amount of storage that a logstream data space will consume. This parameter applies to any logstreams specified with the LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME keyword that does not have this keyword specified as a suboption.End of change

Start of changeThis is the global specification of the DSPSIZMAX value, and its value takes effort for logstreams where DSPSIZMAX was not specified.End of change

Value range: 128M - 2048M, or 1G - 2G (128 megabytes to 2048 megabytes, or 1 gigabyte to 2 gigabytes)

Start of changeDefaults: 2GEnd of change

Specifies whether the system is to generate SMF data set status messages to the operator at IPL or SET SMF time. This parameter applies to SMF data set recording only; it does not apply to SMF log stream recording. The messages contain the following information for each data set used for SMF recording:
  • data set name
  • data set status
    • active
    • alternate
    • close pending
    • error
    • dump required
  • data set size (in number of VSAM control-interval-sized blocks)
  • percentage full

Default: LISTDSN

SID { (xxxx) } { (xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname)) } { (xxxx,ser#[,ser#...]) } { (xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#...]))}
Specifies the system identifier that is used in all SMF records. It is also the substitution text for the &SID symbol (also known as the SID value). You can specify the &SID symbol only on the DSNAME, LSNAME, and DEFAULTLSNAME parameters in this parmlib member. Do not specify &SID in other system definitions.

You can specify the SID value directly, or you can have the system select from several SID values, using the processor serial numbers or the SYSNAME value.

For example, suppose SMFPRMxx specifies:

When running on processor 012303, the system selects an SID value of AAAA. When running on processor 012304, the system selects an SID value of BBBB.

Suppose SMFPRMxx specifies:
When you IPL the system, the following is specified in IEASYSxx or IEASYMxx:

In this case, the system selects BBBB as the SID value, because the name TESTSYS matches the name specified in IEASYSxx or IEASYMxx.

When defining the system identifier, you can use:

  • System symbols and substrings of system symbols (the resolved substitution texts for the system symbols must contain 1-4 characters).

    The system substitutes text for system symbols before it validates the syntax of the SID parameter. If errors occur in system symbol notation, the system prompts the operator to respecify the SID parameter. See What are system symbols? for information about the syntax of system symbols.

  • The system name specified in IEASYSxx or IEASYMxx.
  • Processor serial numbers used at IPL.
  • Combinations of processor serial numbers used at IPL.

The preferred way to define the system identifier is to assign the identifier to a system symbol.

The formats for the SID are:

Specifies a one-to-four-character string that the system is to use as the system identifier.
Selects the specified system identifier when sysname matches the system name specified at IPL. See Step 3. Determine where to specify the system name for more information.
Selects the system identifier by the processor identifier. The serial numbers must match exactly with the ID for the processors that are currently initialized. A serial number is six digits. If the system is running on a processor that supports more than 15 LPARs (for example, a z990 processor), the serial number format is ppnnnn, where pp is the LPAR identifier and nnnn is the CPU serial number. On a system that is running on a pre-z990 processor, or a processor that does not support more than 15 LPARs, the serial number format is lpnnnn, wherel is the logical CPU address, p is the LPAR identifier, and nnnn is the CPU serial number.
Selects the system identifier by the processor identifier. If the set of currently initialized processors matches any possible combination of serial numbers specified in COMBIN, xxxx is used as the system identifier. A serial number is six digits. If the system is running on a processor that supports more than 15 LPARs (for example, a z990 processor), the serial number format is ppnnnn, where pp is the LPAR identifier and nnnn is the CPU serial number. On a system that is running on a pre-z990 processor, or a processor does not support more than 15 LPARs, the serial number format is lpnnnn, wherelis the logical CPU address, p is the LPAR identifier, and nnnn is the CPU serial number.
Syntax Examples:

Default: If the SID parameter is not specified, and no other SID specification is available, the system uses the four-digit processor model number.

Syntax Precedence: It is possible for more than one SID specification to apply to one system. For example, if a SMFPRMxx member includes two SID specifications, SID(AAAA) and SID(BBBB,SYSNAME(SYSBBBB)) and the system is IPLed with a system name of SYSBBBB, both SID specifications apply. In this case, the precedence rules listed in Table 3 apply.

Table 3. SID Parameter Syntax Priority List
Syntax Meaning Priority
SID(xxxx,ser#[,ser#]...) If the serial number ser# matches, the SID is xxxx. 1
SID(xxxx,SYSNAME(sysname)) If the system name (sysname) matches, the SID is xxxx. 1
SID(xxxx,COMBIN(ser#[,ser#]...)) If any of the listed serial numbers match, the SID is xxxx. 1
SID(xxxx) The SID is xxxx. 2
{Default} SID=four-digit processor model number. 3

The lower the number, the higher the priority. For syntax with similar priority numbers, the first occurrence in the SMFPRMxx parmlib member of a matching SID specification becomes the system identifier.

Note: These precedence rules do not apply if the SID parameter is modified using the PROMPT(LIST) or PROMPT(ALL) option. If the SID parameter is modified by using the PROMPT option, the SID value changes if the modified SID specification applies, regardless of whether the previous SID syntax had a higher priority than the modified SID syntax.
Assumption: IPL the system as a multiprocessor (006204,106204) with SYSNAME=SYSSYSD.
 If SMFPRMAA specified at IPL  SID value   Option Display (D SMF,0)
     SID(SYSA)                   SYSA      SID(SYSA)

 If SMFPRMBB specified at IPL
     SID(SYSB,006204,106204)     SYSB      SID(SYSB,006204,106204)

 If SMFPRMCC specified at IPL

 If SMFPRMDD specified at IPL
     SID(&SYSNAME(4:4))          SYSD      SID(SYSD)

 If SMFPRMEE specified at IPL
     SID(SYSE,COMBIN(006204,     SYSE      SID(SYSE,006204,106204)
REC({ (ALL) } { (PERM)}
Specifies whether information for type 17 SMF records (scratch data set status) is to be collected for temporary data sets. PERM specifies that type 17 SMF records are to be written only for non-temporary data sets. ALL specifies that type 17 SMF records are to be written for both temporary and non-temporary data sets.
Note: A temporary data set has a system–generated data set name either from DSN=&&datasetname or from the absence of any data set name. These system generated names are in the form SYSyyddd.Thhmmss....

Default: REC (PERM)

This parameter applies to SMF data set recording and SMF log stream recording. It specifies the amount of real time that SMF allows data to remain in an SMF buffer before it is written to a recording data set or a log stream, where mm is real time in minutes and ss is seconds. NOMAXDORM specifies that the data remains in the buffer until the buffer is full. The size of the non-full buffer written out when the MAXDORM reached is one Control Interval (CI).

Value Range: 0001-5959

Default: MAXDORM (3000). This indicates 30 minutes.

Start of change
Specifies whether or not you want to suppress empty execute channel program (EXCP) entries in the SMF type 30 record. IBM® recommends that the SUPPRESS option is specified.
  • Start of changeNOSUPPRESS, which is the default, specifies that the system generates an empty SMF type 30 record EXCP section for each SMS candidate volume in the storage group that is not allocated to the DD statement.

    By default, empty EXCP sections are also generated for non-dataset allocations like DD DUMMY or spool file allocations.

    End of change
  • Start of changeSUPPRESS specifies that the system suppresses the creation of empty EXCP sections for non-allocated candidate volumes in the SMS storage group.

    With this option, empty EXCP sections that are generated for non-dataset allocations like DD DUMMY or spool file allocations are also suppressed.

    End of change
End of change
Specifies the time interval between creations of the type 23 SMF record (SMF status).

Default: STATUS

The option values are as follows:
Specifies the length of the time interval in hhmmss format, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, and ss is the seconds.

Value Range: 000001-240000

Default: (010000) — Indicates a one-hour interval.

Specifies that SMF is to use the global interval value (specified with the INTVAL parameter) as the time interval. Specify SYNC or NOSYNC to indicate whether or not SMF should synchronize the creation of type 23 records with the hour (using the global synchronization value specified with the SYNCVAL parameter).

Default: NOSYNC

JWT (hhmm)
Specifies the maximum amount of time that a job or TSO/E user address space is allowed to wait continuously, where hh is the amount of real time in hours and mm is in minutes. "Continuous wait time" is defined as time spent waiting while the application program is in control. For example, the time required to recall a data set from HSM Migration Levels 1 or 2, or the time required to mount a tape is counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation of the data set is dynamic (that is, issued while the program was running), while the time required for those activities will not be counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation is static (that is, for a DD statement).
Note: When specified, the SWT and TWT values will override the JWT value for started tasks and TSO/E address spaces, respectively.

If the specified time limit expires, the system passes control to the SMF time limit exit, IEFUTL (if active). IEFUTL either extends the wait time or allows the system to end the job or TSO/E user address space abnormally.

Note: If TIME=1440 is coded on the JOB or EXEC JCL statement, or if it is defaulted by the JES class attribute of TIME=1440, IEFUTL is not invoked for that job.

Value Range: 0001-2400

Default: JWT (0010) This indicates 10 minutes

SWT (hhmm)
Specifies the maximum amount of time that a started task is address space is allowed to wait continuously, where hh is the amount of real time in hours and mm is in minutes. When SWT is specified, its time value will override the time value specified or defaulted to by the JWT parameter, for started tasks only. "Continuous wait time" is defined as time spent waiting while the application program is in control. For example, the time required to recall a data set from HSM Migration Levels 1 or 2, or the time required to mount a tape is counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation of the data set is dynamic (that is, issued while the program was running), while the time required for those activities will not be counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation is static (that is, for a DD statement).

If the specified time limit expires, the system passes control to the SMF time limit exit, IEFUTL (if active). IEFUTL either extends the wait time or allows the system to end started task address space abnormally.

Note: If TIME=1440 is coded on the JOB or EXEC JCL statement, or if it is defaulted by the JES class attribute of TIME=1440, IEFUTL is not invoked for that job.

Value Range: 0001-2400

Default: When SWT is not specified, the value specified for JWT is used for determining when to time out started task address spaces.

TWT (hhmm)
Specifies the maximum amount of time that a TSO/E user address space is allowed to wait continuously, where hh is the amount of real time in hours and mm is in minutes. When TWT is specified, its time value will override the time value specified or defaulted to by the JWT parameter, for TSO/E user address spaces only. "Continuous wait time" is defined as time spent waiting while the application program is in control. For example, the time required to recall a data set from HSM Migration Levels 1 or 2, or the time required to mount a tape is counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation of the data set is dynamic (that is, issued while the program was running), while the time required for those activities will not be counted towards the job's continuous wait time if the allocation is static (that is, for a DD statement).

If the specified time limit expires, the system passes control to the SMF time limit exit, IEFUTL (if active). IEFUTL either extends the wait time or allows the system to end the TSO/E user address space abnormally.

Note: If TIME=1440 is coded on the JOB or EXEC JCL statement, or if it is defaulted by the JES class attribute of TIME=1440, IEFUTL is not invoked for that job.

Value Range: 0001-2400

Default: When TWT is not specified, the value for JWT is used for determining when to time out TSO/E user address spaces.

DDCONS {(YES)} | {(NO) }
Specifies whether duplicate EXCP entries for type 30 SMF records are to be consolidated. When DDCONS(YES) is specified, SMF merges the EXCP count for these duplicate entries into one entry if the following information is the same:
  • Device class
  • Unit type
  • Channel address
  • Unit address

Long-running jobs might take a long time to end in this case, because of the building of the SMF type 30 records for a long-running job.

DDCONS(NO) requests that this consolidation function be bypassed, which results in a reduction in the amount of processing required to build the records, and thus a reduction in the amount of time required to complete the job.

Default: YES

Specifies whether the selected SMF parameters are to be displayed on the system console at IPL time. The system can prompt the operator to supply a reason for the IPL or to modify the parmlib parameters. The option values are as follows:
  • IPLR specifies that the operator is to supply a reason for the IPL.
  • LIST specifies that the operator is prompted for possible modifications to the SMF parameters.
  • ALL specifies that the operator is prompted for the IPL reason and can modify the SMF parameters.

NOPROMPT specifies that the parameters are not listed and the operator is not prompted unless there is a syntax error in the parmlib member.

Note: Start of changeSMF parameter options may not be changed using the SETSMF command when the PROMPT(IPLR) or NOPROMPT parameter options are specified. To authorize SETSMF regardless of the PROMPT or NOPROMPT parameter options, specify the AUTHSETSMF parameter.End of change

Default: PROMPT (ALL)

This parameter specifies whether changes are authorized to be made to the SMF parameter options via the SETSMF command. When AUTHSETSMF is specified, the SETSMF command is authorized, regardless of the specification of PROMPT or NOPROMPT. When NOAUTHSETSMF is specified, the SETSMF command is not authorized, regardless of the specification of PROMPT or NOPROMPT.

Default: None. When not specified, by default, SETSMF is not authorized if the PROMPT(IPLR) or NOPROMPT parameter options are specified.

SYS (options)
Specifies the SMF recording options and exits for the entire system. The options are as follows; if the same option is specified more than once, the system uses the first valid operator reply.
SMF record types and subtypes to be collected.
Time intervals between recording.
Exits that are to receive control at various points in SMF processing.
The level of SMF data collection for TSO users and started tasks.
The following information describes the options in greater detail.
TYPE{aa,bb(cc) } NOTYPE ({aa,bb:zz }) {aa,dd(cc:yy),...} {aa,bb(cc,...)}
TYPE specifies the SMF record types and subtypes that SMF is to collect. aa, bb, dd, and zz are the decimal notations for each SMF record type. cc and yy are the decimal notations for the SMF record subtypes. A colon indicates the range of SMF record types (bb through zz) to be recorded or the range of subtypes (cc through yy for SMF record type dd) to be recorded.You can select SMF record subtypes on all SMF record types, as well as on user records.

NOTYPE specifies that SMF is to collect all SMF record types and subtypes except those specified. aa, bb, and zz are the decimal notations for each SMF record type. cc and yy are the decimal notations for each subtype. A colon indicates the range of SMF record types (bb through zz) or the range of subtypes (cc through yy for SMF record dd) that are not to be recorded.

Value Range:
  • 0-255 for SMF record types
  • 0-32767 for subtypes - subtype selection applies only to SMF data set recording.

Default: TYPE (0:255) (all types and subtypes)

NOINTERVAL specifies that no interval recording takes place. INTERVAL requests interval recording and specifies the length of the recording interval. At the end of each interval, SMF generates a type 30 record. For TSO/E users, SMF can also generate a type 32 record.

Interval recording allows the user to preserve accounting data for long-running jobs or TSO/E sessions. Because SMF records accounting data for each job or task each time the interval expires, the data is not completely lost if there is a system failure.


The suboptions are as follows:
Specifies the length of the time interval in hhmmss format, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, and ss is the seconds.

Value Range: 000001-240000

Default: N/A

Specifies that SMF is to use the global interval value (specified with the INTVAL keyword) as the time interval. Specify SYNC or NOSYNC to indicate whether SMF is to synchronize the creation of type 30 and 32 records with the hour (based on the global synchronization value specified with the SYNCVAL keyword).

Default: NOSYNC

EXITS (exit name, exit name,...) | NOEXITS
EXITS specifies which SMF exits are to be invoked. A maximum of 15 exits is allowed; if an exit is not specified, it is not invoked. If this parameter is not specified, SMF behaves as if this parameter is specified with all 15 exits listed here and all SMF system exits are invoked.

NOEXITS specifies that SMF exits are not invoked.

You can specify exits on the SYS and SUBSYS statements of SMFPRMxx. Your choice of SYS or SUBSYS depends on the scope of work you want to influence (system-wide or subsystem-wide), as follows:
  • On the SYS parameter, specify the exits that are to affect work throughout the system, regardless of the subsystem that processes the work.
  • On the SUBSYS parameter, specify the exits that are to affect work processed by a particular SMF-defined subsystem (JES2, JES3, STC, ASCH, or TSO) and no other subsystem specific exit points will be taken.

The SUBSYS specification overrides the SYS specification. Use SUBSYS to make exceptions to your SYS specification for particular subsystems.

Some SMF exits are not called for particular subsystems. Table 4 shows which exits can be called for subsystems that are specified on the SUBSYS statement.
Table 4. Which SMF exits are called for this subsystem?
Exit Point SUBSYS Value
IEFACTRT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFUAV No No No Yes No
IEFUJI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFUJP Yes(2) No Yes No No
IEFUJV Yes Yes Yes Yes(1) Yes
IEFUSI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFUSO Yes(2) No Yes No No
IEFUTL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFU29 No No Yes No No
IEFU29L No No No No No
IEFU83 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFU84 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEFU85 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  1. IBM suggests that you use IEFUAV instead of IEFUJV to validate accounting information for APPC/MVS transaction programs. For more information, see z/OS MVS Installation Exits
  2. The installation can cause this exit to be bypassed on a job class basis, through the JOBCLASS(v) initialization statement. For more information about the JOBCLASS(v) statement, see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference.

For more information, refer to Specifying SMF Exits to the Dynamic Exits Facility.

Specifies the level of SMF data collection for TSO and STC; specifying DETAIL or NODETAIL has no effect on any other types of work.

For TSO, when DETAIL is specified, type 32 SMF records contain the total count of each TSO/E command used, CPU time under TCBs and SRBs, and the total number of TGETs, TPUTs, EXCPs and transactions. When NODETAIL is specified for TSO, type 32 SMF records contain only the total count of each TSO/E command used.

NODETAIL is enforced for the master address space.

For STC, specifying DETAIL has no effect. Specifying NODETAIL has an effect only if INTERVAL is also specified. Specify NODETAIL and INTERVAL to exclude the EXCP sections from SMF type 30 subtype 4 and subtype 5 records collected for started tasks. Otherwise, the EXCP sections for SMF type 30 subtype 4 and subtype 5 records will be included. For long running tasks, excluding EXCP sections from SMF type 30 subtype 4 and subtype 5 records can greatly reduce:
  • The amount of storage required to hold SMF records in memory
  • The amount of DASD space required to write the records out to data sets
  • The amount of CPU used at step end and job end


SUBPARM (name(parameter))
Specifies the information to be passed to a specific subsystem where:
specifies a one to four character subsystem name. The first character must be alphabetic or national (#, @, or $), and the remaining characters can be either alphanumeric or national characters.
specifies a 1 to 60 character information SMF does not check the validity of the information string. The inner set of parentheses marks the beginning and the end of the information string.

Default: None

Specifies the default memlimit that will be used by jobs that do not establish a MEMLIMIT in their JCL. See z/OS MVS JCL Reference. MEMLIMIT is the limit on the use of virtual storage above 2 gigabytes for a single address space. NOLIMIT means that there is no limit on the use of virtual storage above 2 gigabytes.

MEMLIMIT values are defined with nnnnnM for megabytes, nnnnnG for gigabytes, nnnnnT for terabytes, or nnnnnP for petabytes. For example, to request 1275 gigabytes, specify MEMLIMIT(1275G), or to request 15 petabytes, specify MEMLIMIT(15P). The command D SMF,O displays the current MEMLIMIT.

If you want SMF MEMLIMIT to be a certain quantity of exabytes, you must convert the exabytes into petabytes and use the nnnnnP nomenclature. There are 1000 petabytes in an exabyte, for example, 15 exabytes would be expressed as 15000P.

Note: If MEMLIMIT is not specified in SMFPRMxx, the default value for this system default is 2G.

Default value: 2G

For a complete description of MEMLIMIT, and the ways to define it, see z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide.

SUBSYS (name,options)
Specifies the SMF recording options and exits for particular subsystems.

name represents the one to four character name of a subsystem. The first character must be alphabetic or national (#, @, or $), and the remaining characters can be either alphanumeric or national characters.

options represents the valid options for SUBSYS. The options are as follows:
SMF record types and subtypes to be collected.
Time intervals between recording.
Exits that are to receive control at various points in SMF processing.
The level of SMF data collection for TSO users and started tasks.

These options are the same as those you can specify for the SYS parameter. When you specify SUBSYS, any option you omit from the SUBSYS parameter defaults to the value specified for that option on the SYS parameter. If you omit SUBSYS, SMF uses the values for all of the options on the corresponding SYS parameter. For the EXIT option, if you omit SUBSYS an exit point name is created for any exit specified on the SYS parameter.

Data can be recorded for up to eight subsystems in any IPL, including those specified at IPL and through subsequent SET commands. When the limit is reached, no additional subsystems can be added. The SMF-defined subsystems are JES2, JES3, STC, ASCH, and TSO. Other valid subsystems include IBM-supplied (such as OMVS), vendor-supplied, and user-defined subsystems.The system assigns work to these subsystems as follows:
  • Batch jobs are assigned to the job entry subsystem (JES2 or JES3) that submitted the work to the system.
  • Work started from the operator console is assigned to the STC subsystem.
  • APPC/MVS transaction programs initiated by the IBM-supplied APPC/MVS transaction scheduler are assigned to the ASCH subsystem.
  • Logged-on TSO/E users are assigned to the TSO subsystem.

Default: See the description of SYS (options).

Specifies whether the SMF dump program attempts to recover in the event an abend occurs. This parameter applies to SMF data set recording only; it does not apply to SMF log stream recording.

RETRY specifies that the SMF dump program attempts to recover from abends and continue processing.

NORETRY specifies that the SMF dump program terminates when an abend occurs.

Note: The SMF dump program will override this parameter and the ABEND parameter (specified on SMF dumps) if the input data set is to be dumped and cleared, and an ABEND occurs AFTER the input data set has been cleared. For this case, the SMF dump program will attempt to recover from the ABEND to prevent the output data set from being deleted and SMF data from being lost, when the SMF dump program abnormally ends. For more information about the SMF dump program, see z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF).

Default: RETRY

{ (HALT)}
For data set recording environments, specifies the system action when the SMF address space has run out of buffer space.
  • MSG specifies that the system is to issue a message and continue processing; SMF data is lost until buffer storage is again available.
  • HALT specifies that the system is to enter a restartable wait state. HALT means that no SMF data is lost.

Default: MSG

For logstream recording environments, specifies the system action when any one of the defined SMF logstream buffer areas run out of space. A separate buffer area is maintained for each SMF logstream and the option specified for this parameter applies to all logstreams defined for SMF data collection. The option specified can be overridden for a particular logstream buffer if NOBUFFS is also specified as a sub-option on the LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME SMFPRMxx parameter options.

MSG specifies that the system is to issue message IFA786W and continue processing. Note that when the logstream buffer is full, data that is designated to be written to that logstream only will be lost until the logstream buffer storage becomes available.

HALT specifies that the system is to enter a restartable wait state when the logstream buffer is full. Specifying HALT prevents data loss when the logstream buffer is full.

Default: MSG

{ (HALT)}
For SMF data set recording, specifies the system action when the last available SMF data set is filled and there are no more available for SMF use.

This parameter applies to SMF data set recording only; it does not apply to SMF log stream recording. If you are using SMF log stream recording, LASTDS(HALT) is ignored. When you specify data sets in SMFPRMxx, SMF issues messages that pertain to LASTDS(MSG) depending on the status of the data sets during SMF initialization.

MSG specifies that the system is to issue a message and continue processing; SMF data is buffered until an SMF data set is available. If SMF runs out of buffers, there might be a loss of data.

HALT specifies that the system is to enter a restartable wait state.

Default: MSG

Specifies whether users of the IFAUSAGE service that registered specifying SCOPE=FUNCTION must use IFAUSAGE with the REQUEST=FUNCTIONxxx parameters.

MULCFUNC indicates that users of the IFAUSAGE service that registered specifying SCOPE=FUNCTION must use IFAUSAGE with the REQUEST=FUNCTIONxxx parameters. SMF is to set the CVTMULFN indicator OFF.

NOMULCFUNC indicates that users of the IFAUSAGE service that registered specifying SCOPE=FUNCTION do not need to use IFAUSAGE with the REQUEST=FUNCTIONxxx parameters. SMF is to set the CVTMULFN indicator ON. Any measured usage program using SCOPE=FUNCTION, such as DB2®, can record only its registration data only and omit recording the usage data.


Specifies the maximum amount of storage that SMF can allocate for SMF record data buffering purposes. This parameter applies only when recording to SMF data sets. It does not apply when recording to SMF log streams.

BUFSIZMAX values area are defined with nnnnM for megabytes or 1G for one gigabyte. For example, to request 1 gigabyte, specify BUFSIZMAX(1G) or BUFSIZMAX(1024M). To request 128 megabytes, specify BUFSIZMAX(128M).

The BUFSIZMAX value can be specified during an IPL in parmlib member SMFPRMxx and the value can be set higher or lower using the T SMF or SETSMF command.

D SMF,O displays the current BUFSIZMAX value.

Value range: 128M–1024M, or 1G (128 megabytes to 1024 megabytes, or 1 gigabyte)

Default: 0128M (128 megabytes)

Specifies the overall buffer warning level percentage (nn) when SMF starts to issue a warning message depending on the recording environment. For data set recording environments, the following occurs:
  • SMF maintains a single buffer area for all data recording.
  • The parameter option value specifies the overall buffer warning level percentage when SMF starts to issue warning message IEE986E. When the amount of in-use buffer percentage falls below the BUFUSEWARN value minus 5 (the default is 20%), message IEE986E is deleted. When SMF is using this percentage of buffer space, message IEE986E is issued. As each additional or incremental SMF buffer (8M) is used to buffer SMF record data, SMF issues an updated instance of message IEE986E that indicates the new buffer storage percentage in use. As in-use SMF buffers are no longer needed, the buffers are removed from the in-use chain. After eligible buffers are removed, an updated instance of message IEE986E is issued that indicates the changed (reduced) buffer storage percentage in-use. When the overall SMF buffer in-use percentage drops to 5 percent below the BUFUSEWARN value, SMF performs a delete-operator-message (DOM) for message IEE986E.
For logstream recording environments, the following occurs:
  • A separate buffer area is maintained for each SMF logstream. The option value specified for this parameter applies to all SMF logstreams unless it is also specified as a sub-option on the LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME SMFPRMxx parameter options. BUFUSEWARN options specified on LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME override the global specification of this BUFUSEWARN option for that logstream.
  • The parameter option value specifies the overall buffer warning level percentage when SMF starts to issue warning message IFA785E. When the amount of in-use buffer percentage falls below the BUFUSEWARN value minus 5 (the default is 20%), message IFA785E is deleted. When SMF is using this percentage of buffer space, message IFA785E is issued. As each additional or incremental SMF buffer (8M) is used to buffer SMF record data, SMF issues an updated instance of message IFA785E that indicates the new buffer storage percentage in use. As in-use SMF buffers are no longer needed, the buffers are removed from the in-use chain. After eligible buffers are removed, an updated instance of message IFA785E is issued that indicates the changed (reduced) buffer storage percentage in-use. When the overall SMF buffer in-use percentage drops to 5 percent below the BUFUSEWARN value, SMF performs a delete-operator-message (DOM) for message IFA785E.

The BUFUSEWARN value can be specified during an IPL in parmlib member SMFPRMxx, and you can set the value higher or lower using the T SMF or SETSMF commands. The D SMF,O command displays the current BUFUSEWARN value.

Value range: 10–90 (10% to 90%)

Default: 25 % (25% of BUFSIZMAX value)


In this example, the default for all log streams is NOBUFFS(MSG) and BUFUSEWARN(25). Because the DEFAULTLSNAME did not override these defaults, they will be applied to the IFASMF.DEFAULT log stream buffer. The IFASMF.IMPORTANT log stream did override these values, and therefore NOBUFFS(HALT) and BUFUSEWARN(30) will be applied. Note that in data set recording mode, the global values still apply.

SMFDLEXIT ({ USER1(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER1 )}
{ USER2(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER2 )},
{ USER3(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER3 )}
SMFDPEXIT ({ USER1(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER1 )},
({ USER2(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER2 )},
({ USER3(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER3 )}
Specifies whether you want to specify valid exits for either the IFASMFDL program through the SMFDLEXIT keyword or the IFASMFDP program through the SMFDPEXIT keyword. You can use the USER1, USER2, or USER3 parameters on either keyword to specify the exits. If a valid exit point does not exist, use the NOUSER1, NOUSER2, or NOUSER3 parameters. For USER1, USER2, or USER3, you can specify any combination of valid exit names for both SMFDLEXIT or SMFDPEXIT.
SMFDLEXIT ({ USER1(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER1 )},
          ({ USER2(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER2 )},
          ({ USER3(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER3 )}
SMFDPEXIT ({ USER1(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER1 )},
          ({ USER2(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER2 )},
          ({ USER3(exit name,exit name, . . .)} | NOUSER3 )}    
Specifies whether SMF record flood support is active.

For a description of SMF flood policies, see the topic on FLOOD and FLOODPOL - Specifying SMF Record Flood Options in z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF).

Start of change
Specifies a flood policy filter (ffff). The FLOOD SMFPRMxx option must be set to ON for this option to become activated. Each of the options below must be present in the filter (ffff).
Specifies the records for this filter.

Value range: 0-255 (SMF record types)

Default: None.

Specifies the number of records in an interval for this filter.

Value range: 1-9999

Default: None.

Start of changeSpecifies a flood interval time value, given in tenths of seconds. A “flood rate” is defined by the RECTHRESH number of records being generated within INTVLTIM time. Note that flood policies are decided first on how many records are generated and then on how long it takes to generate them, rather than being based only on an interval basis.

Value range: 1-9999

Default: None.

End of change
Specifies the number of intervals, defined by INTVLTIME, that must occur at or above the flood rate before action is taken. When the THRESHRECS number of records are generated within the INTVLTIME time period (interval) for the MAXHIGHINTS consecutive number of intervals, SMF enters into a flood state for the designated record type.

Value range: 1-9999

Default: None.

Specifies the amount of time, in tenths of a second, that must elapse before SMF determines that a flood has ended. Once a flood state has begun, if less than the RECTHRESH records are generated in at least ENDINTVL amount of time, the flood will end. Note that SMF only checks for ending a flood as records are generated, as opposed to checking at the specified ENDINTVL amount of time.

Value range: 1-9999

Default: None.

Specifies the action to be taken when a flood state is entered.
Issue warning message IFA780A at the start of the flood state. Message IFA781I is issued when the flooding has stopped.
Issue message IFA782A at the start of the flood state and also begin dropping records. Any attempts to write a record through the SMFEWTM or SMFWTM macro results in a return code 52. At the end of the flood state, message IFA783I is issued that indicates the number of records that have been dropped.

For more information about SMFEWTM and SMFWTM, see SMFEWTM - Writing SMF Records and SMFWTM — Writing SMF Records in z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF).

Default: None.

Consider the following example SMFPRMxx parmlib option settings:


Start of changeIn this example, two filters are set up. The first filter sets up a monitor for both record types 4 and 5. This filter detects when 1000 records are generated within 5 seconds and, if records continue to be generated at this rate for more than 15 consecutive five-second intervals, message IFA780A is issued. The flood state ends, for each record type, when fewer than 1000 records are generated in at least 12 seconds. Message IFA781I is issued when the flood state ends.End of change

Start of changeThe second filter for record type 102 is a two-part filter. The first part that issues the warning message, IFA780A, is triggered when 5000 records are generated in less than 1 second, and records continue to be generated at that rate for more than 15 consecutive one-second intervals. The flood state ends when fewer than 5000 records are generated in at least 10 seconds. Message IFA781I is issued when the flood ends. If the flood state persists, the DROP filter becomes active so that if 5000 type-102 records are generated within 1 second over more than 15 consecutive one-second intervals, message IFA782A is issued and records will be dropped. Records will stop being dropped once fewer than 5000 type 102 records are generated in at least 5 seconds. Message IEFA7831 is issued when the flood state for dropping records ends.End of change

End of change
This option is used to indicate the maximum number of event driven SMF type 30 and type 89 interval records that are allowed during a regular interval cycle. Extra SMF Type 30 and Type 89 interval records can be generated when a processor capacity change occurs. The additional interval records will be generated such that when a processor changes capacity, the current interval is expired and a new, event driven interval begins. The event-driven interval will expire at the regularly scheduled end of the current interval, or when the processor changes capacity again, whichever occurs first. This serves to capture data for the interval records relevant to the current processor capacity.

The system detects a change in processor speed when an ENF 41 is signaled, along with a change in processor capacity data.

Specifies the maximum number of these additional event driven interval records that will be allowed during a single interval. When the number of processor capacity changes during a single interval exceeds the value specified by nn, no additional type 30 or 89 event driven interval records will be generated for the interval, and data for the following, regularly scheduled interval will be relevant to the most recent processor capacity change.

The default value of zero for this option will result in only regularly scheduled interval records to be generated for each interval. A value greater than zero will allow up to that many extra sets of type 30 and 89 records to be collected within one interval as the processor capacity is changed. If precise capacity measurements are needed for billing, the value of nn should match the number of processor capacity changes expected in a single interval.

Value Range: 0-60

Default: 0

Start of changeDSPSIZMAX(nnnnM | nG)End of change
Start of changeSpecifies the maximum amount of storage that a logstream data space will consume. This parameter applies to any logstreams specified with the LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME keyword which does not have this keyword specified as a suboption.

Value Range: 128 megabytes to 2048 megabytes; or 1 gigabyte to 2 gigabytes

Start of changeDefault: 2GEnd of change

End of change
Start of changePERMFIX(nnnnM)End of change
Start of changePERMFIX is an optional parameter when COMPRESS is specified. PERMFIX specifies the default amount of storage that SMF can keep permanently fixed for purposes of communicating with the zEDC Express feature. Storage used by the zEDC Express feature has to be page fixed; however, fixed pages are a constrained resource. Increasing this number can improve performance of SMF, but decreases the fixed storage available to the other applications. Decreasing this number can increase the fixed storage available to other applications, but may degrade SMF performance. PERMFIX can range from a minimum of 1M to a maximum of 2GB. Due to processing needs, even if this value is NOPERMFIX, SMF may use up to 2MB of fixed storage for zEDC usage per log stream with a COMPRESS specification.

This is the global PERMFIX option and can be overridden by the PERMFIX suboption of the LSNAME or DEFAULTLSNAME parameters.


End of change
Start of changeSMF30COUNT | NOSMF30COUNTEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies whether the counter data section (SMF30CDS) should be produced in any SMF type 30 records. The counter data section contains data derived from the z/Architecture® CPU Counter Facility. In order for data to be produced in the section, the Hardware Instrumentation Services (HIS) component must have enabled the appropriate counter set.

See the topic on setting up hardware event data collection in z/OS MVS System Commands for more information about enabling counter sets.

Default: NOSMF30COUNT.

End of change

Specifying SMF Exits to the Dynamic Exits Facility

IBM has defined the SMF exits to the dynamic exit facility. Through the PROGxx parmlib member, you can associate multiple exit routines with SMF exits, at IPL or while the system is running.

To define SMF exits to the dynamic exits facility, you must specify the exits in both PROGxx and SMFPRMxx. The system does not call SMF exits that are defined to PROGxx only. (If you do not plan to take advantage of the dynamic exits facility, you need only define SMF exits in SMFPRMxx).

Default: All exits are invoked.

Note: The PROGxx parmlib member allows you to specify installation exits and control their use. Through PROGxx, you can associate multiple exit routines with exits, at IPL or while the system is running. IBM suggests that you use PROGxx in addition to SMFPRMxx to specify exits, whether or not you want to take advantage of these functions.

The following example shows how you can specify SMF exits in a PROGxx parmlib member. If you specify the following in SMFPRMxx,


you would add the following to get the equivalent processing in PROGxx:

When you associate new exit routines with SMF exits through PROGxx or the SETPROG command, you must use the following naming conventions:
  • For exits listed on the EXITS keyword of the SYS statement in SMFPRMxx, each exit will have the name SYS.yyyy (where yyyy is one of the exits listed).
  • For exits listed on the EXITS keyword of the SUBSYS statement of SMFPRMxx, each exit will have the name SYSxxxx.yyyy (xxxx is the name of the subsystem and yyyy is one of the exits listed).
  • Where a SYS statement has been coded that does not contain an EXITS keyword, each exit will have the name SYS.yyyy (yyyy is one of the exits listed). The list of exits will be all SMF system exits.
  • Where a SUBSYS statement has been coded that does not contain an EXITS keyword, each exit will have the name SYSxxxx.yyyy ( xxxx is the name of the subsystem and yyyy is one of the exits listed). The list of exits will be propagated from the EXITS keyword in the SYS statement. If the EXITS keyword is not coded in the SYS statement as well, the list of exits will be all SMF system exits.

For information about using PROGxx to control the use of exits and exit routines, see PROGxx (authorized program list, exits, LNKLST sets and LPA).