z/OS MVS JCL Reference
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Coding RECFM for BSAM, EXCP, and QSAM access methods

z/OS MVS JCL Reference

Syntax: BSAM, EXCP, and QSAM Access Methods
RECFM=      {U   } [A]
            {UT  } [M]
            {F   }
            {FB  }
            {FS  }
            {FT  }
            {FBS }
            {FBT }
            {V   }
            {VB  }
            {VS  }
            {VT  }
            {VBS }
            {VBT }
A or M can be coded with any record format, such as: RECFM=FBA
For BSAM, EXCP, and QSAM using ISO/ANSI/FIPS data sets on tape:
RECFM=      {D  } [A]
            {DB }
            {DS }
            {U  }
            {F  }
            {FB }
A can be coded with any record format, such as: RECFM=FBA

A or M cannot be specified if the PRTSP subparameter is specified.

indicates that the record contains ISO/ANSI device control characters.
indicates that the records are blocked.
indicates that the records are variable-length ISO/ANSI tape records.
indicates that the records are fixed length.
indicates that the records contain machine code control characters.
(1) For fixed-length records, indicates that the records are written as standard blocks, that is, no truncated blocks or unfilled tracks within the data set, with the exception of the last block or track. (2) For variable-length records, indicates that a record can span more than one block.
indicates that the records can be written using the track-overflow feature, if required.
indicates that the records are undefined length. U is invalid for an ISO/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 tape data set.
indicates that the records are variable length. V cannot be specified for (1) a variable-length ISO/ANSI tape data set (specify D for this data set), (2) a card reader data set, or (3) a 7-track tape unless the data conversion feature (TRTCH=C) is used.
Default: U

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