MGCRE - List form

Use the list form of the MGCRE macro together with the execute form of the macro. The list form of the macro defines an area of storage, which the execute form of the macro uses to store the parameters.


The list form of the MGCRE macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
  One or more blanks must precede MGCRE.
One or more blanks must follow MGCRE.
,PLISTVER=plistver plistver: 1-3 Default: 1


The parameters are explained as follows:

Specifies the version of the macro. PLISTVER determines which parameter list that the system generates. PLISTVER is an optional input parameter on all forms of the macro, including the list form. When using PLISTVER, specify it on all macro forms used for a request and with the same value on all of the macro forms. The values are:
Use PLISTVER=MAX if you want the parameter list to be the largest size currently possible. The size might grow from release to release and affect the amount of storage that your program needs.

If you can tolerate the size change, it is recommended that you always specify PLISTVER=MAX on the list form of the macro. Specifying PLISTVER=MAX ensures that the list form parameter list is always long enough to hold all the parameters you might specify on the execute form and ensures that the parameter list does not overwrite nearby storage.

1 - 2
Use PLISTVER=1 or PLISTVER=2 if you use the base set of parameters. If you omit PLISTVER, the value of 1 is used.
Use PLISTVER=3 if you use ENVRIN.
Specifies the list form of MGCRE.