z/OS Network File System Guide and Reference
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SMF assembler header macro GFSAUSMF

z/OS Network File System Guide and Reference

Figure 1 contains information about the SMF Assembler header macro GFSAUSMF. The GFSAUSMF macro can be found in the SYS1.NFSMAC library.

Figure 1. SMF assembler header macro GFSAUSMF
*/********************************************************************/ 00050000
*/*                                                                  */ 00100000
*/* $MAC(GFSAUSMF) COMP(5695DF121): NFSS XI                          */ 00150000
*/*                                                                  */ 00200000
*/* MACRO NAME: GFSAUSMF.ASM                                         */ 00250000
*/*                                                                  */ 00300000
*/* DESCRIPTION:  Contains ASM Language Mapping of SMF type 42       */ 00350000
*/*               and the subtype 7, 8 and 26 records.         @LCOC */ 00400000
*/*                                                                  */ 00450000
*/* STATUS:  z/OS V2R1 NFS Server                               @LE7C*/ 00500000
*/*                                                                  */ 00550000
*/* COPYRIGHT:                                                       */ 00600000
*/*PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                          */ 00650000
*/*LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                              */ 00700000
*/*"RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM"                                     */ 00750000
*/*5650-ZOS                                                     @P06C*/ 00800000
*/*COPYRIGHT IBM Corp. 1996, 2013                               @LE7C*/ 00850000
*/*END PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                      */ 00900000
*/*                                                                  */ 00950000
*/* FUNCTION: Contains ASM Language Mapping of SMF type 42           */ 01000000
*/*           subtypes 7, 8 and 26 records in the following    @LCOC */ 01050000
*/*           format:                                                */ 01100000
*/*                                                           2@02D  */ 01150000
*/*            ---------------------------------------               */ 01200000
*/*            | Subtype 7 or 8 or 26 Header         |         @LCOC */ 01250000
*/*            ---------------------------------------               */ 01300000
*/*            | Product Section                     |               */ 01350000
*/*            ---------------------------------------               */ 01400000
*/*            | Subtype 7 or 8 or 26 Data           |         @LCOC */ 01450000
*/*            ---------------------------------------               */ 01500000
*/*            | Client Section                      |               */ 01550000
*/*            ---------------------------------------               */ 01600000
*/*                                                                  */ 01650000
*/*  Note: 1) To obtain address of the subtype 7,8 or 26 header @LCOC*/ 01700000
*/*           add SMF42LEN to the address of the type 42 header      */ 01750000
*/*        2) To obtain the address of the product section           */ 01800000
*/*           add SMF42OPS to the address of the type 42 header      */ 01850000
*/*        3) a) To obtain the address of the subtype 7 data portion */ 01900000
*/*              add SMF42NFO to the address of the type 42 header   */ 01950000
*/*           b) To obtain the address of the subtype 8 data portion */ 02000000
*/*              add SMF42NUO to the address of the type 42 header   */ 02050000
*/*           c) To obtain the address of the subtype 26 data   @LCOA*/ 02066600
*/*              add SMF42ADO to the addr of the type 42 header @LCOA*/ 02083300
*/*        4) a) To obtain the address of the subtype 7 client       */ 02100000
*/*              section add SMF42FLO to the address of the          */ 02150000
*/*              current subtype 7 data portion. There can be more   */ 02200000
*/*              than one subtype 7 record in a type 42 record.      */ 02250000
*/*              There will always be a subtype 7 and client pair.   */ 02300000
*/*           b) To obtain the address of the subtype 8 client       */ 02350000
*/*              section add SMF42UCO to the address of the          */ 02400000
*/*              type 42 header.                                     */ 02450000
*/*           c) To obtain the address of the subtype 26 client @LCOA*/ 02458300
*/*              section add SMF42ALO to the address of the     @LCOA*/ 02472200
*/*              type 42 header.                                @LCOA*/ 02486100
*/*                                                                  */ 02500000
*/*                                                                  */ 02550000
*/* NOTES:                                                           */ 02600000
*/*   DEPENDENCIES:  All changes made to this macro must be          */ 02650000
*/*                  reflected in GFSASSMF.                      @02C*/ 02700000
*/*                  All changes made into IGWSMF SMF42 header   @02A*/ 02750000
*/*                  should be reflected in GFSASSMF             @02A*/ 02800000
*/*   USAGE:         To get SMF42 header definitions if needed   @02A*/ 02850000
*/*                  IGWSMF should be used and precede GFSAUSMF: @02A*/ 02900000
*/*                  IGWSMF           | GFSASSMF covers the both @02A*/ 02950000
*/*                  GFSAUSMF         | macros definitions       @02A*/ 03000000
*/*                                                                  */ 03050000
*/* MACRO:                                                           */ 03100000
*/*   PROCESSOR:   High Level Assembler                              */ 03150000
*/*   LIBRARY:     NFSLB                                             */ 03200000
*/*   ATTRIBUTES:  Include                                           */ 03250000
*/*                                                                  */ 03300000
*/*                                                                  */ 03350000
*/* EXTERNAL REFERENCES:  (external to this header file)             */ 03400000
*/*   DATA AREAS:     None                                           */ 03450000
*/*   CONTROL BLOCKS: None                                           */ 03500000
*/*   MACROS:         None                                           */ 03550000
*/*                                                                  */ 03600000
*/* CHANGE ACTIVITY:                                                 */ 03650000
*/*                                                                  */ 03700000
*/*$L33=NFS,HDZ11NP,940310,SJPLTEM: New macro for DFSMS 1.2/NFSS@L33A*/ 03750000
*/*$P1=KA90085,HDZ11NP,940623,SJPLTEM: Add File sys & type values@P1A*/ 03800000
*/*$P2=KA90127,HDZ11NP,940726,SJPLTEM: Remove HFS block counters @P2A*/ 03850000
*/*$P3=KA90179,HDZ11NP,940909,SJPLTEM: Define HFS SMF42FSN & FDN @P3A*/ 03900000
*/*$L75=NFS,HDZ11VS,031209,IBSVKR:  IPv6 support                @L75A*/ 03950000
*/*$01=OA08867,HDZ11US,040712,IBSVKR: Add Sybtype Version Number @01A*/ 04000000
*/*$02=OA10174,HDZ11US,050311,IBSGYG: for IGWSMF compatibility as@02A*/ 04050000
*/*                                   IGWSMF contains SMF42 header02A*/ 04100000
*/*$03=OA15050,HDZ118N,060130,SJPLMTM: Remove SMF42PSV reserved  @03A*/ 04112500
*/*                                    field added from IPv6     @03A*/ 04125000
*/*                                    integration (@L75).       @03A*/ 04137500
*/*$LCO=__NFS__,HDZ1C1N,090407,IBSIPI :                         @LCOA*/ 04141600
*/*    1. Add SMF type 42 subtype 26 recording                  @LCOA*/ 04145700
*/*$P04=KCN0097,HDZ1C1N,091103,IBSVKR:                          @P04A*/ 04147100
*/*    1. Delete SMF42ATN field (New Data Set Type)             @P04A*/ 04148500
*/*$004=OA33868,HDZ1D1N,100730,IBSVKR:                          @004A*/ 04149000
*/*    1. Fix syntax errors                                     @004A*/ 04149500
*/*$P05=KDN0062,HDZ1D1N,100924,IBSVKR:                          @P05A*/ 04149600
*/*    1. Add comment to define 0 value of SMF42ATY             @P05A*/ 04149700
*/*------------------ Release V2R1 ---------------------------  @P06A*/ 04158000
*/*$P06=KEN0146,HDZ221N,20110911,SJPLMB:                        @P06A*/ 04166300
*/*    1. Change Copyright to "IBM Corp." before date(s).       @P06A*/ 04174600
*/*    2. Changed product id from "5694-A01" to "5650-ZOS".     @P06A*/ 04178700
*/*$LE7=__NFS__,HDZ221N,20120228,SJPLMB:                        @LE7A*/ 04180100
*/*    1. Changed Copyright from 2012 to 2013.                  @LE7A*/ 04181500
*/*$005=OA41861,HDZ221N,20130507,IBSVKR:                        @005A*/ 04181900
*/*    1. Avoid duplicate some fields with IGWSMF               @005A*/ 04182300
*/*                                                                  */ 04182900
*/********************************************************************/ 04191200
         MACRO                                                          04200000
         GFSAUSMF &Subtype                                        @005C 04250990 
.*Values for &Subtype must be enclosed parentheses unless only one@005A 04251980
         LCLA  &I             Index to each substring value       @005A 04252970
         LCLB  &Subtypes(26)  Switch to map each subtype          @005A 04253960
.* After the LCLB all bits are logically zero.                    @005A 04254950
         AIF   ('&Subtype' EQ '').GotParms                        @005A 04255940
.STLoop  ANOP                 Loop to examine subtypes            @005A 04256930
&I       SETA  &I+1           Increment to first or next number   @005A 04257920 
         AIF   (&I GT N'&Subtype).GotParms   Go if no more numbers@005A 04258910
         AIF   ('&Subtype(&I)' EQ '').E3     Go if null value     @005A 04259900
         AIF   (T'&Subtype(&I) NE 'N').E4    Go if not numeric    @005A 04260890
         AIF   (&Subtype(&I) NE 7 AND &Subtype(&I) NE 8 AND            *04261880 
               &Subtype(&I) NE 26).E5        Go if invalid subtype@005A 04262870
&Num     SETA  &Subtype(&I)                                       @005A 04263860
&Subtypes(&Num) SETB 1          Ensure mapping of this subtype    @005A 04264850 
         AGO   .STLoop                                            @005A 04265840
.E3      MNOTE 4,'Null record subtype ignored in GFSAUSMF'        @005A 04266830
         AGO   .STLoop                                            @005A 04267820
.E4      MNOTE 4,'&Subtype(&I) must be numeric in GFSAUSMF'       @005A 04268810
         AGO   .STLoop                                            @005A 04269800
.E5      MNOTE 4,'Invalid record type &Subtype(&I) specified and ignore*04270790
               d'                                                 @005A 04271780
         AGO   .STLoop                                            @005A 04272770 
.GotParms ANOP                                                    @005A 04273760 
.* The &Subtypes array has bits to tell which subtypes to map.    @005A 04274750 
.* The default is for all of them to be zero.                     @005A 04275740 
*                                                                       04300000 
*                                                                       04350000 
********************************************************************    04400000 
*     Header for SMF record type 42 should be used from  IGWSMF   @02C  04450000 
********************************************************************    04500000
*                                                                       04550000
*                                                                       04600000
*  SMF42 header definition is deleted from GFSAUSMF. For reference@02A  04650000
*  the SMF42 header contains the following fields :               @02A  04700000
*                                                                       04750000
*SMF42    DSECT                                                 56@02D  04800000
*SMF42BAS DS    0D        SMF42BAS is the basing expr.                  04850000
*SMF42RCL DS    H         Record Length                                 04900000
*SMF42SGD DS    H         Segment Descriptor (RDW) -- 0 if record is    04950000
**                        not spanned                                   05000000
*SMF42FLG DS    0BL1      System indicator flags                        05050000
*SMF42FSI EQU   X'80'     When set=subsystem id follows system id       05100000
*SMF42FSU EQU   X'40'     When set = subtypes are used                  05150000
*SMF42FXA EQU   X'04'     When set = MVS/XA (SMF enters)                05200000
*SMF42FS2 EQU   X'02'     When set = VS2 (SMF enters)                   05250000
*SMF42FS1 EQU   X'01'     When set = VS1 (SMF enters)                   05300000
*         ORG   SMF42FLG+X'00000001'                                    05350000
*SMF42RTY DS    X         Record type: 42 (X'2A')                       05400000
*SMF42TME DS    FL4       Time in hundredths of a second when record    05450000
*                        was moved to SMF buffer                        05500000
*SMF42DTE DS    CL4       Date record written (by SMF)                  05550000
*SMF42SID DS    CL4       System identification (by SMF)                05600000
*SMF42SSI DS    CL4       Subsystem Id                                  05650000
*SMF42STY DS    HL2       Record subtype                                05700000
*SMF42NT  DS    HL2       Number of triplets (optional)                 05750000
*         DS    HL2       Reserved (optional)                           05800000
**                                                                      05850000
********************************************************************    05900000
*    Product section triplet                                       *    05950000
********************************************************************    06000000
**                                                                      06050000
*SMF42OPS DS    FL4       Offset to product section                     06100000
*SMF42LPS DS    HL2       Length of product section                     06150000
*SMF42NPS DS    HL2       Number of product sections                    06200000
**                                                                      06250000
********************************************************************    06300000
*    Header must end on word boundary                              *    06350000
********************************************************************    06400000
**                                                                      06450000
*SMF42END DS    0F        1st data section triplet                      06500000
*SMF42LEN EQU  *-SMF42                                                  06550000
**                                                                      06600000
**                                                                      06650000
********************************************************************    06700000
*     Product Section                                              *    06750000
********************************************************************    06800000
**                                                             2@03D    06850000
*SMF42PRD DSECT                                                         07000000
*SMF42PDL DS    CL8       Product Level                                 07050000
*SMF42PDN DS    CL10      Product Name                                  07100000
*SMF42PSV DS    CL1       Subtype Version Number                @01A    07150000
*         DS    CL21      Reserved                              @01C    07200000
**                                                                      07250000
********************************************************************    07300000
*    Product section must end on word boundary                     *    07350000
********************************************************************    07400000
**                                                                      07450000
*SMF42PEN DS    0F                                                      07500000
*SMF42PLN EQU   *-SMF42PRD Length of product section                    07550000
**                                                                      07600000
**    end of header deletion                                    56@02D  07650000
*******************************************************************     07700000
*  SMF42 subtype 7 header section                                 *     07750000
*   (file timeout statistics)                                     *     07800000
*******************************************************************     07850000
*                                                                       07900000
SMF427H  DSECT                                                          07950000
SMF42NFO DS    F         Offset to NFSS file timeout stats section      08000000
SMF42NFL DS    H         Length of NFSS file timeout stats section      08050000
SMF42NFN DS    H         Number of NFSS file timeout stats section      08100000
SMF427HE EQU   *-SMF427H Length of subtype 7 header                     08150000
*                                                                       08200000
*                                                                       08250000
********************************************************************    08300000
*   SMF42 subtype 8 header section                                 *    08350000
*    (user logout statistics )                                     *    08400000
********************************************************************    08450000
*                                                                       08500000
SMF428H  DSECT                                                          08550000
SMF42NUO DS    F         Offset to NFSS user session stats section      08600000
SMF42NUL DS    H         Length of NFSS user session stats section      08650000
SMF42NUN DS    H         Number of NFSS user session stats section      08700000
SMF428HE EQU   *-SMF428H Length of subtype 8 header                     08750000
*                                                                       08800000
*                                                                       08850000
*******************************************************************     08853800
*  SMF42 subtype 26 header section                          @LCOA *     08857600
*  audit (delete/rename/create) statistics                  @LCOA *     08861400
*******************************************************************     08865200
*                                                                       08869000
SMF4226H DSECT                                                          08872800
SMF42ADO DS    F    Offset to NFSS audit stats section          @LCOA   08876600
SMF42ADL DS    H    Length to NFSS audit stats section          @LCOA   08880400
SMF42ADN DS    H    Number to NFSS audit stats section          @LCOA   08884200
SMF4226L EQU   *-SMF4226H Length of subtype 26 header           @004C   08888000
*                                                                       08891800
*                                                                       08895600
        AIF (NOT &Subtypes(7) AND '&Subtype' NE '').SKIP_07     @005A   08897600 
********************************************************************    08900000 
*     SMF type 42 subtype 7 file timeout Statistics                *    08950000 
*       (file timeout statistics)                                  *    09000000 
********************************************************************    09050000 
*                                                                       09100000 
SMF42S7  DSECT                                                          09150000 
         AIF ('&Subtype' EQ '').Old07A  Go if called the old way @005A  09157000 
SMF42FLOff DS  F         Offset to client identification section @005A  09164000 
SMF42FLLI  DS  H         Length of client identification section @005A  09171000 
SMF42FFST  DS  X         File system type indicator              @005A  09178000 
         AGO   .End07A                                           @005A  09185000 
.Old07A  ANOP                                                    @005A  09192000 
SMF42FLO DS    F         Offset to client identification section        09200000 
SMF42FLL DS    H         Length of client identification section        09250000 
SMF42FFS DS    X         File system type indicator                     09300000 
.End07A  ANOP                                                    @005A  09320000 
*                            01 = z/OS UNIX                   @LCOC     09350000 
*                            02 = MVS                          @P1A     09400000 
SMF42FTY DS    X         File type as defined in NFS protocol           09450000 
*                            00 = Non-file                     @P1A     09500000 
*                            01 = Regular file                 @P1A     09550000 
*                            02 = Directory                    @P1A     09600000 
*                            03 = Block special device         @P1A     09650000
*                            04 = Character special device     @P1A     09700000
*                            05 = Symbolic link                @P1A     09750000
SMF42FTM DS    X         MVS data set type                              09800000
*                             0 = unknown MVS file type        @P1A     09850000
*                             1 = Sequential (BSAM) file       @P1A     09900000
*                             2 = Partitioned (BPAM)           @P1A     09950000
*                             3 = Direct Access file           @P1A     10000000
*                             4 = ISAM is not supported        @P1A     10050000
*                             5 = Virtual Sequential Access    @P1A     10100000
*                             6 = VSAM Entry Sequenced         @P1A     10150000
*                             7 = VSAM Relative Record         @P1A     10200000
*                             8 = VSAM Keyed access            @P1A     10250000
*                             9 = dummy index level file block @P1A     10300000
*                            10 = z/OS UNIX file type         @LCOC     10350000
         DS    XL3       Reserved                                       10400000
SMF42FSN DS    F         File Serial Number, z/OS UNIX INODE  @LCOC     10450000
         AIF ('&Subtype' EQ '').Old07B  Go if called the old way @005A  10457000 
SMF42FDNZ DS   F         Unique device number z/OS UNIX FSYS     @005A  10464000 
SMF42FIRN DS   F         Number of I/O blocks read               @005A  10471000 
SMF42FIWN DS   F         Number of I/O blocks written            @005A  10478000 
         AGO   .End07B                                           @005A  10485000 
.Old07B  ANOP                                                    @005A  10492000 
SMF42FDN DS    F         Unique device number z/OS UNIX FSYS  @LCOC     10500000 
SMF42FIR DS    F         Number of I/O blocks read                      10550000 
SMF42FIW DS    F         Number of I/O blocks written                   10600000 
.End07B  ANOP                                                    @005A  10620000 
         DS    F         Reserved                                       10650000 
SMF42FBR DS    D         Number of bytes read from file                 10700000 
SMF42FBW DS    D         Number of bytes written to file                10750000 
         AIF ('&Subtype' EQ '').Old07C  Go if called the old way @005A  10757000 
SMF42FNLen  DS H         Length of file name                     @005A  10764000 
SMF42FCLB   DS 0D        C370 ends structure on dblword boundry  @005A  10771000 
SMF42FFName DS 0D        File name                               @005A  10778000 
         AGO   .End07C                                           @005A  10785000 
.Old07C  ANOP                                                    @005A  10792000 
SMF42FNL DS    H         Length of file name                            10800000 
SMF42FCL DS    0D        C370 ends structure on doubleword boundry      10850000 
SMF42FFN DS    0D        File name                         @P2C         10900000 
.End07C  ANOP                                                    @005A  10920000 
*                                                                       10950000 
* The file name is either a 256 byte character string, or a             11000000 
* 1023 byte character string. SMF42FNL will contain the length          11050000 
*                                                                       11100000 
*                        Start of Client Section                        11150000 
SMF42F7E EQU   *-SMF42S7 Length of subtype 7 data section               11200000 
*                                                                       11250000 
SMFSNAME EQU   256       Short file name                                11300000 
SMFLNAME EQU   1023      Long file name                                 11350000 
.SKIP_07 ANOP                                                    @005A  11370000 
*                                                                       11400000 
*                                                                       11450000 
********************************************************************    11500000 
*  Client Identification Section. Version 0                   @L75C*    11550000 
********************************************************************    11600000 
*                                                                       11650000 
SMF42CS0 DSECT                                                 @L75C    11700000 
SMF42CRI DS    CL8       RACF user ID                                   11750000 
SMF42CRG DS    CL8       RACF group name                                11800000 
SMF42CAN DS    CL8       Account Number                                 11850000 
SMF42CUI DS    F         User ID at client host (UNIX style)            11900000
SMF42CGI DS    F         Group ID at client host (UNIX style)           11950000
SMF42CIP DS    F         IP address of client host                      12000000
SMF42CHL DS    H         Length of client host name                     12050000
SMF42CHN DS    CL256     Client host name                      @L75C    12100000
SMF42CSE EQU   *-SMF42CS0 Length of Client Section Version 0   @P05C    12150000
*                                                                       12200000
*                                                                       12250000
********************************************************************    12300000
*  Client Identification Section. Version 2                   @L75A*    12350000
********************************************************************    12400000
*                                                                       12450000
SMF42CS2 DSECT                                                 @L75A    12500000
S2F42CRI DS    CL8       RACF user ID                          @L75A    12550000
S2F42CRG DS    CL8       RACF group name                       @L75A    12600000
S2F42CAN DS    CL8       Account Number                        @L75A    12650000
S2F42CUI DS    F         User ID at client host                @L75A    12700000
S2F42CGI DS    F         Group ID at client host               @L75A    12750000
S2F42CIP DS    CL16      IPv6 address of client host           @L75A    12800000
S2F42CHL DS    H         Length of client host name            @L75A    12850000
S2F42CHN DS    CL256     Client host name                      @L75A    12900000
S2F42CSE EQU   *-SMF42CS2 Length of Client Section Version 2   @L75A    12950000
*                                                                       13000000
*                                                                       13050000
         AIF (NOT &Subtypes(8) AND '&Subtype' NE '').SKIP_08     @005A  13070000 
********************************************************************    13100000 
*  SMF type 42 subtype 8 user session completion Statistics        *    13150000 
*    (user logout statistics )                                     *    13200000 
********************************************************************    13250000 
*                                                                       13300000 
SMF42S8  DSECT                                                          13350000 
SMF42UCO DS    F         Offset to client identification section        13400000 
SMF42UCL DS    H         Length of client identification section        13450000 
         DS    H         Reserved                                       13500000 
SMF42UST DS    D         Session start time (in STCK format)            13550000 
SMF42UET DS    D         Session end time (in STCK format)              13600000 
SMF42UEL DS    F         Session elapsed time (in milliseconds)         13650000 
SMF42UNR DS    F         Number of RPC requests processed in this       13700000 
*                        session                                        13750000 
SMF42UTE DS    F         Total elapsed time of all RPC requests         13800000 
*                        processes in this session                      13850000 
SMF42UAT DS    F         Total active time of all RPC requests          13900000 
*                        processes in this session                      13950000 
SMF42URN DS    D         Number of bytes read in from the network in    14000000 
*                        this session                                   14050000 
SMF42UWN DS    D         Number of bytes written out to the network     14100000 
*                        in this session. */                            14150000 
SMF42URF DS    D         Number of bytes read from files on this        14200000 
*                        session */                                     14250000 
SMF42UWF DS    D         Number of bytes written to files in this       14300000 
*                        session                                        14350000 
SMF42UCS DS    0F        Start of Client Section                        14400000 
SMF42S8E EQU   *-SMF42S8 Length of subtype 8 data section               14450000 
.SKIP_08 ANOP                                                    @005A  14450400 
*                                                                       14450800 
         AIF (NOT &Subtypes(26) AND '&Subtype' NE '').SKIP_26     @005A 14451200 
********************************************************************    14451600 
*     SMF type 42 subtype 26 create/delete/rename Statistics @LCOA *    14452400 
********************************************************************    14453200 
*                                                                       14454000 
SMF42S26 DSECT                                                   @LCOA  14454800
SMF42ALO DS    F       Offset to client identification section   @LCOA  14455600
SMF42ALL DS    H       Length of client identification section   @LCOA  14456400
SMF42AOV DS    X       NFS protocol version (2,3 or 4)           @LCOA  14457100
SMF42AOP DS    X       NFS operation/procedure number            @LCOA  14457800
SMF42AFS DS    X       File system type z/OS UNIX = 1, MVS = 2   @LCOA  14458500
         DS    XL3     Reserved                                  @LCOA  14459300
*                                                                @LCOA  14459600
*  Legacy MVS audit data  *                                      @LCOA  14460400
*                                                                @LCOA  14461200
SMF42ATM DS    X       Data Set type                             @LCOA  14462000
*                             0 = unknown MVS file type          @LCOA  14462800
*                             1 = Sequential (BSAM) file         @LCOA  14463600
*                             2 = Partitioned (BPAM)file         @LCOA  14464400
*                             3 = Direct Access file             @LCOA  14465200
*                             4 = ISAM is not supported          @LCOA  14466000
*                             5 = Virtual Sequential Access      @LCOA  14466800
*                             6 = VSAM Entry Sequenced           @LCOA  14467600
*                             7 = VSAM Relative Record           @LCOA  14468400
*                             8 = VSAM Keyed access              @LCOA  14469200
*                             9 = dummy index level file block   @LCOA  14470000
         DS    X       Reserved                                  @LCOA  14470800
SMF42AVL DS    CL6     Volume name 6 chars                       @LCOA  14471600
SMF42ANL DS    F       Data set name length                      @LCOA  14472400
**                                                               @004C  14473400
         DS    XL2     Reserved                                  @P04C  14474400
SMF42AVN DS    CL6     New Volume name 6 chars                   @LCOA  14475600
SMF42ANN DS    F       New Data set name length                  @LCOA  14476400
*                                                                @LCOA  14477200
*    z/OS UNIX audit data  *                                     @LCOA  14478000
*                                                                @LCOA  14478800
         ORG   SMF42ATM                                          @LCOA  14479600
SMF42ATY DS    X       File object type                          @LCOA  14480400
*                      0 = Unknown file type                     @P05A  14480500
*                      1 = Directory                             @LCOA  14480600
*                      2 = Character special file                @LCOA  14480700
*                      3 = Regular file                          @LCOA  14480800
*                      4 = Named pipe (FIFO) file                @LCOA  14480900
*                      5 = Symbolic link                         @LCOA  14481000
*                      6 = Block special file                    @LCOA  14481100
*                      7 = Socket file                           @LCOA  14481200
         DS    XL3     Reserved                                  @LCOA  14481300
SMF42ASD DS    F       File system device number                 @LCOA  14482000
SMF42ASL DS    F       File system name length                   @LCOA  14482800
SMF42ASN DS    CL44    File system name 1-44 chars               @LCOA  14483600
SMF42AFI DS    F       File inode attribute                      @LCOA  14484400
SMF42AFA DS    CL16    File audited attribute                    @LCOA  14485200
SMF42ADI DS    F       Directory inode attribute                 @LCOA  14486000
SMF42ADA DS    CL16    Directory audited attribute               @LCOA  14486800
SMF42AFL DS    F       File name length                          @LCOA  14487600
*                                                                @LCOA  14488400
SMF42ANI DS    F       New directory inode attribute             @LCOA  14489200
SMF42ANA DS    CL16    New directory audited attribute           @LCOA  14490000
SMF42AFN DS    F       New file name length                      @LCOA  14490800
*                                                                @LCOA  14491600
SMF42ANM DS    CL1     File name and New File name, if exist     @LCOA  14492400
*                      It is not NULL terminated                 @LCOA  14493200
SMF4226E EQU   *-SMF42S26 Length of subtype 26 data section      @LCOA  14494000
.SKIP_26 ANOP                                                    @005A  14497000
         MEND                                                           14500000

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