z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes
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z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes

E(P) Byte/RBA xxxxxxxxxxxx Failed validity check


The pointer entry of an index entry in the block is not preceded by the value X'6x', or the RBA xxxxxxxxxxxx of the next level index block or profile is not valid for one of the following reasons:
  • The first 2 bytes are not zero.
  • The last 4 bytes are zero.
  • The RBA is not a multiple of 4096.
  • For level one blocks, the RBA is not a multiple of 256.
IRRUT200 does not dump the index block if only the RBA is not valid.

System action

Utility processing stops.

Programmer response

If the RBA was not valid, no dump is produced. Otherwise, a hexadecimal dump is produced. Use the BLKUPD command to correct the problem.

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