WEIGHTEDACTIVE - Distribution based on active connection load

In some instances, rather than using WLM recommendations, weighted active connections (WEIGHTEDActive) can provide a more appropriate solution to control workload distribution:

Weighted active connections provide granular control over workload distribution based on predetermined active connection count proportions for each target (fixed weights). Distribution of incoming TCP connection requests is balanced across the targets so that the number of active connections on each target is proportionally equivalent to a configured active connection weight for each target (specified on the DESTIP parameter for each target). Control is gained at the expense of losing the dynamic benefits of WLM recommendations; however, server-specific abnormal completion information, the general health indicator, and the TSR value are used to reduce the active connection weight when these indicators are not optimal. If weighted active connections are used, study and determine the comparative workload that you want on each system so that you can configure appropriate connection weights.

To enable the distributing stack to use server-specific abnormal completion and health information to affect the active connection weight, specify SYSPLEXROUTING on the IPCONFIG statement for all participating stacks.

You can select this type of distribution for DVIPA and port targets by specifying the WEIGHTEDActive option on the DISTM parameter of the VIPADISTRIBUTE statement, and specifying the proportion of active connections that you want on each target using the WEIGHT option on the DESTIP dynxcfip parameter of the VIPADISTRIBUTE statement.