JESSyntaxErrLimit statement

Use the JESSyntaxErrLimit statement to specify the maximum number of syntax errors that are acceptable in a JES spool file.


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   .-JESSyntaxErrLimit 5-----.   
   '-JESSyntaxErrLimit count-'   


An integer in the range 0 - 999 that represents the maximum number of syntax errors that are acceptable in a JES spool file. The default value is 5. The value 0 indicates that an unlimited number of syntax errors is acceptable. If you set a high or unlimited value on this statement, then a waste of system resources such as CPU use can occur when the JES spool file contains many errors.
Tip: Syntax errors in the RCPT commands are not counted against the JESSyntaxErrLimit statement. Instead, a syntax error in a RCPT command is treated as an undeliverable mail message, if the rest of the SMTP commands are valid. Use the UNDELIVERABLE statement to control the handling of undeliverable mail.