Use the DISPLAY TCPIP,,OSAINFO command to retrieve information for active IPAQENET and IPAQENET6 interfaces. An interface represents a single datapath device of an OSA-Express feature. The information is retrieved directly from the OSA-Express feature.

  • If you have an INTERFACE and a DEVICE or LINK definition with the same port name and both are active, specifying either the INTERFACE or link name on the command will generate a report with both IPv4 and IPv6 information.
  • You can use the DISPLAY TCPIP,,OSAINFO command to retrieve information for an active OSAENTA interface although only the base portion of the report is pertinent.
The command output provides the following sections of information:
Contains physical characteristics and attributes for the interface and OSA-Express feature.
Registered addresses
Contains the Layer 2 MAC addresses or Layer 3 unicast and multicast IPv4 and IPv6 addresses registered to the OSA-Express feature.
QDIO inbound workload queueing routing variables
If QDIO inbound workload queueing is in effect for the interface, this section contains the routing variables for the ancillary input queues. Routing variables identify which inbound packets are to be presented on an ancillary input queue. For more information about ancillary input queues, see QDIO inbound workload queueing in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.

Both the modifiers and the MAX parameters can be used to limit the number of output lines.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-Display --TCPIP--,--+----------+--,--OSAinfo----------------->

                            V               | (1)   


  1. If no modifiers are specified, all sections for which information exists are displayed.

Rule: You must specify the parameters in the order that the syntax diagram shows.


Requests OSA information.
INTFNAME = intf_name
Specifies the name of the OSA-Express QDIO interface whose datapath device information is requested. The intf_name value can be one of the following names:
  • The name that was configured on a LINK IPAQENET profile statement.
  • The name that was configured on an INTERFACE IPAQENET or IPAQENET6 profile statement.
  • The name of an OSAENTA trace interface, which is EZANTAportname, where the portname value is the name that is specified on the PORTNAME keyword in the TRLE for the OSA-Express port that is being traced.

Tip: To obtain a list of names to use as the value of the INTFNAME parameter, use the Netstat DEvlinks/-d command.

Indicates that the physical characteristics and attributes of the interface and OSA-Express feature are to be included in the report.
Indicates that QDIO inbound workload queueing routing variables for the BULKDATA ancillary queue are to be included in the report. The BULKDATA routing variables are comprised of source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, and protocol. That combination uniquely identifies those packets that the OSA-Express will route to the BULKDATA ancillary queue.
Indicates that QDIO inbound workload queueing routing variables for the Enterprise Extender (EE) ancillary queue are to be included in the report. The EE routing variables are comprised of destination IP addresses, destination ports, and protocol. That combination uniquely identifies those packets that the OSA-Express will route to the EE ancillary queue.
Indicates that registered Layer 2 MAC addresses or Layer 3 unicast and multicast addresses are to be included in the report.
Indicates that QDIO inbound workload queueing routing variables for the SYSDIST ancillary queue are to be included in the report. The SYSDIST routing variables are comprised of destination IP addresses and protocol. That combination uniquely identifies those packets that the OSA-Express will route to the SYSDIST ancillary queue.
MAX = lines| *
The maximum number of lines to be displayed on the console. Valid lines values are in the range 4 - 65533. Specify an asterisk (*) to allow up to 65533 lines to be displayed.
  • If MAX=* is specified and the report is truncated as the result of exceeding the multi-line WTO maximum, the following message is displayed:
    Report truncated due to greater than 65533 lines of output
  • In all other cases, the total number of lines that is displayed and the total number of lines that could have been displayed are shown in the following output line, where n is the number of lines displayed and m is the total number of lines that could have been displayed.
    n of m lines displayed



Example of IPv4 interface reply

EZD0031I TCP/IP CS V2R1  TCPIP Name: TCPCS     15:14:15                 
Display OSAINFO results for IntfName: LNK29D               
PortName: DEV29D    PortNum: 01  Datapath: 3902   RealAddr: 0002      
PCHID: 0451         CHPID: 29    CHPID Type: OSD  OSA code level: 6760     
Gen: OSA-E3         Active speed/mode: 1000 mb/sec full duplex          
Media: Singlemode Fiber        Jumbo frames: Yes  Isolate: No 
PhysicalMACAddr: 643B88F30000  LocallyCfgMACAddr: 000000000000
Queues defined Out: 4  In: 3   Ancillary queues in use: 2
Connection Mode: Layer 3       IPv4: Yes  IPv6: No
SAPSup: 00010293               SAPEna: 00010293
IPv4 attributes:                                           
  VLAN ID: N/A             VMAC Active: No 
  Defined Router: Non      Active Router: No                     
  AsstParmsEna: 00215C66   OutCkSumEna: 00000000  InCkSumEna: 00000000 
Registered Addresses:                    
  IPv4 Unicast Addresses:                          
    ARP: Yes  Addr:            
    Total number of IPv4 addresses:      1  
  IPv4 Multicast Addresses:                
    MAC: 01005E000001  Addr:     
    Total number of IPv4 addresses:      1 
Ancillary Input Queue Routing Variables:         
  Queue Type: BULKDATA  Queue ID:  2  Protocol: TCP
    Total number of IPv4 connections:      2        
  Queue Type: SYSDIST   Queue ID:  3  Protocol: TCP 
    Total number of IPv4 addresses:      1 
33 OF 33 Lines Displayed
End of report 

Example of IPv6 interface reply

EZD0031I TCP/IP CS V2R1  TCPIP Name: TCPCS     15:14:15                 
Display OSAINFO results for IntfName: LNK29D               
PortName: DEV29D    PortNum: 01  Datapath: 3902   RealAddr: 0002      
PCHID: 0451         CHPID: 29    CHPID Type: OSD  OSA code level: 6760     
Gen: OSA-E3         Active speed/mode: 1000 mb/sec full duplex          
Media: Singlemode Fiber        Jumbo frames: Yes  Isolate: No 
PhysicalMACAddr: 643B88F30000  LocallyCfgMACAddr: 000000000000
Queues defined Out: 4  In: 3   Ancillary queues in use: 2
Connection Mode: Layer 3       IPv4: No   IPv6: Yes
SAPSup: 00010293               SAPEna: 00010293
IPv6 attributes:                                    
  VLAN ID: N/A             VMAC Active: Yes
  VMAC Addr: 643B88F30001  VMAC Origin: Cfg       VMAC Router: All
  AsstParmsEna: 00215C66   OutCkSumEna: 00000000  InCkSumEna: 00000000
Registered Addresses:                    
  IPv6 Unicast Addresses:                            
    Addr: 2001:1:1::1                   
    Addr: 2001:2:1::1                   
    Total number of IPv6 addresses:      2
  IPv6 Multicast Addresses:                
    MAC: 3333FF280300  Addr: FF02::1:FF28:300   
    Total number of IPv6 addresses:      1  
Ancillary Input Queue Routing Variables:         
  Queue Type: BULKDATA  Queue ID:  2  Protocol: TCP     
    Src: 2004:1:11::1..200                              
    Dst: 2001:1:3::1..200                               
    Total number of IPv6 connections:      1             
  Queue Type: SYSDIST   Queue ID:  3  Protocol: TCP     
    Addr: 2001:1:3::1                                   
    Total number of IPv6 addresses:      1             
32 OF 32 Lines Displayed
End of report 

Example of dual definition interface reply

EZD0031I TCP/IP CS V2R1  TCPIP Name: TCPCS     15:14:15                 
Display OSAINFO results for IntfName: LNK29D               
PortName: DEV29D    PortNum: 01  Datapath: 3902   RealAddr: 0002      
PCHID: 0451         CHPID: 29    CHPID Type: OSD  OSA code level: 6760     
Gen: OSA-E3         Active speed/mode: 1000 mb/sec full duplex          
Media: Singlemode Fiber        Jumbo frames: Yes  Isolate: No 
PhysicalMACAddr: 643B88F30000  LocallyCfgMACAddr: 000000000000
Queues defined Out: 4  In: 1   Ancillary queues in use: 0
Connection Mode: Layer 3       IPv4: Yes  IPv6: Yes
SAPSup: 00010293               SAPEna: 00010293
IPv4 attributes:                                           
  VLAN ID: N/A             VMAC Active: No
  Defined Router: Non      Active Router: No                     
  AsstParmsEna: 00215C66   OutCkSumEna: 00000000  InCkSumEna: 00000000  
IPv6 attributes:                                           
  VLAN ID: N/A             VMAC Active: Yes
  VMAC Addr: 643B88F30001  VMAC Origin: Cfg       VMAC Router: All
  AsstParmsEna: 00215C66   OutCkSumEna: 00000000  InCkSumEna: 00000000
Registered Addresses:                    
  IPv4 Unicast Addresses:                          
    ARP: Yes  Addr:            
    Total number of IPv4 addresses:      1  
  IPv4 Multicast Addresses:                
    MAC: 01005E000001  Addr:     
    Total number of IPv4 addresses:      1 
  IPv6 Unicast Addresses:                            
    Addr: 2001:1:1::1                   
    Addr: 2001:2:1::1                   
    Total number of IPv6 addresses:      2
  IPv6 Multicast Addresses:                
    MAC: 3333FF280300  Addr: FF02::1:FF28:300   
    Total number of IPv6 addresses:      1  
30 OF 30 Lines Displayed
End of report 

Example of Layer 2 reply

EZD0031I TCP/IP CS V2R1  TCPIP Name: TCPCS     15:14:15              
Display OSAINFO results for IntfName: EZ6OSM01                        
PortName: IUTMP0CB  PortNum: 00  Datapath: 3902   RealAddr: 0002      
PCHID: 0451         CHPID: 29    CHPID Type: OSM  OSA code level: 6760
Gen: OSA-E3         Active speed/mode: 1000 mb/sec full duplex        
Media: Singlemode Fiber        Jumbo frames: Yes  Isolate: Yes         
PhysicalMACAddr: 643B88F30000  LocallyCfgMACAddr: 000000000000        
Queues defined Out: 4  In: 1   Ancillary queues in use: 0             
Connection Mode: Layer 2                                              
SAPSup: 00010293               SAPEna: 00010293                       
Layer 2 attributes:                                                   
  VLAN ID: N/A             VMAC Active: Yes                           
  VMAC Addr: 820001AA0E2A  VMAC Origin: OSA                           
Registered Addresses:                                                 
  Layer 2 Multicast MAC Addresses:                                    
    MAC: 3333FF010003                                                 
    MAC: 3333FF010002                                                 
    MAC: 3333FF010001                                                 
    MAC: 3333FFAA0E2A                                                 
    MAC: 333300000001                                                 
    Total number of Layer 2 MAC addresses:      5                     
23 of 23 lines displayed                                              
End of report                    

Reply field descriptions

Interface name from the display command.
Base section:
The Base section of the report is displayed if the BASE modifier is specified or none of the modifiers are specified.
Portname specified on the INTERFACE definition, specified as the device name, or both when the datapath device is shared by both definitions. This name also matches portname on the VTAM® TRLE definition.
Physical port on the OSA-Express that is used for the interface.
Hexadecimal datapath device address on the OSA-Express that is used for the interface.
Hexadecimal logical address and unit address of the interface.
Physically installed channel path that is used by this QDIO datapath device.
Channel path identifier that is used by this QDIO datapath device.
The CHPID type of the interface, which can have the following values:
External network
Intra node management network
Intra ensemble data network
OSA code level
OSA-Express processor code level of the QDIO datapath device.
Generation of the OSA-Express feature. The following values are supported:
Active speed/mode
Switch speed and duplex mode of the interface. The following values are supported:
  • 10 mb/sec half duplex
  • 10 mb/sec full duplex
  • 100 mb/sec half duplex
  • 100 mb/sec full duplex
  • 1000 mb/sec half duplex
  • 1000 mb/sec full duplex
  • 10 gigabit full duplex
  • Unknown
Transmission media (copper or fiber). If fiber is the transmission media, it can be single-mode fiber (LR/LX) or multimode (SR/SX). The following values are supported:
  • Copper
  • Multimode Fiber
  • Single-mode Fiber
Jumbo frames
Indicates whether jumbo frames are supported.
Indicates whether this TCP/IP stack is prohibited from communicating directly through the interface with other TCP/IP stacks that are sharing the OSA-Express feature.
Physical Medium Access Control (MAC) LAN address for the interface.
Local Medium Access Control (MAC) LAN address for the interface.
Queues defined
Number of output priority queues that are defined for this interface.
Number of input queues that are defined for this interface. A value of 1 indicates only the primary queue is defined. A value larger than 1 indicates that QDIO inbound workload queueing ancillary queues are defined and the number of ancillary queues is 1 less than the value reported.
Ancillary queues in use
Number of QDIO inbound workload queueing ancillary input queues (SYSDIST, BULKDATA, and so on) in use by this interface.
Connection Mode
Connection mode of the interface. The following values are supported:
  • Layer 2
  • Layer 3
Indicates whether an IPv4 interface is active for the datapath device.
Indicates whether an IPv6 interface is active for the datapath device.
Information used for problem analysis by IBM® support.
Information used for problem analysis by IBM support.
IPv4, IPv6, or Layer 2 attributes
This section displays the attributes for the interface.
Decimal virtual LAN identification number that is defined on this interface.
VMAC Active
Indicates whether the interface is using a virtual MAC address.
Defined Router
The defined router attribute. This field is displayed for Layer 3 only when VMAC is not active. The following values are supported:
The interface is a primary router.
The interface is a secondary router.
The interface is not a router.
Active Router
Indicates whether this interface is the active router for the OSA-Express feature. This field is displayed for Layer 3 only when VMAC is not active and is applicable only for PRIROUTER and SECROUTER interface configurations.
Displays the virtual MAC address in use for this interface. This field is displayed only when VMAC is active.
VMAC Origin
Indicates the origin of the virtual MAC address. This field is displayed only when VMAC is active. The following values are supported:
The virtual MAC address was configured in the TCP/IP stack PROFILE
The virtual MAC address was assigned by the OSA-Express
VMAC Router
This field is displayed for Layer 3 only when VMAC is active. The following values are supported:
Indicates that the OSA-Express is routing everything that was received on the virtual MAC address to the interface without regard for registered addresses.
Indicates that the OSA-Express is routing everything that is received on the virtual MAC address, and to a registered IP address, to the interface.
This field is displayed only for Layer 3. It is information used for problem analysis by IBM support.
This field is displayed only for Layer 3. It is information used for problem analysis by IBM support.
This field is displayed only for Layer 3. It is information used for problem analysis by IBM support.
Registered Addresses
This is the registered addresses section of the report and is displayed if the REGADDRS modifier is specified or none of the modifiers are specified and only if there are registered addresses.
For Layer 3, there are four subsections that are included only if there are addresses to report:
  • IPv4 Unicast Addresses
  • IPv4 Multicast Addresses
  • IPv6 Unicast Addresses
  • IPv6 Multicast Addresses
For Layer 2, there is only one subsection which is included only if there are addresses to report:
  • Layer 2 Multicast MAC Addresses
Indicates whether the OSA-Express is providing address resolution for the corresponding registered IPv4 address.
IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Total number of IPv4 addresses or Total number of IPv6 addresses
Shows the cumulative number of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses immediately preceding this message.
The Medium Access Control (MAC) LAN address corresponding to the Layer 2 or registered multicast IP address.
Total number of Layer 2 MAC addresses
Shows the cumulative number of MAC addresses immediately preceding this message.
Ancillary Input Queue Routing Variables
The Ancillary Input Queue Routing Variables section of the report is displayed if any of the following modifiers were specified, or none were specified:
Queue Type
Displays the workload name for an ancillary queue. The following values are supported:
Specifies that the input queue is used for streaming workloads.
Specifies that the input queue is used for sysplex distributor workloads.
Queue ID
Ancillary queue number.
Source address and port. This information is displayed only for the BULKDATA queue.
Destination address and port. This information is displayed only for the BULKDATA queue.
Total number of IPv4 connections or Total number of IPv6 connections
Displays the cumulative number of BULKDATA IPv4 or IPv6 Src/Dst combinations immediately preceding this message.