Netstat CONFIG/-f report

Displays TCP/IP configuration information about IP, TCP, UDP, SMF parameters, GLOBALCONFIG profile statement, network monitor, data trace, and autolog settings.

TSO syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-NETSTAT CONFIG----| Target |--| Output |--------------------><


Provide the report for a specific TCP/IP address space by using the TCp tcpname parameter. See The Netstat command target for more information about the TCp parameter.


The default output option displays the output on the user's terminal. For other options, see The TSO NETSTAT command syntax or Netstat command output.

z/OS UNIX syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-netstat  -f----| Target |--| Output |-----------------------><


Provide the report for a specific TCP/IP address space by using the -p tcpname option. See The Netstat command target for more information about the TCp parameter.


The default output option displays the output to z/OS UNIX shell stdout. For other options, see The z/OS UNIX netstat command syntax or Netstat command output.

Command syntax examples

From TSO environment

Display the TCP/IP configuration information for the default TCP/IP stack. 
Display the TCP/IP configuration information for TCPCS6 stack.

From UNIX shell environment

   netstat -f
   netstat -f -p tcpcs6 

Report examples

The following examples are generated by using TSO NETSTAT command. Using the z/OS UNIX netstat command displays the data in the same format as the TSO NETSTAT command.

Not IPv6 enabled (SHORT format)

MVS TCP/IP NETSTAT CS V2R1       TCPIP Name: TCPCS           11:37:31
TCP Configuration Table:
DefaultRcvBufSize:  00016384  DefaultSndBufSize: 00016384
DefltMaxRcvBufSize: 00262144  SoMaxConn:         0000001024
MaxReTransmitTime:  120.000   MinReTransmitTime: 0.500
RoundTripGain:      0.125     VarianceGain:      0.250
VarianceMultiplier: 2.000     MaxSegLifeTime:    30.000
DefaultKeepALive:   00000120  DelayAck:          Yes
RestrictLowPort:    Yes       SendGarbage:       No
TcpTimeStamp:       Yes       FinWait2Time:      010
TTLS:               No        EphemeralPorts:    1024-65535
SelectiveACK:       Yes       TimeWaitInterval:  30
DefltMaxSndBufSize  262144    RetransmitAttempt: 15
ConnectTimeOut:     0120      ConnectInitIntval: 1000 
KeepAliveProbes:    10        KAProbeInterval:   060
Nagle:              No        QueuedRTT:         20
FRRThreshold:       3

UDP Configuration Table:
DefaultRcvBufSize: 00065535  DefaultSndBufSize: 00065535
CheckSum:          Yes       EphemeralPorts:    1024-65535
RestrictLowPort:   Yes       UdpQueueLimit:     No

IP Configuration Table:
Forwarding: Yes    TimeToLive: 00064  RsmTimeOut:  00060
IpSecurity: Yes
ArpTimeout: 01200  MaxRsmSize: 65535  Format:      Short
IgRedirect: Yes    SysplxRout: No     DoubleNop:   No
StopClawEr: No     SourceVipa: Yes
MultiPath:  Conn   PathMtuDsc: No     DevRtryDur:  0000000090
DynamicXCF: Yes
  IpAddr/PrefixLen:      Metric: 01
  SecClass: 008  SrcVipaInt: IPV4SRCVIPA
QDIOAccel:  No
IQDIORoute: No
ChecksumOffload: Yes             SegOffload: Yes

SMF Parameters:
Type 118:
  TcpInit:      00   TcpTerm:      02   FTPClient:    03
  TN3270Client: 04   TcpIpStats:   05
Type 119:
  TcpInit:      Yes  TcpTerm:      Yes  FTPClient:    Yes
  TcpIpStats:   Yes  IfStats:      Yes  PortStats:    Yes
  Stack:        Yes  UdpTerm:      Yes  TN3270Client: Yes
  IPSecurity:   No   Profile:      Yes  DVIPA:        Yes
  SmcrGrpStats: Yes  SmcrLnkEvent: Yes

Global Configuration Information:
TcpIpStats: Yes  ECSALimit: 2096128K  PoolLimit: 2096128K
MlsChkTerm: No   XCFGRPID:  11        IQDVLANID: 27
SysplexWLMPoll: 060  MaxRecs:   100
ExplicitBindPortRange:  05000-06023   IQDMultiWrite: Yes
AutoIQDX: AllTraffic
WLMPriorityQ: Yes 
  IOPri1 0 1
  IOPri2 2
  IOPri3 3 4
  IOPri4 5 6 FWD
Sysplex Monitor:
  TimerSecs: 0060  Recovery: Yes  DelayJoin: No   AutoRejoin: Yes
  MonIntf:   Yes   DynRoute: Yes  Join:      Yes
  IPSecurity: Yes  IQDIOMultiWrite: Yes  
  FixedMemory: 100M  TcpKeepMinInt: 00000300
  PFID: 0018  PortNum: 1 MTU: 1024
  PFID: 0019  PortNum: 2 MTU: 1024
Network Monitor Configuration Information:
PktTrcSrv: Yes  TcpCnnSrv: Yes  MinLifTim: 3  NtaSrv: Yes
SmfSrv: Yes
  IPSecurity: Yes  Profile: Yes  CSSMTP: Yes  CSMAIL: Yes  DVIPA: Yes

Autolog Configuration Information: Wait Time: 0300
ProcName: FTPD      JobName: FTPD
  DelayStart: Yes 

IPv6 enabled or request for LONG format

MVS TCP/IP NETSTAT CS V2R1       TCPIP Name: TCPCS           19:54:08
TCP Configuration Table:
DefaultRcvBufSize:  00016384  DefaultSndBufSize: 00016384
DefltMaxRcvBufSize: 00262144  SoMaxConn:         0000001024
MaxReTransmitTime:  120.000   MinReTransmitTime: 0.500
RoundTripGain:      0.125     VarianceGain:      0.250
VarianceMultiplier: 2.000     MaxSegLifeTime:    30.000
DefaultKeepALive:   00000120  DelayAck:          Yes
RestrictLowPort:    Yes       SendGarbage:       No
TcpTimeStamp:       Yes       FinWait2Time:      010
TTLS:               No        EphemeralPorts:    1024-65535
SelectiveACK:       Yes       TimeWaitInterval:  30
DefltMaxSndBufSize  262144    RetransmitAttempt: 15
ConnectTimeOut:     0120      ConnectInitIntval: 1000 
KeepAliveProbes:    10        KAProbeInterval:   060
Nagle:              No        QueuedRTT:         20
FRRThreshold:       3

UDP Configuration Table:
DefaultRcvBufSize: 00065535  DefaultSndBufSize: 00065535
CheckSum:          Yes       EphemeralPorts:    1024-65535
RestrictLowPort:   Yes       UdpQueueLimit:     No

IP Configuration Table:
Forwarding: Yes    TimeToLive: 00064  RsmTimeOut:  00060
IpSecurity: Yes
ArpTimeout: 01200  MaxRsmSize: 65535  Format:      Long
IgRedirect: Yes    SysplxRout: No     DoubleNop:   No
StopClawEr: No     SourceVipa: Yes
MultiPath:  Conn   PathMtuDsc: No     DevRtryDur:  0000000090
DynamicXCF: Yes
  IpAddr/PrefixLen:      Metric: 01
  SecClass: 008  SrcVipaInt: IPV4SRCVIPA
QDIOAccel:  Yes       QDIOAccelPriority: 2
IQDIORoute: n/a
ChecksumOffload: Yes             SegOffload: Yes

IPv6 Configuration Table:
Forwarding:    Yes  HopLimit:   00255  IgRedirect:  No
SourceVipa:    Yes  MultiPath:  Conn   IcmperrLim:  00003
IgRtrHopLimit: No
IpSecurity: Yes
  OSMSecClass: 255
DynamicXCF: Yes
  IpAddr: 2001:db8::9:67:115:5
  IntfID: 0009:0067:0011:0001
  SecClass: 008
TempAddresses: Yes
  PreferredLifetime: 24   ValidLifetime: 168
ChecksumOffload: Yes             SegOffload: Yes

SMF Parameters:
Type 118:
  TcpInit:      00   TcpTerm:      02   FTPClient:    03
  TN3270Client: 04   TcpIpStats:   05
Type 119:
  TcpInit:      Yes  TcpTerm:      Yes  FTPClient:    Yes
  TcpIpStats:   Yes  IfStats:      Yes  PortStats:    Yes
  Stack:        Yes  UdpTerm:      Yes  TN3270Client: Yes
  IPSecurity:   No   Profile:      Yes  DVIPA:        Yes
  SmcrGrpStats: Yes  SmcrLnkEvent: Yes
Global Configuration Information:
TcpIpStats: Yes  ECSALimit: 2096128K  PoolLimit: 2096128K
MlsChkTerm: No   XCFGRPID:  11        IQDVLANID: 27
SysplexWLMPoll: 060  MaxRecs:   100
ExplicitBindPortRange:  05000-06023   IQDMultiWrite: Yes
AutoIQDX: AllTraffic
WLMPriorityQ: Yes 
  IOPri1 0 1
  IOPri2 2
  IOPri3 3 4
  IOPri4 5 6 FWD
Sysplex Monitor:
  TimerSecs: 0060  Recovery: Yes  DelayJoin: No   AutoRejoin: Yes
  MonIntf:   Yes   DynRoute: Yes  Join:      Yes
  IPSecurity: Yes  IQDIOMultiWrite: Yes  
  FixedMemory: 100M  TcpKeepMinInt: 00000300
  PFID: 0018  PortNum: 1 MTU: 1024
  PFID: 0019  PortNum: 2 MTU: 1024

Network Monitor Configuration Information:
PktTrcSrv: Yes  TcpCnnSrv: Yes  MinLifTim: 3  NtaSrv: Yes
SmfSrv:    Yes
  IPSecurity: Yes  Profile: Yes  CSSMTP: Yes  CSMAIL: Yes  DVIPA: Yes

Data Trace Setting:
JobName: *         TrRecCnt: 00000000  Length: FULL
IpAddr:  *                 SubNet: *
PortNum: *

Autolog Configuration Information: Wait Time: 0300
ProcName: FTPD      JobName: FTPD
  DelayStart: Yes 

Report field descriptions

  • TCP Configuration Table

    Display the following configured TCP information that is defined in the TCPCONFIG and SOMAXCONN profile statements. For more information about each field, see the TCPCONFIG or SOMAXCONN profile statement information in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    The TCP receive buffer size that was defined using the TCPRCVBUFRSIZE parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement. The size is between 256 and TCPMAXRCVBUFRSIZE; the default size is 65536 (64 KB). This value is used as the default receive buffer size for those applications that do not explicitly set the buffer size using SETSOCKOPT(). If the TCPRCVBUFRSIZE parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default size 65536 (64 KB) is displayed.
    The TCP send buffer size that was defined using the TCPSENDBFRSIZE parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement. The size is between 256 bytes and Start of changeTCPMAXSENDBUFRSIZEEnd of change; the default size is 65536 (64 KB). This value is used as the default send buffer size for those applications that do not explicitly set the buffer size using SETSOCKOPT(). If the TCPSENDBFRSIZE parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default size 65536 (64 KB) is displayed.
    The TCP maximum receive buffer size that was defined using the TCPMAXRCVBUFRSIZE parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement. The maximum receive buffer size is the maximum value that an application can set as its receive buffer size using SETSOCKOPT(). The minimum acceptable value is the value that is coded on the TCPRCVBUFRSIZE parameter, the maximum size is 2 MB, and the default size is 256 KB. If you do not have large bandwidth interfaces, you can use this parameter to limit the receive buffer size that an application can set. If the TCPMAXRCVBUFRSIZE parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default size 262144 (256 KB) is displayed.
    The maximum number of connection requests that can be queued for any listening socket, as defined by the SOMAXCONN statement. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 2147483647, and the default value is 1024.
    The maximum retransmit interval in seconds. The range is 0 - 999.990. The default value is 120.
    • If none of the following parameters is specified, this MAXIMUMRETRANSMITTIME parameter is used and the MINIMUMRETRANSMITTIME parameters of the following statements are not used.
      • Max_Xmit_Time on the OSPF_INTERFACE statement
      • Max_Xmit_Time on the RIP_INTERFACE statement
    • The TCPCONFIG version is used if no route parameter has been explicitly specified. If the TCPCONFIG version of maximum retransmit time is used, the MINIMUMRETRANSMITTIME value that is specified on the route parameter is not used, which means the value of the minimum retransmit time is 0.
    The default keepalive interval that was defined using the INTERVAL parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement. It is the number of minutes that TCP waits after it receives a packet for a connection before it sends a keepalive packet for that connection. The range is 0 - 35791 minutes; the default value is 120. The value 0 disables the keepalive function. If the INTERVAL parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default interval 120 is displayed.
    Indicates whether the DELAYACKS option is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that acknowledgments are delayed when a packet is received (the DELAYACKS parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default); the value No indicates that acknowledgments are not delayed when a packet is received (the NODELAYACKS parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG statement).
    Indicates whether ports in the range 1 - 1023 are reserved for users by the PORT and PORTRANGE statements. The value Yes indicates that RESTRICTLOWPORTS is in effect (the RESTRICTLOWPORTS parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG profile statement); the value No indicates that RESTRICTLOWPORTS is not in effect (the UNRESTRICTLOWPORTS parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the keepalive packets sent by TCP contain 1 byte of random data. The value Yes indicates that SENDGARBAGE TRUE is in effect (SENDGARBAGE TRUE was defined in the TCPCONFIG profile statement); the value No indicates that SENDGARBAGE TRUE is not in effect (SENDGARBAGE FALSE was defined in the TCPCONFIG statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the TCP Timestamp Option is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that TCPTIMESTAMP is in effect (the TCPTIMESTAMP parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default); the value No indicates that TCPTIMESTAMP is not in effect (the NOTCPTIMESTAMP parameter was defined in the TCPCONFIG statement).
    The FinWait2Time number that was defined using the FINWAIT2TIME parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement. It is the number of seconds a TCP connection should remain in the FINWAIT2 state. The range is 60 - 3600 seconds; the default value is 600 seconds. When this timer expires, it is reset to 75 seconds; when this timer expires a second time, the connection is dropped. If the FINWAIT2TIME parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default value 600 is displayed.
    The number of seconds that a connection remains in TIMEWAIT state. The range is 0 - 120. The default value is 60.
    Note: For local connections, a TIMEWAITINTERVAL of 50 milliseconds is always used.
    The maximum send buffer size. The range is the value that is specified on Start of changeTCPSENDBFRSIZEEnd of change to 2 MB. The default value is 256K.
    The number of times a segment is retransmitted before the connection is aborted. The range is 0 - 15. The default value is 15.
    The total amount of time before the initial connection times out. This value also applies to TCP connections that are established over SMC-R links. The range is 5 - 190 seconds. The default value is 75.
    The initial retransmission interval for the connect(). The range is 100 to 3000 milliseconds (ms). The default value is 3000.
    The interval in seconds between keepalive probes. The range is 1 - 75. The default value is 75.

    This parameter does not change the initial keepalive timeout interval. It controls the time between the probes that are sent only after the initial keepalive interval has expired.

    You can specify setsockopt() TCP_KEEPALIVE to override the parameter.

    The number of keepalive probes to send before the connection is aborted. The range is 1 - 10. The default value is 10.

    This parameter does not change the initial keepalive timeout interval. It controls the number of probes that are sent only after the initial keepalive interval has expired.

    You can specify setsockopt() TCP_KEEPALIVE to override this parameter.

    Indicates whether the Nagle option is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that packets with less than a full maximum segment size (MSS) of data are buffered unless all data on the send queue has been acknowledged.
    The threshold at which outbound serialization is engaged. The range is 0 - 50 milliseconds. The default value is 20 milliseconds.
    The threshold of duplicate ACKs for FRR to engage. The range is 1 - 2048. The default value is 3.
    Indicates whether Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) is active in the TCP/IP stack. The value Yes indicates that AT-TLS is active (the TTLS parameter was specified in the TCPCONFIG profile statement). The value No indicates that AT-TLS is not active (the NOTTLS parameter was specified in the TCPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    The range of ephemeral ports that was defined using the EPHEMERALPORTS parameter in the TCPCONFIG statement or by default. The range specified must be within the range of 1024 to 65535. If the EPHEMERALPORTS parameter was not specified in the TCPCONFIG statement, then the default range 1024 - 65535 is displayed.
    Start of changeSelectiveACK End of change
    Indicates whether Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) support is active in the TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Start of changeIndicates that SACK options are exchanged with partners when transmitting data. The SELECTIVEACK parameter was specified on the TCPCONFIG profile statement.End of change
    Start of changeIndicates that SACK options will not be exchanged. The NOSELECTIVEACK parameter was specified on the TCPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default.End of change

    Note: The values displayed in the MaxReTransmitTime, MinReTransmitTime, RoundTripGain, VarianceGain, VarianceMultiplier, and MaxSegLifeTime fields are actual default values that are assigned by the TCP/IP stack; you cannot configure them externally using the TCPCONFIG profile statement. You can override the MaxReTransmitTime, MinReTransmitTime, RoundTripGain, VarianceGain, VarianceMultiplier values on a per-destination basis using either the BEGINROUTES configuration statement, the old GATEWAY configuration statement, or the configuration file for OMPROUTE.

  • UDP Configuration Table

    Display the following configured UDP information defined in the UDPCONFIG profile statement. For more information about each UDP parameter, see UDPCONFIG profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    The UDP receive buffer size that was defined using the UDPRCVBUFRSIZE parameter in the UDPCONFIG statement. The size is in the range 1 - 65535; the default size is 65535. If the UDPRCVBUFRSIZE parameter was not specified in the UDPCONFIG statement, then the default size 65535 is displayed.
    The UDP send buffer size that was defined using the UDPSENDBFRSIZE parameter in the UDPCONFIG statement. The size is in the range 1 - 65535; the default size is 65535. If the UDPSENDBFRSIZE parameter was not specified in the UDPCONFIG statement, then the default size 65535 is displayed.
    Indicates whether UDP does check summing. The value Yes indicates that UDP check summing is in effect (the UDPCHKSUM parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default); the value No indicates that UDP check summing is not in effect (the NOUDPCHKSUM parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG statement).
    The range of ephemeral ports that was defined using the EPHEMERALPORTS parameter in the UDPCONFIG statement or by default. The range specified must be within the range of 1024 to 65535. If the EPHEMERALPORTS parameter was not specified in the UDPCONFIG statement, then the default range 1024 - 65535 is displayed.
    Indicates whether ports 1 - 1023 are reserved for users by the PORT and PORTRANGE statements. The value Yes indicates that ports in the range 1 - 1023 are reserved (the RESTRICTLOWPORTS parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG profile statement); the value No indicates that the ports are not reserved (the UNRESTRICTLOWPORTS parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether UDP should have a queue limit on incoming datagrams. The value Yes indicates that there is a UDP queue limit in effect (the UDPQUEUELIMIT parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default); the value No indicates that a UDP queue limit is not in effect (the NOUDPQUEUELIMIT parameter was defined in the UDPCONFIG statement).
  • IP Configuration Table

    Displays the following configured IP information defined in the IPCONFIG profile statement. For more information about each IP parameter, see the IPCONFIG profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    Indicates whether the transfer of data between networks is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. Possible values are:
    Indicates that packets that are received but not destined for this stack are forwarded and use multipath routes if they are available on a per-packet basis (the DATAGRAMFWD FWDMULTIPATH PERPACKET was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that packets that are received but not destined for this stack are forwarded but do not use multipath routes even if they are available. (the DATAGRAMFWD NOFWDMULTIPATH was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates that packets that are received but that are not destined for this stack are not forwarded in route to the destination (the NODATAGRAMFWD parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    The time to live value that was defined using the TTL parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. The time to live value is the number of hops that packets originating from this host can travel before reaching the destination. Valid values are in the range 1 - 255; the default value is 64. If the TTL parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG statement, then the default value 64 is displayed.
    The reassembly timeout value that was defined using the REASSEMBLYTIMEOUT parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. It is the amount of time (in seconds) that is allowed to receive all parts of a fragmented packet before discarding the packets received. Valid values are in the range 1 - 240; the default value is 60. If the REASSEMBLYTIMEOUT parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG statement, then the default value 60 is displayed.
    Indicates whether the IP filtering and IPSec tunnel support is enabled. The value Yes indicates that IP security is in effect (the IPSECURITY parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG profile statement). The value No indicates that IP security is not in effect.
    The ARP timeout value that was defined using the ARPTO parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. It indicates the number of seconds between creation or revalidation and deletion of ARP table entries. Valid values are in the range 60 - 86400; the default value is 1200. If the ARPTO parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG statement, then the default value 1200 is displayed.
    The maximum packet size that can be reassembled. If an IP datagram is fragmented into smaller packets, the complete reassembled datagram cannot exceed this value. Valid values are in the range 576 - 65535; the default value is 65535.

    Restriction: The value that is displayed in the MaxRsmSize field is the actual default value that was assigned by the TCP/IP stack; users cannot configure this value externally using the IPCONFIG profile statement.

    The stack-wide command format that was defined using the FORMAT parameter in the IPCONFIG statement or that was assigned by default by TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the command report is displayed in the short format (the FORMAT SHORT parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that the command report is displayed in the long format (the FORMAT LONG parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    If the FORMAT parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement, then the TCP/IP stack assigned the default format based on whether the stack was IPv6 enabled or not. If the stack is IPv6 enabled, then the format value LONG is assigned by default. If the stack is configured for IPv4-only operation, then the format value SHORT is assigned by default. You can override the stack-wide command format using the Netstat FORMAT/-M option.
    Indicates whether TCP/IP is to ignore ICMP Redirect packets. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that IGNOREREDIRECT is in effect. The IGNOREREDIRECT parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG profile statement, OMPROUTE has been started and IPv4 interfaces are configured to OMPROUTE, or intrusion detection services (IDS) policy is in effect to detect and discard ICMP Redirects.
    Indicates that ICMP Redirects are not ignored.
    Indicates whether this TCP/IP host is part of an MVS™ sysplex domain and should communicate interface changes to the workload manager (WLM). This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that SYSPLEXROUTING is in effect (the SYSPLEXROUTING parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that SYSPLEXROUTING is not in effect (the NOSYSPLEXROUTING parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether to force channel programs for CLAW devices to have two NOP CCWs to end the channel programs. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that CLAWUSEDOUBLENOP is in effect (the CLAWUSEDOUBLENOP parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that CLAWUSEDOUBLENOP is not in effect.
    Indicates whether to stop channel programs (HALTIO and HALTSIO) when a device error is detected. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that STOPONCLAWERROR is in effect (the STOPONCLAWERROR parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that STOPONCLAWERROR is not in effect.
    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack uses the corresponding virtual IP address in the HOME list as the source IP address for outbound datagrams that do not have an explicit source address. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that SOURCEVIPA is in effect (the SOURCEVIPA parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that SOURCEVIPA is not in effect (the NOSOURCEVIPA parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the multipath routing selection algorithm for outbound IP traffic is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. Possible values are:
    Indicates that outbound traffic uses the multipath routes in a round-robin fashion for each outbound packet (the MULTIPATH PERPACKET parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that outbound traffic uses the multipath routes in a round-robin fashion for each outbound connection request (the MULTIPATH PERCONNECTION parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that outbound traffic always uses the first active route in a multipath group (the NOMULTIPATH parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether TCP/IP is to dynamically discover the PMTU, which is the smallest MTU of all the hops in the path. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that PATHMTUDISCOVERY is in effect (the PATHMTUDISCOVERY parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement),
    Indicates that PATHMTUDISCOVERY is not in effect (the NOPATHMTUDISCOVERY parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    The retry period duration (in seconds) for a failed device or interface that was defined using the DEVRETRYDURATION parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. TCP/IP performs reactivation attempts at 30 second intervals during this retry period. The default value is 90 seconds. The value 0 indicates an infinite recovery period; reactivation attempts are performed until the device or interface is either successfully reactivated or manually stopped. The maximum value is 4294967295. If the DEVRETRYDURATION parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG statement, then the default value 90 is displayed.
    Indicates whether IPv4 XCF dynamic support is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that XCF dynamic support is in effect (the DYNAMICXCF parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that XCF dynamic support is not in effect (the NODYNAMICXCF parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).

    When XCF dynamic support is in effect, the following information is displayed:

    The IPv4 address that was specified for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG profile statement.
    The subnet mask that was specified for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG profile statement.
    1. If the IpAddr/PrefixLen format was used for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG profile statement, then it is displayed in the same format in the Netstat report. The PrefixLen is the integer value in the range 1 - 32 that represents the number of left-most significant bits for the address mask.
    2. If the IPv6_address/prefix_route_len format was used for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement, then it is displayed in the same format in the Netstat report. The length of routing prefix is an integer value in the range 1 - 128.
    The interface routing metric represents the configured cost_metric value to be used by dynamic routing daemons for routing preferences. It is configured using the cost_metric value in the IPCONFIG DYNAMICXCF statement.
    Indicates the IP Security security class value that is associated with the dynamic XCF link. Valid values are in the range 1 - 255.
    The source VIPA interface name that was defined using the DYNAMICXCF SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. It must be a VIRTUAL interface. This field indicates the value No if the SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE subparameter was not specified for the DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG statement.
    Indicates whether QDIO Accelerator is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the QDIO Accelerator is enabled (the QDIOACCELERATOR parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    SD only
    Indicates that the QDIO Accelerator is enabled (the QDIOACCELERATOR parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement), but only for Sysplex Distributor traffic and not for routed traffic. This might be the case if IP forwarding is disabled on this stack, or if IP filters or defensive filters require this stack to perform special processing for routed traffic. For more information, see QDIO Accelerator and IP security in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.
    Indicates that the QDIO Accelerator is not enabled (the NOQDIOACCELERATOR parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates which QDIO outbound priority level should be used if the QDIO Accelerator is routing packets to a QDIO device. If the NOQDIOACCELERATOR parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default, then the QDIOAccelPriority field is not displayed.
    Indicates whether HiperSockets™ Accelerator is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that HiperSockets Accelerator is enabled (the IQDIOROUTING parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that HiperSockets Accelerator is not enabled (the NOIQDIOROUTING parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates that HiperSockets Accelerator does not apply because QDIO Accelerator is enabled.
    Indicates which QDIO outbound priority level should be used if the HiperSockets Accelerator is routing packets to a QDIO device. If the NOIQDIOROUTING parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default, then the QDIOPriority field is not displayed. This field is displayed only when the IQDIORoute field value is Yes.
    The IPv4 address that was defined using the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameter in the IPCONFIG statement. It must be the source IP address for outbound TCP connections if SOURCEVIPA has been enabled. This field has the value No if the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG statement
    Indicates whether the IPv4 checksum offload function is enabled or disabled. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the checksum processing for IPv4 packets is offloaded to OSA-Express interfaces that support the checksum offload function. The CHECKSUMOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG profile statement or the value was set by default.
    Indicates that the checksum processing is performed by the TCP/IP stack. The NOCHECKSUMOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG profile statement.
    Indicates whether the IPv4 TCP segmentation offload function is enabled or disabled. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that IPv4 TCP segmentation is performed by OSA-Express interfaces that support the segmentation offload function. The SEGMENTATIONOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG profile statement.
    Indicates that the segmentation is performed by the TCP/IP stack. The NOSEGMENTATIONOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG profile statement or the value was set by default.
  • IPv6 Configuration Table if the TCP/IP stack is IPv6 enabled

    Displays the following configured IPv6 information that is defined in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement For more information about each IPv6 IP parameter, see the IPCONFIG6 profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    Indicates whether the transfer of data between networks is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. Possible values are:
    Indicates that packets that are received but that are not destined for this stack are forwarded and use multipath routes if available on a per-packet basis (the DATAGRAMFWD FWDMULTIPATH PERPACKET was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that packets that are received but that are not destined for this stack are forwarded but do not use multipath routes even if they are available. (the DATAGRAMFWD NOFWDMULTIPATH was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates that packets that are received but that are not destined for this stack are not forwarded in route to the destination (the NODATAGRAMFWD parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    The hop limit value that was defined using the HOPLIMIT parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement. It is the number of hops that a packet that originates at this host can travel in route to the destination. Valid values are in the range 1 - 255; the default value is 255. If the HOPLIMIT parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG6 statement, then the default value 255 is displayed.
    Indicates whether TCP/IP is to ignore ICMP Redirect packets. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that IGNOREREDIRECT is in effect. The IGNOREREDIRECT parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement, OMPROUTE has been started and IPv6 interfaces are configured to OMPROUTE, or intrusion detection services (IDS) policy is in effect to detect and discard ICMP Redirects.
    Indicates that ICMP Redirects are not ignored.
    Indicates whether to use a virtual IP address that is assigned to the SOURCEVIPAINT interface as the source address for outbound datagrams that do not have an explicit source address. You must specify the SOURCEVIPAINT parameter on the INTERFACE profile statement for each interface where you want the SOURCEVIPA address to take effect. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that SOURCEVIPA is in effect (the SOURCEVIPA parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that SOURCEVIPA is not in effect (the NOSOURCEVIPA parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the multipath routing selection algorithm for outbound IP traffic is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. Possible values are:
    Indicates that outbound traffic uses the multipath routes in a round-robin fashion for each outbound packet (the MULTIPATH PERPACKET parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that outbound traffic uses the multipath routes in a round-robin fashion for each outbound connection request (the MULTIPATH PERCONNECTION parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that outbound traffic always uses the first active route in a multipath group (the NOMULTIPATH parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement is in effect by default).
    The ICMP error limit value that was defined using the ICMPERRORLIMIT parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement. It controls the rate at which ICMP error messages can be sent to a particular IPv6 destination address. The number displayed is the number of messages per second. Valid values are in the range 1 - 20; the default value is 3. If the ICMPERRORLIMIT parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG6 statement, then the default value 3 is displayed.
    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack ignores a hop limit value that is received from a router in a router advertisement. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that IGNOREROUTERHOPLIMIT is in effect (the IGNOREROUTERHOPLIMIT parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that IGNOREROUTERHOPLIMIT is not in effect (the NOIGNOREROUTERHOPLIMIT parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the IP filtering and IPSec tunnel support is enabled.
    Indicates that IP security is in effect (the IPSECURITY parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement). When IP security is in effect, the following information is displayed:
    Indicates the IP Security security class value that is associated with the OSM interfaces. Valid values are in the range 1 - 255.
    Indicates that IP security is not in effect.
    Indicates whether IPv6 XCF dynamic support is enabled for this TCP/IP stack. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that XCF dynamic support is in effect (the DYNAMICXCF parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that XCF dynamic support is not in effect (the NODYNAMICXCF parameter was specified in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or is in effect by default).

    When XCF dynamic support is in effect, the following information is displayed:

    The IPv6 address that was specified for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement.

    Tip: If the IpAddr/PrefixRouteLen format was used for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement, then it is displayed in the same format in the Netstat report. The PrefixRouteLen is the integer value in the range 1 - 128.

    The 64-bit interface identifier in colon-hexadecimal format that was specified using INTFID subparameter for DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG6 profile statement. If the INTFID subparameter was not specified, then this field is not displayed.
    The source VIPA interface name that was defined using the DYNAMICXCF SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement. It must be a VIRTUAL6 interface. This field indicates the value No if the SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE subparameter was not specified for the DYNAMICXCF in the IPCONFIG6 statement.
    Indicates the IP Security security class value that is associated with the IPv6 dynamic XCF interfaces. Valid values are in the range 1 - 255.
    The IPv6 interface name that was defined using the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement. It must be the source interface for outbound TCP connections if SOURCEVIPA has been enabled. This field indicates the value No if the TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA parameter was not specified in the IPCONFIG6 statement
    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack generates IPv6 temporary addresses for IPv6 interfaces for which stateless address autoconfiguration is enabled. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this behavior is enabled (the TEMPADDRS parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement).
    Indicates that this behavior is not enabled (the NOTEMPADDRS parameter was defined on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or is in effect by default).
    When TEMPADDRS support is in effect, the following information is displayed:
    The preferred lifetime for IPv6 temporary addresses, which was defined using the PREFLIFETIME parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement.

    At the expiration of the preferred lifetime, a new temporary address is generated and the existing address is deprecated. The number that is displayed is the preferred lifetime, in hours. Valid values are in the range of 1 - 720 hours (30 days). The default value is 24 hours.

    The valid lifetime for IPv6 temporary addresses that was defined using the VALIDLIFETIME parameter in the IPCONFIG6 statement.

    When the valid lifetime expires, the temporary address is deleted. The number displayed is the valid lifetime in hours. Valid values are in the range 2 - 2160 hours (90 days). The default value is 7 times the preferred lifetime value, with a maximum of 90 days.

    Indicates whether the IPv6 checksum offload function is enabled or disabled. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the checksum processing for IPv6 packets is offloaded to OSA-Express interfaces that support the checksum offload function. The CHECKSUMOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or the value was set by default.
    Indicates that the checksum processing is performed by the TCP/IP stack. The NOCHECKSUMOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement.
    Indicates whether the IPv6 TCP segmentation offload function is enabled or disabled. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the IPv6 TCP segmentation is offloaded to OSA-Express interfaces that support the segmentation offload function. The SEGMENTATIONOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement.
    Indicates that the segmentation is performed by the TCP/IP stack. The NOSEGMENTATIONOFFLOAD parameter was specified on the IPCONFIG6 profile statement or the value was set by default.
  • SMF parameters

    Display the following configured SMF information defined in the SMFCONFIG profile statement. For more information about each SMF parameter, see SMFCONFIG profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    Type 118
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 1 records are created when TCP connections are established. A value of the subtype indicates that TYPE118 TCPINIT is in effect (the TCPINIT or TYPE118 TCPINIT was specified on the SMFCONFIG profile statement or a nonzero value of inittype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    The value 0 indicates that TYPE118 TCPINIT is not in effect (the NOTCPINIT or TYPE118 NOTCPINIT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement (or is in effect by default), or zero value of inittype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    Indicates whether SMF subtype 2 records are created when TCP connections are established. A value of the subtype indicates that TYPE118 TCPTERM is in effect (the TCPTERM or TYPE118 TCPTERM was specified on the profile SMFCONFIG statement or a non zero value of termtype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    The value 0 indicates that TYPE118 TCPTERM is not in effect (the NOTCPTERM or TYPE118 NOTCPTERM was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement (or is in effect by default), or zero value of termtype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    Indicates whether SMF subtype 3 records are created when TCP connections are established. A value of the subtype indicates that TYPE118 FTPCLIENT is in effect (the FTPCLIENT or TYPE118 FTPCLIENT was specified on the SMFCONFIG profile statement or a non zero value of clienttype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    The value 0 indicates that TYPE118 FTPCLIENT is not in effect (the NOFTPCLIENT or TYPE118 NOFTPCLIENT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement (or is in effect by default), or zero value of clienttype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    Indicates whether SMF subtype 4 records are created when TCP connections are established. A value of the subtype indicates TYPE118 TN3270CLIENT is in effect (the TN3270CLIENT or TYPE118 TN3270CLIENT was specified on the SMFCONFIG profile statement or a non zero value of clienttype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    The value 0 indicates that TYPE118 TN3270CLIENT is not in effect (the NOTN3270CLIENT or TYPE118 NOTN3270CLIENT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement (or is in effect by default), or zero value of clienttype was specified on the SMFPARMS profile statement).

    Indicates whether SMF subtype 5 records are created when TCP connections are established. A value of the subtype indicates that TYPE118 TCPIPSTATISTICS is in effect (the TCPIPSTATISTICS or TYPE118 TCPIPSTATISTICS was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).

    The value 0 indicates that TYPE118 TCPIPSTATISTICS is not in effect (the NOTCPIPSTATISTICS or TYPE118 NOTCPIPSTATISTICS was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).

    Type 119
    Indicates whether SMF records of subtype 1 are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPINIT is in effect (the TYPE119 TCPINIT was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPINIT is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOTCPINIT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 2 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPTERM is in effect (the TYPE119 TCPTERM was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPTERM is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOTCPTERM was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 3 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 FTPCLIENT is in effect (the TYPE119 FTPCLIENT was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 FTPCLIENT is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOFTPCLIENT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 5 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPIPSTATISTICS is in effect (the TYPE119 TCPIPSTATISTICS was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPIPSTATISTICS is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOTCPIPSTATISTICS was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 6 and subtype 44 records are created. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 IFSTATISTICS is in effect (the TYPE119 IFSTATISTICS was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 IFSTATISTICS is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOIFSTATISTICS was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 7 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 PORTSTATISTICS is in effect (the TYPE119 PORTSTATISTICS was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 PORTSTATISTICS is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOPORTSTATISTICS was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 8 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPSTACK is in effect (the TYPE119 TCPSTACK was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 TCPSTACK is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOTCPSTACK was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 10 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 UDPTERM is in effect (the TYPE119 UDPTERM was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 UDPTERM is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOUDPTERM was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 22 and 23 records are created when TCP connections are established. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 TN3270CLIENT is in effect (the TYPE119 TN3270CLIENT was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 TN3270CLIENT is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOTN3270CLIENT was specified in the SMFCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF records of subtypes 77, 78, 79, and 80 are created when dynamic tunnels are removed and when manual tunnels are activated and deactivated. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that TYPE119 IPSECURITY is in effect (the TYPE119 IPSECURITY was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that TYPE119 IPSECURITY is not in effect (the TYPE119 NOIPSECURITY was specified or is in effect by default in the SMFCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 4 event records are created when the TCP/IP stack is initialized or when a profile change occurs. This record provides TCP/IP stack profile information. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this behavior is enabled (the TYPE119 PROFILE parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that this behavior is not enabled (the TYPE119 NOPROFILE parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtypes 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 event records are created for sysplex events. These records provide information about changes to dynamic virtual IP addresses (DVIPAs), DVIPA targets, and DVIPA target servers. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this behavior is enabled (the TYPE119 DVIPA parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement).
    Indicates that this behavior is not enabled (the TYPE119 NODVIPA parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 41 records are created. These records are SMC-R link group statistics records. The records collect information about Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) link groups and the SMC-R links within each group. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this behavior is enabled. The TYPE119 SMCRGROUPSTATISTICS parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement.
    Indicates that this behavior is not enabled. The TYPE119 NOSMCRGROUPSTATISTICS parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement or is in effect by default.
    Indicates whether SMF subtype 42 and 43 records are created. The SMF records of subtype 42 are created when SMC-R links are started, and the SMF records of subtype 43 are created when SMC-R links are ended. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this behavior is enabled. The TYPE119 SMCRLINKEVENT parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement.
    Indicates that this behavior is not enabled. The TYPE119 NOSMCRLINKEVENT parameter was specified on the SMFCONFIG statement or is in effect by default.

    Note: The TCPIP statistics field under SMF Parameters displays the subtype value used when creating the SMF type 118 record (if the value is nonzero). The TCPIP statistics field under Global Configuration Information indicates whether the TCP/IP stack will write statistics messages to the TCP/IP job log when TCP/IP is terminated. For the Type 119 fields, the subtype cannot be changed and the setting indicates if the record is requested (Yes) or not (No).

  • Global Configuration Information

    Display the following global configured information defined in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement. For more information about each global parameter, see GLOBALCONFIG profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    Indicates whether the several TCP/IP counter values are to be written to the output data set designated by the CFGPRINT JCL statement. The value Yes indicates that TCPIPSTATISTICS is in effect (the TCPIPSTATISTICS parameter was specified in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement). The value No indicates that TCPIPSTATISTICS is not in effect (the NOTCPIPSTATISTICS parameter was specified in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).

    Tip: The TCPIPSTATS field that is shown under the SMF PARAMETERS section of the Netstat CONFIG/-f output reflects the TcpIpStatistics value or NoTcpIpStatistics value that is specified on the SMFCONFIG statement in the TCP/IP Profile or Obeyfile. The TCPIPSTATS field that is shown under the GLOBAL CONFIGURATION section of the Netstat CONFIG/-f output reflects the value from the GLOBALCONFIG statement in the TCP/IP Profile or Obeyfile.

    The maximum amount of extended common service area (ECSA) that was defined using the ECSALIMIT parameter in the GLOBALCONFIG statement. This limit can be expressed as a number followed by the letter K (which represents 1024 bytes), or a number followed by the letter M (which represents 1048576 bytes). If the K suffix is used, then the value displayed must be in the range 10240K - 2096128K inclusive, or 0K. If the M suffix is used, the value displayed must be in the range 10M - 2047M inclusive, or 0K. If the ECSALIMIT parameter was not specified in the GLOBALCONFIG statement, then the default value 0K is displayed (which means no limit).
    The maximum amount of authorized private storage that was defined using the POOLLIMIT parameter in the GLOBALCONFIG statement. This limit can be expressed as a number followed by the letter K (which represents 1024 bytes), or a number followed by the letter M (which represents 1048576 bytes). If the K suffix is used, then the value displayed must be in the range 10240K to 2096128K inclusive, or 0K. If the M suffix is used, value is displayed must be in the range 10M - 2047M inclusive, or 0K. If the POOLLIMIT parameter was not specified in the GLOBALCONFIG statement, then the default value 0K is displayed (which means no limit).
    Indicates whether the stack should be terminated when inconsistent configuration information is discovered in a multilevel-secure environment. The value Yes indicates that MLSCHKTERMINATE is in effect (the MLSCHKTERMINATE parameter was specified in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement). The value No indicates that MLSCHKTERMINATE is not in effect (the NOMLSCHKTERMINATE parameter was specified in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Displays the TCP 2-digit XCF group name suffix. The two digits displayed are used to generate the XCF group that the TCP/IP stack has joined. The group name is EZBTvvtt, where vv is the VTAM® XCF group ID suffix (specified as a VTAM start option) and tt is the displayed XCFGRPID value. If no VTAM XCF group ID suffix was specified, the group name is EZBTCPtt. You can use the D TCPIP,,SYSPLEX,GROUP command to display the group name that the TCP/IP stack has joined.

    These digits are also used as a suffix for the EZBDVIPA and EZBEPORT structure names in the form EZBDVIPAvvtt and EZBEPORTvvtt. If no VTAM XCF group ID suffix was specified, the structure names are EZBDVIPA01tt and EZBEPORT01tt. If no XCFGRPID value was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement in the TCP/IP profile, then no value is displayed for XCFGRPID field in the Netstat output.

    Displays the TCP/IP VLAN ID that is to be used when a HiperSockets link or interface is generated for dynamic XCF connectivity between stacks on the same CPC. The VLAN ID provides connectivity separation between TCP/IP stacks using HiperSockets for dynamic XCF when subplexing is being used (when XCFGRPID was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement). TCP/IP stacks with the same XCFGRPID value (stacks in the same subplex) should specify the same IQDVLANID value if the stacks are in the same CPC and use the same CHPID value. TCP/IP stacks with different XCFGRPID values should specify different IQDVLANID values if the stacks are in the same CPC and use the same CHPID value. If no IQDVLANID value was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement in the TCP/IP profile, then the value 0 (no value) is displayed for the IQDVLANID field in the Netstat output.
    The rate, in seconds, at which the sysplex distributor and its target servers poll WLM for new weight recommendations. A shorter rate indicates a quicker response; however, shorter rates might result in unneeded queries.
    The maximum number of records that are displayed by the DISPLAY TCPIP,,NETSTAT operator command, if the MAX parameter is not specified on that command. The maximum number of records is specified on the MAXRECS parameter of the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement. An asterisk (*) indicates that all records are displayed.
    The range of ephemeral ports that is assigned uniquely across the sysplex when an explicit bind() is issued using INADDR_ANY or the unspecified IPv6 address (in6addr_any) and when the specified port is 0.

    Tip: This range is the range that was configured on this stack. It might not be the actual range that is in use throughout the sysplex at this time, because another stack that was started later with a different explicit bind port range configured (or with a VARY OBEYFILE command specifying a file with a different EXPLICITBINDPORTRANGE value) can override the range that is configured by this stack. Use the Display TCPIP,,SYSPLEX,PORTS command to display the currently active port range.

    Indicates whether dynamic Internal Queued Direct I/O extensions function (IQDX) interfaces are used for connectivity to the intraensemble data network (IEDN). This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that access to the IEDN using HiperSockets (IQD CHPIDs) with the IQDX is disabled. The NOAUTOIQDX parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement.
    Indicates that IQDX interfaces are used for all eligible outbound traffic to the IEDN. The AUTOIQDX ALLTRAFFIC parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement. This value is the default value for the AutoIQDX field.
    Indicates that IQDX interfaces are used for all eligible outbound traffic to the IEDN, except for large outbound TCP protocol traffic. The AUTOIQDX NOLARGEDATA parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG statement. Large outbound TCP traffic is sent to the IEDN by using OSX OSA-Express interfaces.
    Indicates whether all HiperSockets interfaces are configured to move multiple output data buffers using a single write operation. You must stop and restart the interface for a change in this value to take effect for an active HiperSockets interface. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the HiperSockets interfaces are configured to use HiperSockets multiple write support when this function is supported by the IBM® System z® environment (the IQDMULTIWRITE parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement).
    Indicates that the HiperSockets interfaces are not configured to use HiperSockets multiple write support (the NOIQDMULTIWRITE parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement or the value was set by default).
    Indicates whether OSA-Express QDIO write priority values are being assigned to outbound OSA-Express packets that are associated with Workload Manager (WLM) service classes, and to forwarded packets that are not being accelerated. The displayed priorities are applied only when the IPv4 type of service (ToS) byte or the IPv6 traffic class value in the IP header is 0 and the packet is sent from an OSA-Express device that is in QDIO mode. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that QDIO write priority values are assigned to outbound OSA-Express packets that are associated with Workload Manager (WLM) service classes, and to forwarded packets that are not being accelerated (the WLMPRIORITYQ parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement). When the WLMPriorityQ field has the value Yes, the following information is displayed:
    IOPRIn control_values
    Indicates which QDIO priority value is assigned to each control value. The QDIO priority values are in the range of 1 - 4. These QDIO priority values are displayed as the identifiers IOPRI1, IOPRI2, IOPRI3, and IOPRI4. The values that follow the identifiers are the control values. The control values represent Workload Manager service classes and forwarded packets. Most of the control values correlate directly to Workload Manager service class importance levels. See the WLMPRIORITYQ parameter in the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement information in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more details about the control values. If no control value was specified for a specific QDIO priority value, then the identifier for that QDIO priority value is not displayed.
    Indicates that QDIO write priority values are not assigned to outbound OSA-Express packets that are associated with Workload Manager (WLM) service classes or to forwarded packets that are not accelerated (the NOWLMPRIORITYQ parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Sysplex Monitor
    Displays the parameter values for the Sysplex Problem Detection and Recovery function.
    Displays the timer value (in seconds) that is used to determine how soon the sysplex monitor timer reacts to problems with needed sysplex resources. This value can be configured using the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement. Valid values are in the range 10 - 3600 seconds; the default value is 60 seconds.
    Indicates the action that is to be taken when a sysplex problem is detected.

    The value Yes indicates that when a problem is detected, the stack issues messages about the problem, leaves the sysplex group, and deactivates all DVIPA resources that are owned by this stack; the VIPADYNAMIC configuration is restored if the stack rejoins the sysplex group. The default value is No. The value Yes can be configured by specifying the RECOVERY keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    The value No indicates that when a problem is detected, the stack issues messages regarding the problem but takes no other action. The value No can be configured by specifying the NORECOVERY keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack delays joining the sysplex group during stack initialization or rejoining the sysplex group following a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command.

    The value No indicates that TCP/IP immediately joins the sysplex group during stack initialization. The default value is No and can be configured by specifying the NODELAYJOIN keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    The value Yes indicates that TCP/IP delays joining the sysplex group during stack initialization until the following conditions true:
    • OMPROUTE is started and active
    • At least one of monitored interfaces is defined and active (if MONINTERFACE is configured)
    • At least one dynamic route over the monitored interfaces is available (if MONINTERFACE DYNROUTE is configured)
    Any sysplex-related definitions within the TCP/IP profile (for example, VIPADYNAMIC or IPCONFIG/IPCONFIG6 DYNAMICXCF statements) are not processed until the sysplex group is joined. The value Yes can be configured by specifying the DELAYJOIN keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.
    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack joins the sysplex group during stack initialization.

    The value Yes indicates that the TCP/IP stack immediately attempts to join the sysplex group during stack initialization. This is the default setting.

    The value No indicates that the TCP/IP stack does not join the sysplex group during stack initialization. You can configure the value No by specifying the NOJOIN keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    If NOJOIN is configured, the TCP/IP stack does not process any VIPADYNAMIC block or DYNAMICXCF statements. Any other GLOBALCONFIG SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter settings (configured or default) are ignored, and the settings are saved in case you want the TCP/IP stack to join the sysplex group at a later time.

    If you subsequently issue a VARY TCPIP,,SYSPLEX,JOINGROUP command, the NOJOIN setting is overridden and the saved GLOBALCONFIG SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter settings become active. For example, if you configure NOJOIN and DELAYJOIN, DELAYJOIN is initially ignored. After you issue a V TCPIP,,SYSPLEX,JOINGROUP command, NOJOIN is overridden, DELAYJOIN becomes active, and the stack joins the sysplex group if OMPROUTE is initialized.

    Any sysplex-related definitions within the TCP/IP profile, such as VIPADYNAMIC or IPCONFIG DYNAMICXCF statements, are not processed until the TCP/IP stack joins the sysplex group.

    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack is monitoring the status of specified network interfaces.

    The value No indicates that the TCP/IP stack is not monitoring the status of network interfaces. The default value is No and it can be configured by specifying the NOMONINTERFACE keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    The value Yes indicates that the TCP/IP stack is monitoring the status of network interfaces that have the MONSYSPLEX attribute specified on the LINK or INTERFACE profile statement. The value Yes can be configured by specifying the MONINTERFACE keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack is monitoring the presence of dynamic routes over the monitored network interfaces.

    The value No indicates that the TCP/IP stack is not monitoring the presence of dynamic routes over monitored network interfaces. The default value is No and it can be configured by specifying the NODYNROUTE keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR MONINTERFACE parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    The value Yes indicates that the TCP/IP stack is monitoring the presence of dynamic routes over monitored network interfaces that have the MONSYSPLEX attribute specified on the LINK or INTERFACE statement. It can be configured by specifying the DYNROUTE keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR MONINTERFACE parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    Indicates whether the TCP/IP stack automatically rejoins the sysplex group when all detected problems that caused the stack to leave the group are relieved.

    The value No indicates that the stack does not rejoin the group or restore its VIPADYNAMIC definitions when all detected problems have been relieved. The default value is No and it can be configured by specifying the NOAUTOREJOIN keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    The value Yes indicates that the stack automatically rejoins the sysplex group and restores all of its VIPADYNAMIC configuration definitions. The value Yes can be configured by specifying the AUTOREJOIN keyword for the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    Restriction: You can specify the AUTOREJOIN keyword only if the RECOVERY keyword is also specified (or is currently enabled) on the SYSPLEXMONITOR parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement.

    Displays information about displacing CPU cycles for various functions onto a System z Information Integration Processor (zIIP). The value Yes for a function indicates that cycles can be displaced to a zIIP when at least one zIIP device is online. Issue the MVS D M=CPU command to display zIIP status. See displaying system configuration information details in z/OS MVS System Commands for more information about displaying processor status.
    Indicates whether the stack is configured to displace CPU cycles for IPSec workload onto a zIIP. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that IPSec CPU cycles are displaced to a zIIP as long as at least one zIIP device is online.
    Indicates that IPSec CPU cycles are not being displaced to a zIIP.
    Indicates whether the stack is configured to displace CPU cycles for HiperSockets multiple write workload onto a zIIP. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the stack is configured to permit HiperSockets multiple write CPU cycles to be displaced to a zIIP.
    Indicates that the stack is configured to not permit HiperSockets multiple write CPU cycles to be displaced to a zIIP.
    Indicates whether this stack supports Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) for external data network communications. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that this stack can communicate with other stacks on the external data network by using SMC-R. The SMCR parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement. When the SMCR field has the value Yes, the following information is displayed:
    Indicates the maximum amount, in megabytes, of 64-bit private storage that the stack can use for the send and receive buffers that are required for SMC-R communications. The fixed memory value was defined by using the SMCR FIXEDMEMORY parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG. If the SMCR FIXEDMEMORY parameter was not specified in the GLOBALCONFIG statement, the default value of 256 is displayed.
    Indicates the minimum supported TCP keepalive interval for SMC-R links. Use the SMCR TCPKEEPMININTERVAL parameter on the GLOBALCONFIG statement to define the interval. For applications that are using the TCP_KEEPALIVE setsockopt() option, this interval indicates the minimum interval that TCP keepalive packets are sent on the TCP path of an SMC-R link. The range is 0 - 2147460 seconds. If the interval value is set to 0, TCP keepalive probe packets on the TCP path of an SMC-R link are disabled. If the SMCR TCPKEEPMININTERVAL parameter was not specified in the GLOBALCONFIG statement, then the default interval value of 300 is displayed.
    Indicates the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express® (PCIe) function ID (PFID) value that was defined using SMCR PFID parameter. The combination of PFID and port number uniquely identifies an 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The stack uses 10GbE RoCE Express features for SMC-R communications with other stacks on the external data network. The PFID is a 2-byte hexadecimal value.
    Indicates the 10GbE RoCE Express port number that is used for the associated PFID. The PortNum value was specified with the PFID value on the SMCR parameter of the GLOBALCONFIG statement in the TCP/IP profile. The port number can be 1 or 2; the default port is 1.
    Indicates the configured maximum transmission unit (MTU) value that is used for the associated PFID. The MTU value can be 1024 or 2048 and the default MTU value is 1024.
    Indicates that this stack cannot communicate with other stacks on the external data network by using SMC-R communications. The NOSMCR parameter was specified on the GLOBALCONFIG profile statement or the value was set by default.
  • Network Monitor Configuration information

    Display the following configured network monitor information defined in the NETMONITOR profile statement. For more information about each network monitor parameter, see the NETMONITOR profile statement information in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

    Indicates whether the packet trace service is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that PKTTRCSERVICE is in effect (the PKTTRCSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement). The value No indicates that PKTTRCSERVICE is not in effect (the NOPKTTRCSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the TCP connection information service is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that TCPCONNSERVICE is in effect (the TCPCONNSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement). The value No indicates that TCPCONNSERVICE is not in effect (the NOTCPCONNSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement or is in effect by default).
    The minimum lifetime for a new TCP connection to be reported by the service when the TCP connection information service is enabled. If the NOTCPCONNSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement or is in effect by default, then the MinLifTim field is not displayed.
    Indicates whether the OSAENTA trace service is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that NTATRCSERVICE is in effect (the NTATRCSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement). The value No indicates that NTATRCSERVICE is not in effect (the NONTATRCSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement or is in effect by default).
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF information service is enabled or disabled. The value Yes indicates that SMFSERVICE is enabled (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement). The value No indicates that SMFSERVICE is disabled (the NOSMFSERVICE parameter was specified in the NETMONITOR profile statement or is disabled by default).
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF service is providing IPSec SMF records. The value Yes indicates that IPSec SMF records are being provided (either the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the IPSECURITY subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement or the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified without any subparameters). The value No indicates that IPSec SMF records are not being provided (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the NOIPSECURITY subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement). This field is displayed only if the SmfSrv value is Yes.
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF service is providing TCP/IP profile SMF records. The value Yes indicates that TCP/IP profile SMF records are being provided (either the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the PROFILE subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement, or the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified without any subparameters). The value No indicates that TCP/IP profile SMF records are not being provided (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the NOPROFILE subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement). This field is displayed only if the SmfSrv value is Yes.
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF service is providing CSSMTP SMF 119 records for subtype 48, 49, 51 and 52. The value YES indicates that CSSMTP SMF records are being provided (either the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the CSSMTP subparameter on the NETMOINTOR profile statement or the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified without any sub parameters). The value NO indicates that CSSMTP SMF records are not being provided (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the NOCSSMTP subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement). This field is displayed only if the SMFSrv value is YES.
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF service is providing CSSMTP SMF 119 records for subtype 50. The value YES indicates that CSSMTP SMF mail records are being provided (either the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the CSSMTP subparameter on the NETMOINTOR profile statement or the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified without any subparameters). The value NO indicates that CSSMTP SMF mail records are not being provided (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the NOCSSMTP subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement). This field is displayed only if the SMFSrv value is YES.
    Indicates whether the real-time SMF service is providing sysplex event SMF records. The value Yes indicates that sysplex event SMF records are being provided (either the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the DVIPA subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement, or the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified without any subparameters). The value No indicates that sysplex event SMF records are not being provided (the SMFSERVICE parameter was specified with the NODVIPA subparameter on the NETMONITOR profile statement). This field is displayed only if the SmfSrv value is Yes.
  • Autolog Configuration Information
    The time, displayed in seconds, that is specified on the AUTOLOG statement that represents the length of time TCP/IP waits for a procedure to stop if the procedure is still active at startup and TCP/IP is attempting to start the procedure again. The procedure could still be active if it did not stop when TCP/IP was last shut down.
    The procedure that the TCP/IP address space starts.
    The job name used for the PORT reservation statement. The job name might be identical to the procedure name; however, for z/OS UNIX jobs that spawn listener threads, the names are not the same.
    A string to be added following the START ProcName value. The ParmString value can be up to 115 characters in length and can span multiple lines. If the PARMSTRING parameter on the AUTOLOG profile statement was not specified or if the parm_string value was specified with a blank string, then this field displays blanks.
    Indicates whether TCP/IP delays starting this procedure until the TCP/IP stack has completed one or more processing steps. This field can have the following values:
    Indicates that the TCP/IP stack does not start this procedure until it has completed all of the processing steps identified by the following subparameters:
    TCP/IP delays starting this procedure until after the TCP/IP stack has joined the sysplex group and processed its dynamic VIPA configuration (DELAYSTART was specified on the entry for this procedure in the AUTOLOG profile statement with no additional subparameters, or DELAYSTART was specified with the DVIPA subparameter).
    TCP/IP delays starting this procedure until after the Policy Agent has successfully installed the AT-TLS policy in the TCP/IP stack and AT-TLS services are available (DELAYSTART was specified with the TTLS subparameter on the entry for this procedure in the AUTOLOG profile statement).
    Indicates that this procedure is started when TCP/IP is started (DELAYSTART was not specified on the entry for this procedure in the AUTOLOG profile statement).
  • Data Trace Settings if socket data trace is on
    The application address space name specified on the DATTRACE command or asterisk (*), if not specified.
    The number of packets traced for this DATTRACE command.
    The value of the ABBREV keyword of the DATTRACE command or FULL to capture the entire packet.
    The IP address from the IP keyword of the DATTRACE command or asterisk (*), if not specified.
    The subnet mask from the SUBNET keyword of the DATTRACE command or asterisk (*), if not specified.
    The prefix length specified on the DATTRACE command.
    The port number from the PORTNUM keyword of the DATTRACE command or an asterisk (*), if a value was not specified.