Netstat CLients/-e report

Displays information about local IPv4 users of TCP/IP services (job names).

TSO syntax

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>>-NETSTAT CLients----| Target |--| Output |--| (Filter |------><


Provide the report for a specific TCP/IP address space by using TCp tcpname. See The Netstat command target for more information about the TCp parameter.


The default output option displays the output on the user's terminal. For other options, see The TSO NETSTAT command syntax or Netstat command output.


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             V                |     

z/OS UNIX syntax

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>>-netstat  -e----| Target |--| Output |--| Filter |-----------><


Provide the report for a specific TCP/IP address space by using the -p tcpname option. See The Netstat command target for more information about the TCp parameter.


The default output option displays the output to z/OS UNIX shell stdout. For other options, see The z/OS UNIX netstat command syntax or Netstat command output.


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          V                |     
>>-+- -E------clientname---+-+---------------------------------><
   '- -T---------------------'   

Filter description

CLIent/-E clientname
Filter the output of the CLients/-e report using the specified client name clientname. You can enter up to six filter values and each specified value can be up to eight characters in length.
Filter the output of the CLients/-e report, excluding TN3270 server connections.

The filter value for CLIent/-E can be a complete string or a partial string using wildcard characters. A wildcard character can be an asterisk (*), which matches a null string or any character or character string, at the same position. A wildcard character can be a question mark (?), which matches any single character at the same position. For example, a string "searchee" matches with "*ar?he*", but the string "searhee" does not match with "*ar?he*".

When you use z/OS UNIX netstat/onetstat command in a z/OS UNIX shell environment, take care if you use a z/OS UNIX MVS™ special character in a character string. It might cause an unpredictable result. To be safe, if you want to use a z/OS UNIX MVS special character in a character string, surround the character string with single (') or double (") quotation marks. For example, to use an asterisk (*) in the client name, new*clnt for the -E filter, issue the command as: netstat -e -E 'new*clnt' or netstat -e -E "new*clnt".

Command syntax examples

From TSO environment

   Display information for each client in the default TCP/IP stack. 
   Display information for each client in TCPCS6 stack.
   Display information for these clients in TCPCS8 stack whose client name
   match the specified filter client name values.

From UNIX shell environment

   netstat -e
   netstat -e -p tcpcs6 
   netstat -e -p tcpcs6 -E CSCLNT1 OSGMEM1

Report examples

The following examples are generated by using TSO NETSTAT command. Using the z/OS UNIX netstat command displays the data in the same format as the TSO NETSTAT command.

MVS TCP/IP NETSTAT CS V2R1       TCPIP Name: TCPCS       12:34:56
Current Clients:                                                 

Client: INETD1                                                   
Authorization: Autologged                                        
Last Touched:   4:01:17                                          
Client: TCPCS                                                    
Authorization: None                                              
Last Touched:   3:14:47    

Report field descriptions

See Client name or User ID descriptions in Netstat report general concept for detailed description.
The only values that can currently be shown here are Autologged and None. In earlier versions and releases of TCP/IP for MVS and z/OS®, certain types of authorizations for users of TCP/IP services could be configured in the TCP/IP configuration data set. That practice has, over the years, been abandoned and security-related information is now specified in RACF® or an equivalent security product.

The following list shows the valid values for this field:

This service is being monitored by the TCP/IP autolog function, based on definitions in the AUTOLOG and PORT statements of the TCP/IP profile.
No special client authorizations.
Last touched time
See the Last touched time information in Netstat report general concept for a detailed description.