z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide
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File transfers to the BatchPipe subsystem fail

z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide

If a file transfer to a batch pipe fails, the problem could be that the batch pipe reader has not been started. Verify that the batch pipe reader is active.

Guideline: In a JESMAS environment, if you use FTP to submit a job starting the batch pipe reader, the job can run on any system in the JESMAS environment unless you include this JCL statement in your job:
If your file transfer runs on a different system in the JESMAS environment, the JWT time limit will expire, and the FTP server JOB will appear to hang. You can avoid this by adding the JCL statement:
to your batch pipe job.
When a file transfer to a batch pipe fails with an allocation error, the problem could be that the BatchPipe subsystem has not been started. Verify that the BatchPipe subsystem is started. For example:
put 'user3.source.data' 'user3.subsys.output1'                                   
 >>> SITE FIXrecfm 80 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB BLKSIZE=12960                              
 200 SITE command was accepted                                                     
 >>> PORT 9,42,104,22,4,15                                                         
 200 Port request OK.                                                              
 >>> STOR 'user3.subsys.output1'                                                   
 550 Allocation of USER3.SUBSYS.OUTPUT1 failed while executing STOR command.       

You can activate the FTP server trace to obtain more information about the failure. See Diagnosing FTP server problems with traces for information about activating the FTP server trace. Inspect the SYSLOG output for messages related to the file transfer failure.

A sample syslog output is:
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU1850 logALLOC: ALLOC  error in routine alloc_dasd 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU1852 logALLOC: SVC99 ALLOC failed with rc 4 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU1852 logALLOC: dsname   = USER3.SUBSYS.OUTPUT1 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU1852 logALLOC: S99ERROR = 04AC 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU2052 logDynErrMsg: entered 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU2088 logALLOC: ALLOC  Message=IKJ56231I 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: GU2088 logALLOC: ALLOC  Message=IKJ56231I 
Mar  2 16:29:47 MVS117 ftps[21]: RS3033 mvs_store_data: allocation failed (4) 

Allocation of USER3.SUBSYS.output1 failed (error code 04AC info code 0000 S99ERSN 00000000)

Error code 04AC means that the subsystem is not operational.

When FTPLOGGING is set to TRUE in the servers FTP.DATA file, the error messages will be logged in SYSLOGD. You can look up the messages and error codes.

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