z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference
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Write operations

z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference

A socket is selected for writing (ready to be written) when:
  • TCP/IP can accept additional outgoing data.
  • The socket is marked nonblocking and a previous CONNECT did not complete immediately. In this case, CONNECT returned an ERRNO with a value of 36 (EINPROGRESS). This socket will be selected for write when the CONNECT completes.

A call to WRITE, SEND, or SENDTO blocks when the amount of data to be sent exceeds the amount of data TCP/IP can accept. To avoid this, you can precede the write operation with a SELECTEX call to ensure that the socket is ready for writing. When a socket is selected for WRITE, the program can determine the amount of TCP/IP buffer space available by issuing the GETSOCKOPT call with the SO-SNDBUF option.

To test whether any of several sockets is ready for writing, set the WSNDMSK bits representing those sockets to 1 before issuing the SELECTEX call. When the SELECTEX call returns, the corresponding bits in the WRETMSK indicate sockets are ready for writing.

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