SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide
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Sample cataloged procedure for SMP/E

SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide

Figure 1 is a sample cataloged procedure, SMPPROC, that can be used to run SMP/E. The numbers to the left of the statements correspond to the notes that follow the example. When you write a cataloged procedure for SMP/E, remember the following:
  • Tailor your own cataloged procedure to fit your system and processing requirements.
  • You may want to use a single procedure for all SMP/E processing, or you may want to define multiple procedures for specific SMP/E commands and include in each one just those DD statements required for that command. For example, a special procedure for RECEIVE might include the SMPPTFIN DD statement but no DD statements for the target and distribution libraries.
    Note: The SYSLIB concatenations for APPLY and ACCEPT should point to different libraries.
  • Most of the data sets in the cataloged procedure can be allocated without DD statements. If you use the methods described for the data sets listed later in this section, you might not need a cataloged procedure.
    • Master CSI data set. The master CSI data set can be specified on the CSI= parameter of the EXEC statement for GIMSMP, rather than on the SMPCSI DD statement. For more information about parameters you can specify on the EXEC statement, see Required JCL statements.
    • Target and distribution zones. CSI data sets for target and distribution zones are normally dynamically allocated with zone indexes in the global zone. If you want to use the batch local shared resources (BLSR) subsystem, you must supply your own JCL statements. For examples of defining zone indexes and of specifying JCL for BLSR, see the SMPCSI section in SMP/E for z/OS Reference.
    • Other data sets. Other data sets in the cataloged procedure can be defined with DDDEF entries. When you use DDDEF entries, only the data sets SMP/E needs for a particular run are allocated.

      When you use DD statements, all the data sets defined must be online and allocated. Therefore, you might want to use a combination of DDDEF entries and a cataloged procedure shorter than the one in Figure 1. For more information about DDDEF entries, see SMP/E for z/OS Reference.

  • Although they are not shown in the sample cataloged procedure, the following DD statements may also be required:
    • An SMPCNTL DD statement, pointing to the commands that SMP/E processes, is required by all commands.
    • An SMPPTFIN DD statement, pointing to the source of the SYSMODs that are processed, is required by the RECEIVE command.
    • An SMPHOLD DD statement, pointing to the source of the HOLDDATA that is processed, is required by the RECEIVE command.
    • An SMPPTS DD statement should be coded with DISP=SHR. This allows concurrent jobs to share the PTS as much as possible. For more information about how SMP/E shares data sets, see the topic on sharing SMP/E data sets in SMP/E for z/OS Commands.
    • The SMPLTS data set is required when processing load modules with CALLLIBS.
    • An SMPMTS DD statement is required for changes to macros that do not reside in a target library.
    • An SMPSTS DD statement is required for changes to source code that does not reside in a target library.
    • If any of the SYSMODs being installed contain elements packaged with the LKLIB operand, a DD statement for the ddname specified on that operand is required by the APPLY and ACCEPT commands.
    • If any of the SYSMODs being installed contain elements or JCLIN packaged with the TXLIB operand, a DD statement for the ddname specified on that operand is required by the APPLY and ACCEPT commands.
  • If any of the required data sets (such as the SMPPTFIN) are not defined in the cataloged procedure or by DDDEF entries, they must be specified in the JCL used to call SMP/E.
  • For more information about the data sets required by each SMP/E command, see SMP/E for z/OS Commands.
Figure 1. Sample SMP/E cataloged procedure
     //* -----  SYSOUT data sets --------------------------------
     //*------  SMP/E data sets ---------------------------------
 2   //* -----  Master CSI  -------------------------------------
 3   //* -----  SMP/E temporary data sets------------------------
     //            DCB=BLKSIZE=6160
     //            DCB=BLKSIZE=6160
 4   //SMPWRK3  DD DSN=data set name,
     //            DCB=BLKSIZE=3120
     //            DCB=BLKSIZE=3120
     //            DCB=BLKSIZE=6160
     //* -----  Utility data sets -------------------------------
     //* -----  Assembler SYSLIB data set -----------------------
 5   //SYSLIB   DD DSN=data set name,DISP=SHR
                      •  •  •
     //* -----  Target libraries --------------------------------
                      •  •  •
     //* -----  Distribution libraries --------------------------
                      •  •  •
     //         PEND
SMPPUNCH is required for the GENERATE, REPORT, and UNLOAD commands. Because it might have a high level of output, SMPPUNCH should be directed to disk or tape.
SMPCSI DD statements should be coded with DISP=SHR. This allows SMP/E to share the CSI data sets as much as possible. If DISP=OLD is specified, no data set sharing is attempted. For more information about how SMP/E shares data sets, see the section on sharing SMP/E data sets in SMP/E for z/OS Commands.
SMPWRK1–SMPWRK6 show only sample sizes for the data sets. The actual size required depends on the number of SYSMODs being processed and the number of elements within those SYSMODs.
SMPWRK3 can be permanently allocated in order to reuse assemblies. For more information, see the description of the REUSE operand in the APPLY command section in SMP/E for z/OS Commands.
SYSLIB concatenation depends on how you intend to use the distribution libraries. For details on which data sets to include and in what order, see How to determine the appropriate SYSLIB concatenation.

If you use a different SYSLIB concatenation for APPLY and ACCEPT and prefer to use a SYSLIB DD statement, you should have at least two procedures. If you use DDDEFs to point to the different library concatenations, you can use one procedure. You can modify the examples to use the appropriate procedure.

The following job uses the cataloged procedure in Figure 1 to call SMP/E.
//SMPJOB   JOB 'accounting info',MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
//SMPPTFIN DD  … points to the file or data set that contains
//*                the SYSMODs to be received
//SMPHOLD  DD  … points to the file or data set that contains
//*                the HOLDDATA to be received
  SET      BDY(GLOBAL)        /* Set to global zone       */.
  RECEIVE  SYSMOD             /* receive SYSMODS and      */
           HOLDDATA           /* HOLDDATA                 */
           SOURCEID(MYPTFS)   /* Assign a source ID       */
                              /*                          */.
  LIST     MCS                /* List the cover letters   */
           SOURCEID(MYPTFS)   /* for the SYSMODs          */
                              /*                          */.
  SET      BDY(TARGET1)       /* Set to target zone       */.
  APPLY    SOURCEID(MYPTFS)   /* Apply the SYSMODs        */
                              /*                          */.
  LIST     LOG                /* List the target zone log */.

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