SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide
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Firewall servers

SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide

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In order for SMP/E to login to the IBM secure delivery server using FTP, it may be necessary to navigate a local FTP firewall server. If so, optional tags are available in the CLIENT data set to describe information necessary to navigate your local FTP firewall server.

The <SERVER> tag is used to identify the FTP firewall server. You can also specify a user ID and password if your firewall server requires authentication. The <FIRECMD> tags are used to identify the FTP client commands necessary to navigate your firewall server. The commands you specify in the <FIRECMD> tags should be the same as those you use with the z/OS Communications Server FTP client (PGM=FTP). The behavior of firewall servers differ, therefore, the best method to determine what you should specify in the <FIRECMD> tags is to login to an external FTP server using the z/OS Communications Server FTP client in a JCL job, and then specify the same commands in the <FIRECMD> tags. For example:
//jobname  JOB …
//INPUT    DD *
anonymous      ; user ID for remote FTP server
email_address  ; password for remote FTP server
cd mvs/toibm   ; simple change directory command
quit           ; done, so log off
This sample job logs into the IBM Testcase FTP server, and assumes that there are no special commands or login procedures required to navigate a local firewall server. If such a job works for you, then no firewall server information needs to be specified in your CLIENT data set for the RECEIVE command or GIMGTPKG service routine. However, if you have a local firewall server that requires such commands or login procedures, you must account for them. For example, if your working FTP job is like this:
//jobname  JOB …
//INPUT    DD *
email_address  ; password for remote FTP server
cd mvs/toibm   ; simple change directory command
quit           ; done, so log off
Then your CLIENT data set should include the following definitions:
  <SERVER host=""> </SERVER>
The substitution variables &REMOTE_HOST;, &REMOTE_USER;, and &REMOTE_PW; are replaced automatically by SMP/E during processing with the specific values for the FTP server host name, user ID, and password that are correct for the current operation. SMP/E uses the specified commands to log into the FTP server.

See SMP/E for z/OS Commands for complete details of the <FIREWALL>, <SERVER>, and <FIRECMD> tags, as well as a list of the substitution variables that can be used within the firewall commands. Consult your network administrator for help determining what, if anything, you must specify to navigate your local FTP firewall server.

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