IP Services: Enable SSLV3 for z/OS components


Starting in z/OS V2R1, z/OS Communications Server has changed its default protocol support for all components that use SSL/TLS, either through AT-TLS or natively. z/OS Communications Server provides means for exploiters (installations and/or applications) that must continue to use this protocol to explicitly enable the protocol. SSLV3 is disabled by default, which can affect the usage of AT-TLS, the FTP client and server, the TN3270 server, the DCAS server, Policy Agent, and sendmail.

For applications that use SSLV3, evaluate their usage and change them to use TLS protocols if possible. TLS has addressed many security deficiencies in the prior SSLV2 and SSLV3 protocols.

Element or feature: z/OS Communications Server.
When change was introduced:
  • z/OS V2R1 with APAR PI28679.
  • z/OS V1R13 with APAR PI28678.
Applies to migration from:
  • z/OS V1R13 without APAR PI28678.
  • z/OS V1R12.
Timing: Before the first IPL.
Is the migration action required? Yes, if migrating from V1R13 without APAR PI28678.
Target system hardware requirements: None.
Target system software requirements: None.
Other system (coexistence or fallback) requirements: None.
Restrictions: None.
System impacts: None.
Related IBM Health Checker for z/OS check: None.

Steps to take:


AT-TLS is modified to disable SSLV3 by default. Any applications protected by AT-TLS will default to SSLv3 Off. SSLV3 can be enabled for applications protected by AT-TLS that require SSLV3.

No action is required if SSLV3 is explicitly enabled in your policy. However, you should evaluate whether the application can use a more secure protocol version, such as TLSv1, TLSv1.1, or TLSv1.2.

Applications protected by AT-TLS that require SSLV3 and for which it is not explicitly enabled in the policy are relying on AT-TLS defaults. For these applications, enable SSLV3 at the environment or connection level by specifying the existing parameter SSLv3 on the relevant TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms or TTLSConnectionAdvancedParms policy statement with a value of On. For Configuration Assistant users, use the name tab of Modify Security Level dialog under the AT-TLS perspective to enable SSLV3.

FTP client and server

The FTP client and FTP server are modified to disable SSLV3 by default when TLSMECHANISM FTP is specified. In this mode, the FTP client or server uses System SSL APIs natively for its SSL/TLS protection, rather than AT-TLS.

Because the z/OS FTP client and server have historically enabled SSLV3 by default, evaluate whether the following conditions are true:
  • Your server is supporting clients that require SSLV3.
  • Your client is connecting to a server that requires SSLV3.
If either of the conditions is true, enable SSLV3 by specifying the new SSLV3 parameter in the relevant FTP configuration data set FTP.DATA with a value of TRUE.

If TLSMECHANISM ATTLS is specified, the FTP client or server is protected by AT-TLS, so the changes described under the AT-TLS function apply.

TN3270 server

The TN3270 server is modified to disable SSLV3 by default when SECUREPORT is specified. In this mode, the TN3270 server uses System SSL APIs natively for its SSL/TLS protection, rather than AT-TLS.

Because the TN3270 server has historically enabled SSLV3 by default, evaluate whether your server is supporting clients that require SSLV3. If so, enable SSLV3 by specifying the new SSLV3 statement in the relevant TN3270 profile data set and refreshing the configuration using the VARY TCPIP,tnproc,OBEYFILE command.

If TTLSPORT is specified, the TN3270 server is protected by AT-TLS, so the changes described under the AT-TLS function apply.

DCAS server

The DCAS server is modified to disable SSLV2 and SSLV3 by default when TLSMECHANISM DCAS is specified. In this mode, the DCAS server uses System SSL APIs natively for its SSL/TLS protection, rather than AT-TLS.

Because the DCAS server has historically enabled SSLV2 and SSLV3 by default, evaluate whether your server is supporting clients that require SSLV2 or SSLV3. If so, enable SSLV2 and SSLV3 by specifying the new TLSV1ONLY parameter in your DCAS configuration file with a value of FALSE and restarting DCAS.

If TLSMECHANISM ATTLS is specified, the DCAS server is protected by AT-TLS, so the changes described under the AT-TLS function apply.

Policy Agent

The Policy agent, when operating as a policy client, is modified to disable SSLV3 by default.

Because the policy client has historically enabled SSLV3 by default, evaluate whether your policy server supports SSLV3 only. If so, enable SSLV3 by specifying the new ServerSSLv3 parameter on the ServerSSL sub-statement of the ServerConnection statement with a value of On in the policy agent main configuration file. Update the policy agent configuration by using the MODIFY pagent,UPDATE command.


Sendmail, which operates as both a client and server, is modified to disable SSLV3 by default.

Because the z/OS sendmail program has historically enabled SSLV3 by default, evaluate whether the following conditions are true:
  • Your server is supporting clients that require SSLV3.
  • Your client is connecting to a server that requires SSLV3.
If either of the conditions is true, enable SSLV3 by specifying SSLV3 TRUE in the zOS.cf configuration file and restarting sendmail.