IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide
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Using the HZSPRINT utility

IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide

The HZSPRINT utility allows you to look at check output. HZSPRINT writes the message buffer for the target checks to SYSOUT for one check, multiple checks, or all checks.

The following information assumes that you have already set up security for HZSPRINT - see Setting up security for the HZSPRINT utility.

The SYS1.SAMPLIB JCL for the HZSPRINT utility is as follows:
//HZSPRINT JOB                                                      
//*...                                                              */ 
//SYSIN DD *,DLM='@@'                                              
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(LRECL=256)                     
Start of changeHZSPRINT parameters can be passed:End of change
  • via the JCL PARM string which is limited to 100 characters, or
  • via a JCL PARMDD, which is limited to 256 "effective" characters, for HZSPRINT, at this time. Trailing blanks per line do not count though. Do not include any other extra blanks, in particular at the beginning of any line.
Parameters should be separated from each other by a comma. The following parameters are supported by HZSPRINT:
check_owner must be between 1-16 characters and check_name must be between 1-32 characters. To find the check owner and check name, use either the SDSF CK option or use the following MODIFY command:
You can also use wildcard characters '*' and '?' in both the check owner and check name fields to get output from multiple checks. For example, to see the output of all the checks on the system, you could use the following:
//      PARM='CHECK(*,*)'
An asterisk (*) represents any string having a length of zero or more characters. A question mark (?) represents a position which contains any single character. The system converts any lowercase letters to uppercase.

CHECK(*,*) is the default setting for HZSPRINT. If you do not specify CHECK, you will get CHECK(*,*) to see the output of all checks. Note that using CHECK(*,*) will only work if you have access to all the checks. See Setting up security for the HZSPRINT utility.

Optional parameter EXCEPTIONS lets you limit the output in SYSOUT to messages from checks that wrote at least one check exception message. For example, to see the output of all checks that found exceptions, use the following:
Deleted checks will not be reported on.
Optional parameter LOGSTREAM specifies that you want to print the specified log stream, instead of querying the current Health Checker instance. The log_stream_name has to start with HZS.
Optional parameter SYSNAME lets you limit the output in SYSOUT to output from checks running on the specified system, sysname. You can specify the SYSNAME parameter only with LOGSTREAM.

You can use wildcard characters '*' and '?' in the system_name field to specify that you want check output from multiple systems.

The default for SYSNAME is SYSNAME(*), which will give you output for specified checks from all the systems in the sysplex.

Optional parameter TIMERANGE lets you limit the data in SYSOUT to entries in the specified time range. Data will only reported for check iterations with a start time within the TIMERANGE. Specifying TIMERANGE will let HZSPRINT look beyond the most current iteration of a check as far as data for previous check iterations is available. While this is the default behavior for when LOGSTREAM is specified, without TIMERANGE and without LOGSTREAM, only the most current check iteration will be reported on for a check. Specify the 12-char-start and 12-char-stop as YYYYMMDDHHMM. All 12 characters must be valid decimal digits and must represent a valid year, month (01-12), day (01-31 depending on the month), hour (00-23), and minute (00-59) specification.

When TIMERANGE is specified with a LOGSTREAM, the time range applies to entries in the logstream.

When TIMERANGE is specified without a LOGSTREAM, it applies to entries available in the currently running instance of IBM® Health Checker for z/OS®.

If you want to allocate a data set for HZSPRINT output:
  • The data set must be:
    • Fixed length, blocked records. For example, RECFM=FBA or RECFM=FBM
    • Logical record length of 256
  • Add the name of the output data set allocated above to the HZSPRINT JCL. For example:
  • Note that the first character of each line of HZSPRINT output is a carriage control character.

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