zFS commands

Table 1 identifies changes to zFS commands. For detailed information about these commands, see z/OS Distributed File Service zFS Administration.

Table 1. Summary of new and changed zFS commands
zFS command Release Description Reason for change
ioeagfmt z/OS V2R1

Changed: -newauditfid is now the default.

New options:
  • -nonewauditfid specifies that the aggregate shoul dnot be formatted with a zFS auditfid stored in it.
  • -version4 specifies that the aggregate should be a version 1.4 aggregate. -version5 specifies that the aggregate should be a version 1.5 aggregate. If neither option is specified, the IOEFSPRM option format_aggrversion is honored.
Improved large directory performance
z/OS V2R1 New requirement: zFS must be active if ioeagfmt is used. Improved large directory performance
ioeagslv z/OS V2R1 Changed: Now does not allow salvage of aggregates with more than one file system. It also does not allow salvage with a .bak file system in aggregate. Salvager enhancement
ioefsutl converttov4 z/OS V2R1 New: Converts a version 1.5 aggregate to a version 1.4 aggregate. Improved large directory performance
ioefsutl converttov5 z/OS V2R1 New: Converts a version 1.4 aggregate to a version 1.5 aggregate. Improved large directory performance
ioefsutl format z/OS V2R1 New: Formats a VSAM linear data set to become a zFS compatibility mode aggregate. Improved large directory performance
ioefsutl salvage z/OS V2R1 New: Scans an aggregate and reports inconsistencies. Improved large directory performance
MOUNT z/OS® V1R13 Changed: The NONBS parameter is no longer supported; if specified, it is ignored. zFS always runs with new block security (NBS) support on. Release update
z/OS V2R1 Changed: The READAHEAD, FSGROW, NBS, and RW parameters are now ignored. AGGREGATE and FILESYSTEM are now invalid in a non-sysplex environment. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
z/OS V2R1 New options: The CONVERTTOV5 and NOCONVERTTOV5 options specify whether a zFS read/write file system is to be assigned the converttov5 attribute. They override the IOEFSPRM options converttov5 and change_aggrversion_on_mount. Improved large directory performance
zfsadm z/OS V1R13 Changed: When the command displays help text or a syntax error message, it will show the name of the command as IOEZADM. Release update
zfsadm aggrinfo z/OS V2R1 Changed: When a zFS file system is quiesced, the -long option now displays the job name, system, and time stamp that issued the quiesce. It also displays the aggregate version and the converttov5 attribute. Enhanced zFS quiescing and improved large directory performance
zfsadm attach z/OS V1R13 Changed: No longer supports the -nonbs option; if specified, it is ignored. zFS always runs with -nbs support on. Release update
zfsadm clone z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
zfsadm clonesys z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
zfsadm config z/OS V1R13 Changed: No longer support the -nonbs off option; if specified, it is ignored. zFS always runs with -nbs support on. Release update
z/OS V2R1 New options:
  • change_aggrversion_on_mount
  • converttov5
  • format_aggrversion
Improved large directory performance
zfsadm configquery z/OS V1R13 Changed: The -nbs option is always on. zFS always runs with new block security (NBS) support. Release update
z/OS V2R1 New options:
  • change_aggrversion_on_mount
  • converttov5
  • format_aggrversion
Improved large directory performance
zfsadm convert z/OS V2R1 New: Converts a read/write aggregate to version 1.5 or a directory to an extended (v5) directory. Improved large directory performance
zfsadm create z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
zfsadm delete z/OS V2R1 Changed: You can only delete .bak file systems. Improved large directory performance
zfsadm fileinfo z/OS V2R1 New: Displays detailed information about a file or directory. Improved large directory performance
zfsadm format z/OS V2R1 New options:
  • -version4 specifies that the aggregate should be a version 1.4 aggregate
  • -version5 specifies that the aggregate should be a version 1.5 aggregate.
If neither option is specified, the default is the IOEFSPRM option format_aggrversion.
Improved large directory performance
z/OS V2R1 Changed: The -long option will now display the version. Improved large directory performance
zfsadm lsquota z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
zfsadm query z/OS V1R13 Changed: The -dircache option will now only report zeros. Also, the statistics directory cache subcommand is no longer used and reports zeros. Release update
zfsadm rename z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.
zfsadm setquota z/OS V2R1 Removed. Removal of multi-file system aggregates and the zFS clone function.