ISMF panels

Table 1 lists changes to ISMF panels for DFSMSdfp. For more information about these panels, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration and z/OS DFSMS Using the Interactive Storage Management Facility.

Table 1. DFSMSdfp: Summary of new and changed ISMF panels
Panel and application name Release Description Reason for change
Pool Storage Group Define panel z/OS® V1R13 New: Define SMA Attributes field, which controls the display of the Pool Storage Group SMA Attributes Define panel. Support for z/OSMF.
Pool Storage Group SMA Attributes Define panel z/OS V1R13 New: Allows you to define attributes related to adding storage to a pool storage group through z/OSMF. Support for z/OSMF.
Storage Class Define panel z/OS V1R13 New: Disconnect Sphere at CLOSE field controls how the record level sharing (RLS) sphere is disconnected after the data set last closed. VSAM RLS buffer management facility enhancement.
Storage Group Application Selection panel z/OS V1R13 New: Space in GB field, with the List option, lets you display space information in gigabytes (GB). Release support.
Data Class Define and Alter panels z/OS V2R1 New: Options for the Compaction field, ZR (“zEDC Required”) and ZP (“zEDC Preferred”) zEDC Compression
z/OS V2R1 New: Log Replicate field, to specify eligibility for VSAM replication; new values for the Record Access Bias field; new RMODE31 field. Release support.
z/OS V1R13 Changed: The maximum data set retention period is now 93000 days rather than 9999 days. Release support.
z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim field, to enable or disable CA reclaim for the data class. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Management Class Define panel z/OS V1R13 Changed: The maximum data set retention period is now 93000 days rather than 9999 days. Release support.
Data Class Display panel z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim field. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Data Class List panel z/OS V2R1 New: Log Replicate column. Release support.
z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim column. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Data Class Print panel z/OS V2R1 New: Log Replicate field. Release support.
z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim field. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Data Class Sort Entry panel z/OS V2R1 New: Log Replicate field. Release support.
z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim field. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Data Class View Entry panel z/OS V2R1 New: Log Replicate field. Release support.
z/OS V1R12 New: CA Reclaim field. CA reclaim support, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Copy Entry panel z/OS V1R12 New: Copy Storage Group Volumes field. Release update, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.
Pool Storage Group Define panel z/OS V1R12 Updated: The Allocation/migration Threshold field is expanded to allow a high threshold value of 100%. Release update, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.