Sense code 1010

Error on locate search or CP capabilities message detected.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense code specific information.
Unrecoverable error, such as a duplicate control vector, was detected.
A broadcast search resulted in two or more conflicting positive replies that differ on the CP owning the target resource. Multiple positive replies are acceptable, as long as all indicate the same owning CP.
An error was detected that prevented the exchange of CP capabilities. Recovery might be attempted.
Unrecoverable error on CP Capabilities GDS variable exchange prevented its initiation or completion on a contention-winner CP-CP session.
The intersubnetwork Locate failed because an entry for the destination network ID does not exist in the border node subnetwork list.

VTAM® hint: This sense code can be displayed in a VTAM message, but is set by another product.

Length error in CP capabilities GDS variable.
A GDS variable that is not valid was received when the CP capabilities (X'12C1') GDS variable was expected.

VTAM hint: VTAM detects this condition during either contention-winner or the contention-loser CP-CP session activation. VTAM deactivates the CP-CP session.

Incomplete negative or neutral reply received on a search or reservation indicated on Broadcast or "All" specified on a directed search.
No CD-Initiate GDS variable returned on a search request.
Session polarity or initiate type value received in CD-Initiate GDS variable not supported.
Mode name length error in CD-Initiate GDS variable.
Find GDS variable not present on Locate search request.
Command parameters (X'80') control vector not present on found GDS variable.