Sense code 0891

Network ID (NETID) not valid.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies.
PLU NETID not valid: The NETID of the PLU is not the same as that of the SSCP(PLU).
NETID not valid: The NETID field in CONNOUT does not match the NETID defined in the link station receiving the CONNOUT.
NETID not valid: The NETID field in the RNAA is not the same as the native NETID. There is a mismatch between the system definitions of the SSCP and the Type 4 node.
The network name control vector appended to the received XID3 does not contain a valid network ID. The network ID, preceding the CP name, must be greater than zero and less than eight bytes in length.

Alternatively, a network ID was received as an entry in a register GDS variable without an accompanying resource name, resulting in a resource name at the receiver that is not valid; the entry was not registered.

The network name control vector appended to the received XID3 does not contain a valid CP name. The CP name, following the network ID, must be greater than zero and less than eight bytes in length.
Invalid NETID: The sender has deactivated CP-CP sessions with the adjacent nonnative CP because one of the following situations has occurred:
  • Neither CP contains border node support (that is, neither sets Byte 9, Bit 7 to one in the CP capabilities GDS variable that it sends).
  • One or both nodes defined the connection as native, which is not allowed if the network IDs are different.

VTAM® hint: If this sense code is displayed in message IST1280I, this probably indicates that CP-CP sessions were attempted between two network nodes in different networks. If a nonnative relationship is desired, ensure that BN=YES is coded to enable border node support. Also ensure that NATIVE=YES is not coded on a PU or ADJCP statement representing the partner node.

If a native relationship is desired, modify the VTAM start lists for the specific nodes so that both start lists specify the same network.

NETID not valid: Establishment of a switched link connection failed because the NETID of the destination PU was not equal to that of the requesting SSCP.
Insufficient control blocks for dynamic network ID assignment. A CONNOUT specified a network ID that is not currently defined and sufficient control blocks are not available.
The network ID specified in the VRID list (X'1B') control vector is not valid.
Network ID not valid: the network ID in the network name control vector does not match the network ID of the target resource of the REQACTPU.