Sense code 088A

Resource unavailable—NOTIFY forthcoming: The SSCP cannot satisfy the request because a required resource is temporarily unavailable. When the required resource becomes available, the NOTIFY NS keys X'07' or X'08' will be sent.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies.
SSCP-SSCP session not active: A SSCP-SSCP session required to reroute the cross-network request was not active.

VTAM® Information: When VTAM receives this sense code for a session initiation, it continues searching through the adjacent SSCP table until the destination LU is found or routing is exhausted.

SSCP-LU session not active: The SSCP(DLU) is currently not in session with the DLU.
LU session limit exceeded: The DLU is currently at its session limit and the requested session would cause the limit to be exceeded.