Sense code 085D

The MU_id could not be accepted in the MU_id registry.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies.
The MU_id is a duplicate. When this SNA-Report-Code is used in an SNA_Condition_Report, it is accompanied by three supplemental-reports that identify information about the receiver MU_id registry: supplemental-report 1 contains the lowest MU_id the receiver would accept; supplemental-report 2 contains the highest MU_id the receiver would accept; supplemental-report 3 contains the time stamp of the receiver's MU_id registry.
The MU_id value is greater than expected. When this SNA-Report-Code is used in an SNA_Condition_Report, it is accompanied by three supplemental-reports that identify information about the receiver's MU_id registry: supplemental-report 1 contains the lowest MU_id the receiver would accept; supplemental-report 2 contains the highest MU_id the receiver would accept; supplemental-report 3 contains the time stamp of the receiver's MU_id registry.
A temporary condition prevents acceptance of the MU_id.
A permanent condition prevents acceptance of the MU_id.
The MU_id registry is not initialized.