Sense code 0824

Logical unit of work abnormally terminated: The current unit of work has been abnormally terminated; when sync point protocols are in use, both sync point managers are to revert to the previously committed sync point.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
For LU 6.2, backout initiated: A transaction program or its LU has initiated backout. The protected resources for the distributed logical unit of work are to be restored to the previously committed sync point. This sense data is sent only in FMH-7.

For non-LU 6.2, no specific code applies.

For LU 6.2, backout initiated: Resync In Progress: A transaction program or its LU has initiated backout. The protected resources for the distributed logical unit of work are to be restored to the previously committed sync point.

When sent in reply to a PS header, resync in progress means that one or more resources in the transaction subordinate to the backout sender have experienced failure so it is not known whether they have backed out.