Sense code 0822

Link procedure failure: A link-level procedure has failed because of link equipment failure, loss of contact with a link station, or a response to a link command was not valid. This is not a path error, because the request being rejected was delivered to its destination.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies

VTAM® hint: Ensure that you have activated the correct line.

The controller is not loaded, but it is ready to receive a load module.
Product-specific sense code.

VTAM hint: This sense code can be displayed in a VTAM message, but is set by another product.

nn is product-specific and will not be otherwise defined in SNA.

VTAM hint: This sense code can be displayed in a VTAM message, but is set by another product. It might be issued by NCP. See NCP V7R8, SSP V4R8, EP R14 Messages and Codes for a description of sense codes set by NCP.