Sense code 081A

Request-sequence error: Sequence of requests not valid.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies.
An ACTLU was received and no SSCP-PU session exists.
An IPL or DUMP RU sequence error has occurred.
An NC_ER_TEST was to be sent as a result of receiving a ROUTE_TEST request. The ROUTE_TEST was sent in one subnetwork, the NC_ER_TEST was to be sent in another. The SSCP sending the ROUTE_TEST did not have a required alias address within the subnetwork where the NC_ER_TEST was to be sent. (Before sending ROUTE_TEST, the SSCP sends RNAA, or the installation predefines the alias address, so that an origin SSCP address is available within the subnetwork of the route being tested. This address is then specified in the NC_ER_TEST RU.)
RNAA Rejected: If the PU to which the LU is to be added is RNAA added and a control vector has not been received, the RNAA is rejected. A SETCV for the PU has not been received and processed.
A CONTACT, BIND, or ACTLU has been received from an SSCP that has not established ownership of a permanent (system-defined) resource. The resource is not usable until RNAA(Move) has been received.
A CONTACT, BIND, or ACTLU has been received from an SSCP that has not established ownership of a temporary (DR added) resource. The resource is not usable until RNAA(ADD) has been received.
Set aside for implementation-specific use, and will not be otherwise defined in SNA; see implementation documentation for details of usage.

VTAM® hint: This sense code can be displayed in a VTAM message, but is set by another product.

Set aside for implementation-specific use, and will not be otherwise defined in SNA; see implementation documentation for details of usage.

VTAM hint: This sense code can be displayed in a VTAM message, but is set by another product.

The request is rejected or fails because the entry point or a target resource in the entry point is already in the state or condition that the request would have produced.
A CONTACT was received specifying APPN in its connection support field, but was not preceded by a CONNOUT, a protocol violation.
A CONTACT was received with a connection support field value that does not match that in the preceding CONNOUT.
A CONNOUT, specifying LEN in its connection support field, was received for a nonswitched link station, a protocol violation.
A CONTACT was received for an intra-FRSE PVC segment subport whose frame-relay port is in a discontacted state. The CONTACT is rejected.
A CONTACT was received for an RNAA-added intra-FRSE PVC segment subport and a SETCV with a FRSE (X'80') control vector has not been received. The CONTACT is rejected.