The end of the session may not have been recorded. The recording process could not be canceled, and may still be active.Function = kill(),
terminal name = 'TTY-name',
process ID = process-id,
return value = return-value,
errno = errno-decimal (X'errno-hex'),
reason code = reason-code,
description = 'system-message'


This error message appears along with other error messages, FSUM2189I and FSUM2183I in particular. See the descriptions for those messages for additional information about this error. After starting the logoff recording process, the system had to end the process, using kill(), but the kill() function failed with the displayed errno and reason code. For more information on the errno and reason code from kill(), see z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference.

The logoff recording process might or might not exist after kill(). If message FSUM2189I appeared along with this message, the logoff recording process may have finished as kill() was issued. In this case, there is no real problem, except that the logoff recording process took much longer than it should have.

In the message text:
The pseudo-TTY name that was in use when this error occurred.
The process ID of the recording process that was passed to kill().
The return value from kill().
The errno value, in decimal, returned from kill().
The errno value, in hexadecimal, returned from kill().
The reason code returned from kill().
The system message corresponding to the returned errno value.

System action

OMVS ends the shell session. If there are no other active sessions, the OMVS command ends and returns to TSO/E.

The end of this user's session with the shell might not have been recorded. If this recording was not completed, certain shell commands may show that this user is still logged on. The problem clears up when the next user logs in to the shell using the same pseudo-TTY that this user had.

System programmer response

For more information about the errno and reason code from kill(), see z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference. Follow any suggested actions for this reason code and errno value.

User response

Contact the system programmer with the message number and any information displayed in the second-level TSO/E message.