"string" is ambiguous on one or more of the tasks in the current context. Also, the response from "whatis string" varies from task to task. The following grouping of tasks would give each group the ability to resolve the symbol consistently


If a symbol, typically a function, is found to be ambiguous, pdbx issues a menu to the user that allows him to select the instance(s) to which the command (such as stop in, list, or func) is applied. To simplify the user interface, the parallel debugger requires that all tasks in the partition have a consistent view of the ambiguous symbol, since pdbx can display only one selection menu for a context.

System action

Issue the whatis command to make sure the symbol in question is resolved in the current context. This message is also followed by a table that suggests a set of groups, each of which would resolve the symbol in the same way. Using these or similar groups, you could issue the same command by changing the context as desired.