Input data was received from an empty screen. This input data was discarded. You may have entered the data right after you pressed the <Clear> key, and before the OMVS command could refresh the screen.


Data was probably entered right after the screen was cleared, and before OMVS had a chance to rewrite the normal screen. Make sure all input data is entered in the usual input area at the bottom of the normal OMVS screen.

System programmer response

If the input data was entered normally, or if this problem occurs and there is no obvious explanation, there may be an error in the terminal or in z/OS UNIX. Follow the usual problem determination procedures for diagnosing and reporting terminal or z/OS UNIX problems.

User response

If the normal OMVS screen is overlaid or blank, you may need to press <PA2> to force OMVS to rewrite the screen before you enter input data.