SUSSESS operation (XRC)

The SUSSESS operation provides the ability to suspend an XRC scsession from any application host system. This provides an installation with the control to suspend a session even if the data mover system is unable to communicate to the primary storage controls. The SUSSESS operation allows you to place an XRC session in hardware bitmap mode. This means that when the XRC session resumes, only the changed tracks must be re-copied. This provides a significant reduction in resynchronization time, which helps maintain the Recover Point Objective time.

Use the SUSSESS operation to suspend an XRC scsession from any system that has access to the device.

Example: Issue the following command to initiate the SUSSESS function:
The following definitions apply to the example above:
Specifies the device that is part of the storage control session that you want to control.
Specifies the ID of the storage control session that you want to suspend.

You can also perform the SUSSESS operation using the ANTRQST assembler macro. Use the DEVN and SCSESSION parameters with the XSUSPEND command to perform this request. The DEVN parameter provides the device number of the storage control session that you want to suspend. The SCSESSION parameter provides the scsession ID of the storage control session that you want to suspend. Complete documentation for these parameters is found at the front of the macro description for ANTRQTA in SYS1.MACLIB.

After the SUSSESS operation has been initiated, XRC returns either a return code 630 or return code 647 error. The error code depends on the timing of when the next read record set channel program is initiated.

If desired, the device_number and scsession_id may be replaced with the word ALL. This will cause all active XRC sessions in the system to be suspended. At least one device for each scsession must be online to the MVS system where the command is issued.

Example: Issue the following command to initiate the SUSSESS function using the ALL parameter:
where N indicates that verification of the request is not to be issued.