Specifying the state data set

The state data set defines and contains the status of the XRC session and of associated volumes pairs that XRC is currently managing. The state data set is updated whenever an XADDPAIR, XDELPAIR, XSET, XSUSPEND, XRECOVER, or XEND command is issued, or whenever a volume state changes.

XRC uses a state data set name in one of the following forms:
SYS1.XCOPY.session_id.STATE  or  hlq.XCOPY.session_id.STATE

Rule: The XRC session ID can be up to eight characters long and must be the same name that you will specify with the session_id parameter of the XSTART command.

Example: The following is an example of a state data set name:

Guidelines: The following are guidelines for the state data set:

Note: Some environments can benefit from specifying a STORCLAS parameter to ensure that SMS allocates the state data set to the proper SMS-managed volume.

For additional information about the syntax for specific commands, refer to Extended remote copy command descriptions.