XRC session state descriptions

An XRC session may be in one of several states of operation. Table 1 describes the different XRC session states.
Table 1. XRC session state descriptions
State of session Description For information, see...
Active The system data mover has been initiated with an XSTART command. XRC accepts the XADDPAIR, XCOUPLE, XDELPAIR, XQUERY, XSUSPEND, XSET, and XEND commands. Extended remote copy command descriptions
Inactive The system data mover has been stopped by an XEND command. The only commands accepted by XRC are the XSTART and XRECOVER commands. Extended remote copy command descriptions
Recovery An XRECOVER command has initiated the system data mover, which is available to update secondary volumes with unapplied journal records. XRC only accepts the XQUERY command after you have issued the XRECOVER command. The XRC session returns to the inactive mode when the recovery function is complete. XRECOVER–Recovering data on the recovery system
Suspended The XSUSPEND(session_id) command with the TIMEOUT option has suspended the XRC session. The ANTASnnn address space is no longer active. You can issue an XSTART command to restart the suspended XRC session or an XRECOVER command to recover the session at a recovery site. XSUSPEND–Suspending volumes or sessions