XSCSTATS (XRC statistics)

Use request type XSCSTATS to provide statistics for storage control System Data Mover sessions known to the system this command is processed on. This invokes ANTRQST ILK=XRC REQUEST=XSCSTATS.

Specifies what type of statistics to be returned.
A summary of data mover sessions (scsessions) maintained in the storage controls attached to the system should be returned. This is the default.
A complete set of statistics for a specified data mover session (scsessions) should be returned. SSID and SCSESSION must be specified to allow locating the session.
SCSESSION(– – | scsession)
Specifies the storage control identifier (SCID on the XQUERY VOLUME_DETAIL_REPORT) to be used for gathering statistics. The default is – –.
Specifies what storage control will be used to gather statistics.
Creates the data area where the query information is to be returned. Either QRYINFO or DSPINFO is required with XSCSTATS. This area is the size specified in the QRYSIZE keyword. QRYINFO is mutually exclusive with DSPINFO.
Specifies the decimal length of the QRYINFO area. It is required.
Names a variable output field to be used to return the result of the display. Either QRYINFO or DSPINFO is required with XSCSTATS. DSPINFO is mutually exclusive with QRYINFO.
WAITTIME(waittime | 0)
Contains a number of seconds that SDM must wait for a request to complete. A value of zero specifies that the request should not be timed. Valid values are 0 through 65535. The default is 0.