ANTTREXX results

Error results from ANTTREXX are returned in REXX variable RESULT. It is good programming practice to check the RESULT variable after each ANTTREXX call.
Table 1. Results of Calling ANTTREXX
Error Type Contents of RESULT
None Message ANTR8810I for LEVEL or query requests and message ANTR8810I for all other requests
Detected by ANTRQST Message ANTR8811E
Detected by ANTTREXX. These are usually parameter or syntax errors. Message describing the error. Any unprintable characters in the results will have been changed to periods. Blanks will have been changed to underscores (_).
For a description of the ANTR8810I and ANTR8811E messages, see z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM).

To display the contents of the RESULT variable, you can use the REXX SAY instruction, for example SAY RESULT.

Information returned from an ANTTREXX call replaces output fields in the compound variable. For example, the QRYINFO keyword defines an output field for an FCQUERY request. After an ANTTREXX call, you reference the information that is returned by using the variable that is associated with QRYINFO.