Optional parameters:

CLUSTER and ADDRSPACE are mutually exclusive required parameters.
Specifies that XRC display information about coupled sessions associated with the cluster session in the logical partition where the command is processed, including the following information:
  • Cluster session name
  • XRC session name
  • Session status
  • Volume status
  • Interlock status
  • Journal delta time
  • RCV/ADV delta time
  • Master session name and HLQ
  • Maximum journal delta for all sessions in the cluster session
  • Maximum RCV/ADV delta time for all sessions in the cluster session
Specifies that XRC display the names of all active XRC address spaces in the logical partition, including the following information:
  • Session name
  • Address space name and identifier
  • Type of session
  • Associated cluster name
  • Associated master session name
Specifies that XRC direct the XSTATUS output to the sequential data set that is identified by dataset_name. Standard TSO naming conventions apply for dataset_name. The target data set must be a sequential data set and must be large enough to accommodate the XSTATUS reports you want to collect. You can specify DATASET with or without DISP; that default is DISP(OLD).
Allocate a data set for the XSTATUS function with the following attributes:
Specifies how XRC writes the XSTATUS output to the data set, as follows:
Specifies that XRC append the output to the data set.
Specifies that XRC clear the data set before it receives output.
Specifies that XRC clear the data set before it receives output. SHR also allows multiple allocations of the same data set.

If you specify DISP, you must also specify DATASET.

Specifies the name of the high-level-qualifier for the state, control, and journal data sets to which the XSTART command refers. The XSTART HLQ name must be from one to eight characters, and can be any name acceptable to TSO. SYS1 is the default value.
Specifies the user ID to which XRC messages that are associated with the processing of this command are routed. If the specified user ID is not logged on, TSO saves messages to be in the TSO BRODCAST data set and displays them after the next logon.
Note: Messages issued by the initial command parser routine are sent to the user ID that issues the TSO command. If you specify both DATASET and MSGROUTEID, XQUERY output is directed to the data set that is specified with DATASET and not to the MSGROUTEID user ID. Error messages are directed to the MSGROUTEID user ID.