Installing IBM InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub

During a standard deployment, the InfoSphere® MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub components are installed using IBM® Installation Manager, which ensures a simple and consistent installation experience.

Figure 1. InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub Installation Overview
This diagram provides a high level overview of the installation process for InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub
Important: Before you begin the process of installing InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub, review the known problems. Some of the known installation problems require you to complete specific preinstallation configuration tasks. Failure to complete these configuration tasks can result in a failed installation.

The installation topics describe how to prepare your application server and database for installation and how to install InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub. The installation topics assume that you are familiar with WebSphere® Application Server and with the database that you plan to use. You can run the installation in graphical or silent mode.

Before you begin installing InfoSphere MDM Reference Data Management Hub and Custom Domain Hub, ensure that you have downloaded all of the latest installation packages and fix packs required for your licensed edition and version. Refer to the Download IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management page to determine the part numbers that you should download from IBM Passport Advantage®.

IBM Installation Manager is also used to uninstall components and to modify an existing installation by adding or removing components.