Creating Java Message Service servers

Java™ Message Service (JMS) servers manage JMS queue and topic resources. The queue and topic resources are defined within JMS modules that are targeted to a specific JMS server. JMS servers also maintain information about the store that you use for persistent messages that are received on queue destinations.


  1. For the sequential outbound queue, sqoutuistore, create a JMS server and name it sqoutuiserver. Target the server to the user interface cluster server.
  2. For the integration framework cluster, create the following JMS servers. Target the servers to the integration framework cluster server.
    1. For the sequential inbound queue, create a JMS server for the sqinstore store, and name the queue sqinserver.
    2. For the sequential outbound queue, create a JMS server for the sqoutinstore store, and name the queue sqoutintserver.
    3. For the continuous inbound queue, create a JMS server for the cqinstore store, and name the server cqinserver.

      For this server, set the maximum bytes to a value based on your JVM maximum heap size. This value is typically set to approximately 10% to 20% of the maximum heap size, which prevents memory errors if messages are created faster than the consumer can process.

  3. For the sequential outbound queue, create a JMS server for the sqoutcronstore store and name the server sqoutcronserver. Target the sqoutcronserver server to one of the cron task cluster servers.