Associating assets and locations with IoT devices

After you map device types to asset or location meters, you can associate the devices with specific assets or locations.

About this task

The Assets and Locations tabs each have three subtabs that you can use to manage integrations between asset and location meters and specific IoT devices:
Associate Assets or Associate Locations
This tab lists assets or locations that are not yet associated with a specific device. You can use the functions on this tab to associate an asset or location with a specific IoT device.
Manage Assets or Manage Locations
This tab displays assets or locations that are associated with specific IoT devices. On this tab, you can delete associations between IoT devices and assets or locations.
Manage Orphans
This tab displays assets or locations that are not properly associated with a device. For example, you might have an asset that is mapped to a device type, but the device type was not mapped to a meter. You can map device types to meters on the Map Data Schemas page in the IoT Connector wizard.

The following example explains how to associate an asset with a specific device. The same process can be applied to associating locations with devices.


  1. On the IoT Connector tab, select Associate Devices > Assets > Associate Assets.
  2. Select the asset that you want to associate with a device.
  3. From the drop-down menu on the Device Type column, select the device type that you want to associate with the selected asset.
  4. From the drop-down menu on the Device ID column, select the identifier for the specific device that you want to associate with the asset.
  5. Save your changes.