Encrypting properties for security

You can encrypt properties in the maximo.properties file to provide additional security. The properties that are encrypted have maxprop.encrypted=1 on the database.

Before you begin

The maximo.properties file is in the <Maximo root> \applications\Maximo\properties folder.

About this task

When you encrypt a property, the unencrypted original file remains on the file system as maximo.properties_orig. For security purposes, store the unencrypted original outside the system file structure.


  1. Access maximo.properties in a text editor.
  2. Open a command shell and go to <Maximo root> \tools\maximo folder.
  3. Type encryptproperties to run the batch file. The old file is renamed with an *_orig extension; for example, maximo.properties_orig.
  4. Confirm that the new file contains an encryption string at the end.
  5. Store the unencrypted originals (with the *_orig extension) outside the system file structure.