Understanding the mail policy settings document

A mail policy settings document allows you to create and apply Notes® client settings for mail calendar and schedule tools.

Mail policy settings can be used to:

A user's mail policy is stored in that user's mail database in the calendar profile. By default, the administration process writes the mail policy to the calendar profile.

The administration process checks for and applies mail policy updates every 12 hours.

Message disclaimers and character sets

Message disclaimers can be added by the server or by the client.

The client adds message disclaimers prior to converting the character set; therefore, the client process for determining Internet character sets for MIME messages has not changed.

  • The Domino® server converts the message from Notes RTF to MIME format and determines the Internet character set for the message. Server disclaiming must be enabled to allow the server to add a disclaimer.
  • If the client is not configured to disclaim messages, the Domino server disclaims the message as described. If necessary, the server converts the RTF message to a MIME format message.

When message disclaimers are added by the server, Domino determines the Internet character sets for the message text and the message disclaimer. If the character sets are the same, Domino adds the message disclaimer and the message is sent. If the two character sets differ, Domino determines which character set to use as follows:

  • If the Multilingual Internet mail setting is Use Best Match, Domino uses either the message text's character set or the disclaimer's character set according to which character set best represents the characters. Any characters that cannot be represented by the correct character are represented by a substitute character -- typically a question mark (?). Domino then sends the message.
  • If the Multilingual Internet mail setting is Use Unicode (UTF-8), Domino re-codes the message text and disclaimer text as UTF-8 and sends the message.