Example export

An example export from IBM® WebSphere® MQ V5 and import to IBM MQ V8.

Before you begin

Install IBM MQ V8 for HPE Nonstop as described in Installing, upgrading, and uninstalling.

About this task

This example exports the queue manager BOB from an IBM WebSphere MQ V5 configuration and imports it to an IBM MQ V8 configuration.


  1. Complete the following steps to export the queue manager from the IBM WebSphere MQ V5 configuration:
    1. Copy the contents of the directory MQ8path/opt/mqm/bin/mig to a working location on the IBM WebSphere MQ V5 system. We assume that IBM WebSphere MQ V5 is installed at /home/mqv5/ and IBM MQ V8 at /home/mqv8/.
         /home/mqv5> mkdir -p /home/mqv5/migration/tools
         /home/mqv5> cp /home/mqv8/opt/mqm/bin/mig/* /home/mqv5/migration/tools/
         /home/mqv5> cd /home/mqv5/migration/
    2. Set the executable flags for the copied files:
         /home/mqv5/migration> chmod 755 /home/mqv5/migration/tools/*
    3. Make the files visible to the environment and verify access:
         /home/mqv5/migration> export PATH=/home/mqv5/migration/tools/:${PATH}
         /home/mqv5/migration> type exportmqm
         exportmqm is /home/mqv5/migration/tools/exportmqm
    4. Set up the IBM WebSphere MQ V5 environment, for example, by sourcing the wmqprofile.
         /home/mqv5/migration> . /home/mqv5/var/mqm/wmqprofile
    5. Start the command server.
         /home/mqv5/migration> strmqcsv BOB
         WebSphere MQ command server started.
    6. Put the queue manager into a quiet state, that is, stop all channels and disconnect all applications.
    7. Run exportmqm. During the export you are asked if queue data is to be exported. The following text is a log of an example run:
         /home/mqv5/migration> exportmqm -m BOB
              #  Welcome to the HPE NonStop Server V53 export utility
              #  for WebSphere MQ version 5.3.1 for HP NonStop Server
              #  MQ owner           : MQM.MANAGER  47,5
              #  System Name        : CS3
              #  RVU                : J06.20.00
              #  UNAME              : NONSTOP_KERNEL cs3 J06 20 NSE-AG
              #  Script version     :
              #  Wed Nov 13 17:02:16 MET 2019
              #  =======================
              #  - does not export SYSTEM objects
              #  - does not export EMS collector information
              #  - does not export PATHWAY configurations
              #  - does not export partitioning configuration for queue files
              #  - Please make sure that your queue manager is backed up,
              #    in case something goes unexpectedly wrong.
              #  OSS export directory name = MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440
              #  Verifying the Queue Manager is running
              #  Validating that the Queue Manager is in a valid state to be exported.
              #  Checking to confirm no channels are active
              #  No Channels Active. Continuing....
              #  Checking to confirm no Queues are open
              #  No Queues Open. Continuing....
              #  BOB  ready for migration
              #  All checks have been made and this queue manager is now ready to be exported.
              Please type YES if you would like to migrate all messages on application queues
              Messages in LOCAL QUEUE's will be migrated
              Local queues that start with SYSTEM are not application queues
              therefore messages on those queues will not be migrated
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's objects.
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's channel syncronization data.
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's object authorities.
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's principal database.
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's Local Queue's
              #  Exporting queue FROM.ALICE
              #  Exporting queue PERSIST.Q
              #  Exporting queue XQ.TO.ALICE
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's qm.ini file.
              #  Checking if Queue Manager has ssl files
              #  Exporting Queue Manager's ssl files
              #  The Queue Manager BOB has been successfully exported.
              #  Please move the following files to the location from where you will
              #  run the MQv8 importmqm utility from:
              #    MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440.tar.Z
              #    MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440.tar.Z.md5
              #  These are the files the MQv8 importmqm utility will use to create and
              #  configure a new MQv8 Queue Manager with the same name: 'BOB'
    8. Remove the queue manager from clusters as described in Removing a queue manager from a cluster.
    9. End the queue manager.
         /home/mqv5/migration> endmqm BOB
         WebSphere MQ queue manager 'BOB' ended.
  2. Complete the following steps to import the queue manager to the IBM MQ V8 configuration:
    1. Copy the exported queue manager archive and checksum file to a working directory and verify the checksums. We assume that IBM MQ V8 is installed at /home/mqv8/.
         /home/mqv8> mkdir /home/mqv8/migration
         /home/mqv8> cd /home/mqv8/migration
         /home/mqv8/migration> cp <path/to/archive> /home/mqv8/migration/
         /home/mqv8/migration>md5sum --check ./MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440.tar.Z.md5
         MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440.tar.Z: OK   
    2. Set up the IBM MQ V8 environment, for example, by sourcing the mqprofile.
    3. Run importmqm. The import is interactive and asks for several inputs and might create a file qmgrname_ClusterChannelDefs.mqsc, which contains cluster channel definitions. Depending on the system configuration, it might be better to ignore errors if asked (for example, if migrating between systems and not all users have been migrated to the new system). The following text is a log of an example run:
          /home/mqv8/migration: importmqm -f MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440.tar.Z
          #  Welcome to the HPE NonStop Server V8 import utility
          #  for IBM MQ Version 8 for HP NonStop Server and
          #  WebSphere MQ version 5.3.1 for HP NonStop Server.
          #  MQ owner           : MQM.MANAGER  47,5
          #  System Name        : CS5
          #  RVU                : L19.08.00
          #  UNAME              : NONSTOP_KERNEL cs5 L19 08 NSX-G
          #  Script version     :
          #  Wed Nov 13 17:13:39 MET 2019
          #  =======================
          #  - does not import CLUSTER channels
          #  - does not import SYSTEM objects
          #  - does not import EMS collector information
          #  - does not import partitioning configuration for queue files
          #  - does not import Listener configurations
          #  Log files will be written to /home/mqv8/migration
          This utility will now create a new MQv8 Queue Manager named BOB
          If you want to set any additional non-default 'crtmqm' options
          please enter YES
          Please enter the 'crtmqm' options you wish to set
          -h 512
          The Queue Manager will be created with the following options:
          'crtmqm -h 512 BOB'
          OK to continue?
          #  Creating the Queue Manager
          #  Queue Manager BOB has been created
          #  Starting the Queue Manager
          #  Queue Manager BOB has started
          #  BOB  ready for migration
          #  All checks have been made and this queue manager is now ready to be configured and loaded...
          Using CCSID 819
          CERTVPOL file not found...
          Using CERTVPOL ANY
          No CONNAUTH file found, using default
          DEADQ file found...
          Using DEADQ 'CUSTOM.DL.QUEUE'
          #  Restarting the Queue Manager
          #  Queue Manager BOB has ended
          #  Queue Manager BOB has started
          Please type YES if you would like to migrate all messages from exported application local queues
          Messages in LOCAL QUEUE's will be migrated
          Local queues that start with SYSTEM are not application queues
          therefore messages on those queues will not be migrated
          #  Channel EXIT configurations, queue process and process definitions will be imported.
          #  Generating Cluster Channel Definitions file.
          #  Importing Queue Manager's object definitions
          Please type YES if you would like to ignore errors during this process
          #  Removing SSL environment settings...
          Please type YES if you would like to retain the following environment variables:
          These may be required for channels using deprecated CIPHER SPECS.
          Keeping environment variables.
          #  Importing Queue Manager's channel syncronization data.
          #  Importing Queue Manager's object authorities.
          Please type YES if you would like to ignore errors during this process
          #  Importing Queue Manager's principal database.
          Loading Queue Data... from MQ5EXPORT.BOB.20191113-170216-889194440/queues-manifest.txt
          Number of messages in exported Queue   'FROM.ALICE': 4
          Number of messages imported into Queue 'FROM.ALICE': 4
          Number of messages in exported Queue   'PERSIST.Q': 5
          Number of messages imported into Queue 'PERSIST.Q': 5
          Number of messages in exported Queue   'XQ.TO.ALICE': 3
          Number of messages imported into Queue 'XQ.TO.ALICE': 3
          #  Checking if Queue Manager has ssl files
          #  Importing Queue Manager's ssl files
          #  The Queue Manager BOB has been successfully migrated.
          Do you want to shutdown the created Queue Manager?
          # Queue Manager BOB will not be shutdown.
    4. Verify that the queue manager has the correct settings and add configurations for listeners.
    5. Integrate the queue manager into clusters if required. This procedure includes setting the qmgr attributes as well as defining the channels, which might have to be changed. Channels can be configured (after verification) by using qmgrname_ClusterChannelDefs.mqsc as an input file (this file might require editing).
        /home/mqv8/migration> vim BOB_ClusterChannelDefs.mqsc
         /home/mqv8/migration> runmqsc BOB < BOB_ClusterChannelDefs.mqsc
         Starting MQSC for queue manager BOB.
          AMQ8014: IBM MQ channel created.
          AMQ8014: IBM MQ channel created.
          MQSC >        :
          MQSC > 2 MQSC commands read.
          No commands have a syntax error.
          All valid MQSC commands were processed.   

      Versions before V8.1.0.2 did not encode its source in the filename and the file is not unique (that is, it will be replaced by each run of importmqm), be mindful of this when trying to import multiple queue managers.