Note: For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Sending push notifications

When you have set up push notification, as tag-based or broadcast-enabled, you can send push notifications from the server.

You can send push notifications using the methods:

You can send the following notifications using the push notification service:

Broadcast notification

You must set up broadcast notifications to send a notification for the required applications.

For more information, see Broadcast notifications.

Tag-based notification

You must set up tag subscriptions to send a notification for the required applications.

For more information, see Setting up tag-based notifications.

Unicast notification

The userId(s) must be the user IDs that were used to subscribe to the push notification. The user ID in the user subscription can come from the underlying security context or be a user ID explicitly set by your mobile app. A user ID explicitly set by your mobile app is also called an application user ID (appUserId).

Note: Unicast notification does not contain any tag in its payload. The notification message can target multiple devices or users by specifying multiple deviceIDs or userIDs respectively, in the target block of POST message API.

Platform or environment-based notification

You can send a platform or environment-based notification in the following way:
  • Specify the platform or platforms as an array in the target.platform object. The supported platforms are as follows:
    • A (Apple)
    • G (Google)
    • W (Windows)