Creating a custom chart

MobileFirst Operational Analytics has several pre-made charts with useful visualizations. Starting with V7.1.0, you can create a different chart type or run a specific query to render into a table.

About this task

In this scenario, you create a bar chart for all active Android Galaxy devices.


  1. Click the Custom Charts tab from the Dashboard page of the MobileFirst Analytics Console.
    Figure 1. Analytics Dashboard
    The Custom Charts tab is next to the Push Notifications tab on the Dashboard page of the MobileFirst Analytics Console.
  2. Click Create Chart. This action opens a General Settings tab where you specify your chart title and event type.
    Figure 2. General Settings
    Provide the chart title, and event type.
    1. Enter a chart title.
    2. Choose the event type. For this scenario, choose Server Network Transactions.
    3. Choose a chart type. For this scenario, choose Bar Graph.
  3. Click the Chart Definition tab.
    Figure 3. Chart Definition
    Provide Bar Graph Configuration for the chart.
    1. Select Axis by Timeline for the x-axis.
    2. Select Unique for the y-axis.
    3. Select Device Id for the property.
  4. Click the Chart Filters tab to specify filters for the data.
    Figure 4. Chart Filters
    Provide filters and values for the chart.
    1. Select the property to filter. For this scenario, choose Device Model.
    2. Select the operator to filter. For this scenario, choose Equals.
    3. Select the value to filter on. For this scenario, choose galaxy.
    4. Click Add Filter.
      Figure 5. Chart Filters
      Provide filters and values for the chart.
  5. Click the Chart Properties tab.
    Figure 6. Chart Properties
    Provide thresholds and values for the chart.
    1. Enter a threshold name.
    2. Enter a threshold value.
  6. Click Save. Repeat steps 1-5 for all filters that you want to apply.

What to do next

For more advanced usage, see Patterns for visualizing custom data.