Enabling the Simple Data Sharing feature for iOS native applications

Update iOS native applications to enable the Simple Data Sharing feature.

Before you begin

For more information about how to develop iOS native applications, see Developing native applications for iOS.
Note: Only applications from the same organization can use this feature.

About this task

To enable simple data sharing, you must modify your iOS native application.


  1. Enable the Simple Data Sharing option by specifying the application family name in the worklight.plist file with the wlAppFamily property.
  2. In Xcode, add a Keychain Access Group with the same name as your wlAppFamily.

    The application-identifier entitlement must be the same for all applications in your family.

    Note: By default, MobileFirst applications are part of the worklight.group access group that is defined in the entitlement property file. Ensure that this group continues to be the first group in the list.
  3. Ensure that applications that are part of the same family share the same Application ID prefix. For more information, see Managing Multiple App ID Prefixes in the iOS Developer Library.
  4. Save and sign applications. Ensure that all applications in this group are signed by the same iOS certificate and provisioning profiles.
  5. Repeat the steps for all applications that you want to make part of the same application family.


You can now use the native Simple Data Sharing APIs to share simple strings among the group of applications in the same family. For more information, see the Simple Data Sharing Objective-C APIs in the WLSimpleDataSharing class.