Configuring login modules

Login modules are defined in <loginModule> elements in the authenticationConfig.xml file.

The <loginModules> element contains a separate <loginModule> subelement for each login module.

The <loginModule> element has the following attributes:
Attribute Description
expirationInSeconds Optional. Defines the expiration period of realms that use this login module. If not set, the server will use a default expiration period of 3600 seconds (one hour).

Note that if the server is not running in session-independent mode, authentication to a login module is only valid within the same client session. In session-dependent mode only, you can use the special value "-1" that indicates that there is no set expiration period and the login remains valid until the end of the client session.

For more information about session-independent mode, see Session-independent mode.

name Mandatory. The unique name by which realms reference the login module.
audit Optional. Defines whether login attempts that use the login module are logged in the audit log. The log file is Worklight Project Name/server/log/audit/audit.log.
Valid values are:
Login and logout attempts are logged in the audit log.
Default. Login and logout attempts are not logged in the audit log.
The MobileFirst security framework provides several built-in realms (for example, directUpdate and remoteDisable). In order to modify the default expiration period of these realms, open the file, uncomment the line corresponding to the realm, and change the expiration value. The following shows the relevant sections in
#    Expiration time for built-in realms
# Use these properties to configure the expiration time (in seconds) for MobileFirst's built-in realms.
# When mfp.session.independent is false, a value of -1 means that a realm will remain authenticated 
# until the session times out
Note: To avoid application-authenticity validation failures, use the same expiration periods for the application-authenticity and device-provisioning realms. The default expiration periods are identical, but if you customize the default period of the authenticity, deviceAutoProvisioning, or deviceNoProvisioning realms, set the same period also for the other two realms.
The <loginModule> element has the following subelements:
Element Description
<className> Mandatory. The class name of the login module.

For details of the supported login modules, see the following topics.

<parameter> Optional. An initialization property of the login module. The supported properties and their semantics depend on the login module class.

This element can occur multiple times.

Important: Changes to realm configuration and login module configuration (excluding changes to the expiration period) are not applied immediately to clients that authenticated within the realm before the change. The changes will be applied only when the realm expires or when the client has logged out of the realm explicitly. Consider this behavior if you plan to use a long expiration period: in addition to the security implications, a long expiration period also limits the flexibility of making changes to the realm configuration.